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Everything posted by vsb

  1. if the game's population is so low don't you think the loiterers make no real difference? they'll leave and then the district will still be 30v40 or whatever
  2. hate to burst your weird art hipster bubble but making symbols doesn’t inherently require more “skill” than themes, having messed around with both i’d say it’s the opposite if anything - the music editor is pretty lacking compared to the symbol editor no one is using a theme stealer to dupe midi themes lmao, and no one is paying millions for them and by this logic no symbols are original either i know for a fact that several of the “edgy” theme makers are also musicians irl, and create original (or as original as possible after 2000 years of human creation, for you cynics) stuff ingame
  3. now all they need is a theme kiosk :^)
  4. as far as im aware all the "hackers, scammers, etc" may indeed have been hackers, scammers, etc but there was no documentation of why they were banned by ff, orbit unbanned them because and only because there was no proof they broke the rules bans like yours that were left in place did have documentation, so there was some kind of proof that you broke the rules under g1 - not to point fingers but i know someone else who was offered basically the same deal for an RMT ban, make of that what you will orbit hasnt announced any change in unban policy iirc
  5. what relevance do hackers have here?
  6. i think we need new content before orbit starts giving out free stuff more contests would be nice tho, and orbit clearly has no issue doing them
  7. i believe that means there’s a required item that you have to wear if you hover over the exclamation point a box should appear detailing what items allow you to wear the armpads
  8. just like the game by itself wasnt intended to just focus on missions like i said before a big part of open world games is the compromise between rigid structure and freedom of action - taking either away will be detrimental from the poll to your initial post to the post im quoting right now you've presented "loitering" as a problem that needs to be eliminated, lets not pretend you're being a neutral arbiter here
  9. if this issue does steadily grow over the months, doesnt that mean more and more of the playerbase feels that "loitering" is the more enjoyable activity?
  10. guys chill out riot is almost here then the game will actually be dead and none of this will matter :^)
  11. both sides have a valid point imo the game is primarily based around missions and taking up slots knowing that it will negatively affect mission players is a banana move but one of the core facets of open world games is the ability to interact with the world however you like - even if it’s not the “intended” way, and imo removing that ability will negatively affect the apb experience this entire “issue” is just a symptom caused by various other factors, while it might take longer (or never happen, worst case scenario) i think i’d prefer to wait for the root causes to be fixed before trying to bandaid the symptoms
  12. not even sure how “creators will still make money” is a relevant argument, did you just time travel from 1999 to defend your napster downloads? regardless of your (incorrect) personal views on piracy, if this new method works similarly to the old one it means there’s a security vulnerability that needs to be patched
  13. bro shut up i’m about to get some sick prop dupes
  14. to be fair on this, orbit went out of their way to distribute premium in a different manner than usual (redeem code) specifically to include console players i also think there are still pc players who haven’t yet received premium either, i don’t think it’s a deliberate slight to consoles
  15. does that mean players in these countries can’t buy legendary weapons either?
  16. thanks console does seem kind of lackluster with that info
  17. was there any kind of announcement for this? seems like kind a big thing to just patch in without notice
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