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Everything posted by vsb

  1. not really sure what screenshots would prove tbh, we got quite a few screenshots of the engine upgrade from g1 and look at where we are with them now a list of performance statistics or even a raw, unedited video of someone driving around with /fps open would be far more beneficial for the community to see
  2. similar to the giant red “forum rules” banner?
  3. perhaps now that ff is no longer in use @MattScott can give us a few more details on how exactly he was falsely banned?
  4. “a triggerbot is just an aid”
  5. this stuff is known because this was all explained when the unbans were happening? any ff ban without documentation (re: evidence) was reversed, because orbit found both significant flaws in the way ff was analyzing “cheaters” and significant misuse of ff by g1 staff you of all people should be on board with this, ive seen you post several suggestions on how to improve the game for new players - arguably step one is “don’t falsely ban new players”
  6. apparently they buy a lot of social billboards these days gotta win somewhere i guess :^)
  7. i think you might be the first person to quote scripture on the apb forums, at least unironically wild
  8. yeah i worded it poorly it’s not like veterans could just vanish in a proof of smoke and apb would continue just fine, but they (arguably) aren’t where the focus should be at this point
  9. what if the staff cheat too
  10. i don’t really want to defend riot but old players really don’t mean much imo old players are a finite money pool that will only shrink with time, and that’s on top of a small number anyway - apb just wasn’t ever a popular game the 800 or so veterans left are potentially irrelevant compared to potentially infinite new players, although in reality it won’t be so clear cut
  11. unless you want access to the first new content releases for apb in months :^)
  12. that seems a little too optimistic tbh
  13. pvp with a (un)healthy dose of rng results in excessive salt, not really surprising imo
  14. i have no idea how actual coding works, but clearly orbit has seen fit to do it this specific way
  15. obviously a lot of people (myself included) dislike/don’t believe in riot for a variety of reasons, so it becoming the new development and content focus is doing orbit no favors with the current community but at the same time just releasing the engine upgrade will do nothing for any new players and the portion of the community that no longer plays - we’re long past the point where “apb doesn’t run like doodoo” is enough to capture everyone’s interest it’s a lose/lose situation tbh, we could argue for hours about what orbit shoulda coulda woulda done but at the very least i’ll give them props for picking a direction and forging ahead
  16. if i just posted this somewhere else does it count as spam?
  17. the intent is to release riot season 1 at the same time as the engine upgrade theoretically, this would allow any new players lured in by the promising new game mode to experience apb without all the shitty performance issues and then orbit can dump content on them so they never leave imo what’s really going to happen is riot will be an abysmal failure, the engine upgrade will be a buggy mess because it’s an engine upgrade, and orbit will be too busy scrambling to fix engine upgrade issues before the rest of the diehard community gives up on apb to pump out enough content to entice the few new players who get suckered in by riot
  18. removing the need to choose between different mods for different advantages lessens the depth and strategy imo either way im not sure you really need to think on your feet for a shield, and what strategy do you use for an ammo box? chances are opp isn’t going to attack you with one - it not like they’re offensive weapons (aside from memeing on someone)
  19. i would like to order one BLYAT! gun please with a side of fries
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