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Everything posted by vsb

  1. the engine upgrade will make both gun balance and new content easier servers would be nice but other than the ddosing i think most of us are used to the “normal” underperforming servers
  2. i’d like to cordially invite you to shut your mouth
  3. thanks for your input
  4. she also randomly false banned people p.s. how do you manage to fuck up the quote system every single time
  5. i cant wait to gather materials for my legendary ntec
  6. hate to rain on the parade, but before sexual chocolate started the whole archangelus shtick shouldnt yall have told ur clan members not to post their dethreating adventures anywhere?
  7. given that the current community has railed against br modes even before we truly knew what riot was going to be, i cant imagine orbit thinks riot is for the veterans i think its a little confusing as to what orbit is aiming for because it seems so weird to pin future hopes on such a volatile game mode
  8. sorry i dont scrim without the boys come back with ur crew and maybe we'll talk
  9. lol bruh take that down u dont even have 2.0 kdr
  10. what part of riot isn’t a br mode?
  11. the hypocrisy is off the charts lmao
  12. hoodwinked by the english language again, damn
  13. you have to choose a vote for each question cmon man
  14. if the customers are offering to work before making their own meals and afterwards offering to stay and clean up isnt it a good compromise? i hate analogies can we not do this
  15. i'll take your word on that, ive only played csgo extensively enough to compare
  16. we cant choose multiple main focus options so i just picked "other" apb needs the engine upgrade, then (providing the engine upgrade really makes development easier) apb needs a careful balance of new content and old balance/bug fixes if it were up to me i'd have brought back anarchy/chaos districts instead of riot mode, its something that would be way easier than riot to get up and running on the current engine (just throw in some randomly spawning objectives so people actually use the whole map and enable role/contact progression) and once the engine upgrade is released theres way more potential gameplay depth than riot imo
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