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Everything posted by vsb

  1. aside from the obvious low population issues on a certain server, i’m more concerned that it seems like all new content is going to be tied to riot, at least for the first few seasons
  2. which is why i havent even mentioned it btw ive yet to say anything is op why do you keep bringing this up? its irrelevant to the discussion lmao i didnt realize pointing out flaws and suggesting changes was complaining at this point its clear that this whole conversation has gone over your head there is no "depth" with the current consumables because you either use ammo box or shield, the other consumables arent even worth mentioning - thats not depth, thats an obvious sign of imbalance why? we've gone back and forth on this and yet all youve had to offer is "no", "you're wrong", "you're bad" oh and "adds depth" which is clearly wrong quoting the exact thing that im discussing seems pretty normal, why would i quote something that im not replying too?
  3. did i say andyjames the spotter guy?
  4. i quoted the part relevant to my argument, nothing more nothing less
  5. everyone in this thread is discussing the subjects covered in the op your post (and now mine) are the most off topic of all, congratulations on derailing the thread
  6. here we go again do you understand what context means? we'll circle back to this shortly dont worry what does a poor combination of mods have to do with anything? is the hvr suddenly a weak weapon because you can use heavy barrel on it? i literally provided an example of why a player would use mobile resupply box, good reading comprehension what? you're the one who just assumed i want consumables nerfed because i lose fights because of them - thats it, thats the entire context pretty stupid assumption tbh, why would i put myself at a disadvantage by not using consumables? which one of us is "taking a sentence of its context" now? am i allowed to call you a dumb cockhead at this point? fire up those brain cells i have a piping hot take for you apb has tons of rpg mechanics already so you've suggested (in this very thread) that consumables should be normal permanent character mods and yet you also dont want them to have a downside like a majority of current character mods? yet again you're making wild assumptions, good job bud using smaller words didnt seem to help you understand anything, thats a shame
  7. that was the perfect place for a watchmen quote im a little disappointed in you kev
  8. what if they're the ones that need to be replaced?
  9. sorry will use small word so no hard no balance i say why use mod, i no think why is good i no talk of lose game, why you talk of lose game? all mod have trade why no trade for yellow mod? i no talk of kill, why u talk of kill? u spell bad
  10. do you just not understand the fundamental concepts of balance? if item A and item B both have the same use but item B is superior, item B is not balanced it "allows" more builds at the expense of forcing tradeoffs, the very concept apb is built on e.g. instead of choosing between ammo resupply or blowtorch, a player can have ammo resupply and blowtorch i sincerely doubt that shield was implemented so players could run into the open and magic up cover, but i guess there's no real way to know what g1 was thinking same issue as above instead of having to choose between shield or ammo, you can have shield and ammo well yes obviously its only certain "builds", because only certain "builds" are unbalanced use your brain
  11. you technically can get them at any rank the problem is that they're classified as random mission rewards but know what else is classified as random mission rewards? every single symbol and every emote - when your max rank chances are you've unlocked all or nearly all of those already, so you roll "consumable" reward way more often than someone who has only unlocked half of them this is what i meant here a r150 with 3 or 4 consumables has is at a disadvantage vs a r250 that can spam ammo boxes for every stage of every mission
  12. ammo box is a direct upgrade over the mobile resupply mod ammo box also leads to more prolific use of alternate character mods (spotter/blowtotch/det) with no downside consumable reward system causes imbalance between players still ranking up and players who are max rank mail box spam (even the most minor issue still hasnt been fixed lol) shield rewards poor positioning with a "save button" 2 consumables are at best not worth using, and at worst completely worthless the broad problems with consumables i can think of off top, satchel charges are the only consumable that doesnt have glaring flaws
  13. consumables were railed since g1 first announced them and true to community expectations they've caused nothing but issues since, where have you been?
  14. it’s not rocket science, they just don’t care
  15. why is this thread still alive dumb if you had asked for an automatic system maybe a case could be argued despite the resources and dev time that would have to be taken from more important projects, but a manual system? laughable 1) GMs are basically glorified spcm members - they clearly already struggle to handle current ingame issues and there’s widespread doubt that they do anything constructive, these are the people you want deciding who gets to play and who doesn’t? 2) when was the last time you thought your /report had any effect on the game? and do you truly think a GM sifting through /reports will respond to loiterers in a timely manner? 3) the backlash from GMs arbitrarily booting players from districts will immediately outweigh any negative effects caused by loiterers, who the fuck is going to log into apb (a game that already disconnects and crashes frequently) for the chance to get booted by a GM even if playing the game “correctly”? because even you yourself can’t be objective about this dumb you just lost the thin pretense of objectivity you had, why is one “mechanism that was introduced by the developers” treated any different from another? why is one “goal to gain” different from another? because that’s a slippery slope - will players be booted for ramraiding too slow? too inefficiently? will enforcers be booted for only delivering stolen cars? will criminals be booted for only mugging? what happens when a GM boots you because you’re literally too good and have spent 30 minutes “loitering” because the matchmaking system isn’t giving you opp? looks like you weren’t really reading then (shocker), these questions were brought up earlier yeah it’s a dumb fucking opinion, got that crystal clear from post number 1
  16. i was told there would be snacks provided
  17. i think i'd prefer low yields to lose damage and radius, just taking away a grenade still leaves them superior to frags imo something like 490 damage and 4m/5m radius, instead of 575 damage and 7m radius for consistency's sake, the same cd as the meteor mod - 90s all consumables should have 60s cd ammo box should only resupply 25% of max ammo (this would theoretically prevent grenade resupply) shield health reduced slightly (i think 60% is too much), and shield model/hitbox size should be adjusted to the same height as environmental crouch cover epinephrine seems fine tbh boombox could actually use a buff i think, perhaps have it disable carspawners within x radius (since it fools player's radars why not player mods as well) source - riot rundown blog post i agree with everything else for the most part
  18. the only way i know of to re-enter a mission is the /dnd trick possible bug i guess
  19. thats really deep confucius, let us know when ur back to mortal thoughts
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