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Everything posted by vsb

  1. iirc none of the anarchy/chaos districts have had objectives, thats why they sucked
  2. vsb

    maws or paws

    im more of a coleslaw man myself, cant get enough of the stuff
  3. as if that wouldnt be great
  4. username - canthony pritchtano password - b3stt33th1nth3g4m3
  5. looks like there will be significant map additions/changes? if so, fantastic
  6. this is a parody account right?
  7. still nice to see genuine effort from the devs when stuff doesnt go according to plan, no matter how many times it happens
  8. dinosaurs confirmed for new content?
  9. vsb

    SteamOS [ProtonDB]

    idk what any of this means, im just posting to say steam sucks
  10. are we talking about the tree, the vegan, the animal, or the burger because one of those is a felony
  11. vsb

    Enough ((

    ok no more patches guys, op must be obeyed time to pack up and go home
  12. op wants to use "less visual recoil" excuse, but refuses to consider the "less visual fov" downside cant have it both ways
  13. they arent even that far off for me, $2.50-ish a gallon last time i filled my tank
  14. here's a crazy idea maybe every 3rd player who uses a stretched image is just a better player than you
  15. it def adds to the experience, but if the UI is limited to the center monitor doesnt that mean nametags are too?
  16. what about cutting down a tree to kill an animal
  17. vsb


    that goes both ways is it ironic or hypocritical that you’re happy a past cheater is onboard with your doom squad yet you want to blame the community for killing the game?
  18. that’s not how you “level” something pal 16:9 players also “wave the mouse side to side” and they still have a larger fov lmao yeah right, people are totally going to stop playing because the resolution options changed, do you even hear yourself? ”players with camo pants” are already disappearing, that’s so 2018
  19. we've gone years without 3 fc map selections because the district select UI is so fixed in place there's a reason the transition to scaleform UI was only ever half finished https://db.apbvault.net/tracker/5032674 basically seamless transition between different instances for optimal matchmaking
  20. the UI is hardcoded and cannot be easily changed
  21. what if you can’t handle someone playing on lower settings perhaps internet gaming isn’t for you?
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