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Everything posted by vsb

  1. try running a tracert oh this isn’t a lag thread
  2. cant see cheaters if you dont play bigthink
  3. merge it with a dumpster, where it belongs
  4. vsb


    i sure hope this is satire
  5. the timing of this couldnt be better lmao, literally just taking a dump on a certain other thread
  6. we should lock all the “please separate x players” people together and then when they all quit because the game is unplayable with 13 people we’ll finally be rid of them for good
  7. vsb


    did u really think this community was just going to ignore your “controversial” past with apb? that aside, one poor balance change isn’t equivalent to the years of exploitative behavior from g1
  8. >“unpopular opinion” >50% of the community thinks the same hmm
  9. i look for shadows, sounds (that doesnt make sense but you know what i mean), environment effects, crosshair colors, prestige/notoriety increase, etc unless you can actually see the player, in which case you need the red name/crosshair to confirm anyways
  10. hasnt mattscott has already called scaleform a dead product?
  11. sounds like pre-overkill servers these days the servers dont even stay connected long enough to say "jesus take the wheel" you just get booted
  12. its not like theres any punishment for using blowtorch either, and i see way more blowtorches than spotters imo theres no reason blowtorch should just be flat out better than a gas station for everything
  13. the servers dont lag less than pre-orbit, and even if they did that would be far more likely to cause people to see shotguns as too strong rather than too weak
  14. vsb

    Same Topic Again

    all legendaries should be skinnable unlock their unique legendary skin to use on any other weapon
  15. isnt that the whole point? its literally the community managers job to be here and be present - to be the conduit between the community and the staff, but instead the CEO is the one ferrying a majority of pertinent info to us i get that its probably far easier and more efficient for the guy with all the information and all the control to answer questions rather than have the CM run down info and ask permission to share, but at what point does the position become redundant? in the last month the ceo has posted 4 times more than our cm
  16. things do seem to have tightened up over the last few weeks, even the forums mods are pretty on the ball credit where credits due
  17. careful, someone might link 5 year old cheat promo vids to disprove you
  18. i wonder what the exact correlation is between the number of times a game changes ownership and the frequency of “game die” posts
  19. iirc back when it was announced g1 was also pushing the scaleforum UI upgrade pretty hard, so most of us thought that the new login screen was a pretty significant step forward for the devs obviously in hindsight that was not the case
  20. as much as i'd like the old login screen/music back i'd settle for just about anything other than the current combo having a mini heart attack every time that damn wadsworth song starts is getting super old
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