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Everything posted by vsb

  1. i dont think the nerf was about raw takeout speed, but rather the jg/pig (and the other pig combos) being able to significantly outpace other ltl without giving up lethal options i would have made jg/pig more difficult or risky instead of outright removal, but orbit seems intent on more defined niches for stuff
  2. yeah i understand how qsing works lol, this particular combo just isnt particularly worth the effort for a .05s ttk reduction
  3. i assume because orbit felt the pig was out of line in that situation - the jg was far from the only gun the pig could effectively qs with, i think the only combos left are nl9/pig and scout/pig jg/snub has also been nerfed, and jg/showstopper barely qualifies as qsing
  4. you sound suspiciously like a certain deltron that had a mental breakdown ingame yesterday what about people who rant for hours in district chat and repeatedly send their opp toxic whispers, do you think they contribute to the overall decline of apb as well? a lot of people have already said it, but inaction from the devs is the biggest "apb killer" - not just in terms of content and bug fixes, but in terms of a sense of abandonment that allows players to feel as if they wont be punished for acting inappropriately
  5. because people were quickswitching
  6. no news is good news and no one can convince me otherwise #engineupgrade
  7. the engine upgrade has never been about graphics anyway, so i'm not sure what your point is 64bit will hopefully fix the rtx crashes and have minor performance improvements but at the end of the day its still "current apb" the engine upgrade was the best pr/marketing play the game had, apb 2.0 hype is what kept people hooked even after they quit - 1.30 doesn't bring those people back, 1.30 doesn't get summit to do free advertising, 1.30 doesn't allow for the faster updates and expanded content possibilities needed to keep new and returning players engaged
  8. orbit just got out of a lawsuit and you want them to dive headfirst into another one?
  9. no matter how overhyped the engine upgrade may have been as a fix-all for apb, that hype is what's kept a lot of people at least partially invested in the game i think many of those people saw "the engine upgrade is cancelled" and gave up for good on apb, ruining any possibility of a population jumpstart i have very little hope for apb without a big attention grabber like the engine upgrade, and its not helped when orbit either can't or won't work on simple things like weapon balance while the big background updates happen on the bright(ish) side apb probably won't shut down until there's 0 players because orbit might lose the license once the game is unplugged, and maybe someday someone will build a spiritual successor on modern code
  10. in case this is a gameplay problem, the heavy hvr now has a mechanic that links crosshair spread to damage any tagger mods activating means a confirmed hit, hitmarkers are unreliable, and blood splatter is irrelevant (client side only) at the end of the day the netcode is shit and the servers only run at ~30fps, its always been fairly common for client side actions to never reach the server
  11. i agree that initial spread should not be used to balance weapons, but bloom serves an important purpose in encouraging/enforcing players to use weapons "correctly", without bloom the gunplay is reduced to ttk meta - this is not something that can be fixed with recoil unless you plan on adding horizontal recoil to every weapon, which is simply bloom by another name removing downsides from blue mods is just a happy landings buff - car surfer's downside is baked into the mechanic itself, much like cooling jacket, and hard landings is rendered worthless why do you want to remove weapon mods for perceived "instant upgrades" but also want several character mods to be instant upgrades? sight mods would be irrelevant in a zero bloom balance, 100m draw distance makes fov changes a negligible preference, only used because red mods would no longer exist i dont think vehicle speed needs to be increased with how small the maps are, there are other ways to spoof the feel of faster vehicles bloodhunts movement is wildly out of style for apb, and wouldn't mesh well with apb's maps without massive overhauls - i dont even think bloodhunts movement works well within its own game tbh, a majority of gameplay ive seen has players ignoring all but the top two stories of the map unless they need loot headshots seem to directly conflict with your desire for a more skill-based high ttk game, and would also need large scale map changes for balance
  12. afaik emotes and symbols are linked to specific contacts, so its possible to miss out if you don't run enough missions before moving on the old apbdb site has a 'random rewards' tab on each contact that lists out the unlocks
  13. the in-depth customization is cool and all, but social district isnt where the majority of apb pop sits its not the customization alone that helps with engagement, its the way apb allows players to constantly flaunt their customization to other players saints row might dent the player numbers on release but unless there's plans for comparable multiplayer pvp or something like gta online, i dont see a singleplayer game demolishing even the tiny apb pop left
  14. joker tickets have been separated from the random reward pool since 2020 (patch notes)
  15. some weapons dont have linear bloom per shot, instead they operate on a curve that applies different values after each shot and/or sequence of shots - these values are not represented on apbdb afaik, so the only way to calculate a "minimum accurate kill time" would be through manual experimentation ingame
  16. can you purchase anything else from the marketplace? you might be trade locked, iirc you receive a system message in chat every time you log in typically lasts 3 days i think
  17. the lawsuit was settled out of court, the only public term was orbit purchasing descent underground outright so there's no info on if additional compensation was included - but descendent claims they accepted a fair offer in order to get the game released faster, even though a court decision seems like it would be in descendent's favor the settlement announcement article was right on the mattscott page you linked, b- homework
  18. ya boy matty really let you take the heat on this one ritual
  19. yeah its pretty weird to be so hung up on cheaters that you insert them into random threads
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