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Everything posted by vsb

  1. it seems to me that orbit wants to set themselves up as a gamersfirst-ish studio/distributor/publisher - they’ve got a tps , a post apocalyptic rpg, a swords and shield rpg (i think that’s what unsung is at least), and an fps/space-thing (i don’t understand descent very well tbh) given that they’d either have to acquire another game or create one from scratch, i doubt dropping a game (even one with so many problems) is something orbit wants to do at this point
  2. all i’m interested in is performance details, literally just a 10 minute video of the /fps UI would suffice
  3. if that was the case then FE would already be shut down - from what i understand there are some pretty big issues behind the scenes, if orbit didn’t care about FE i doubt they would bother attempting to tackle these issues
  4. this garbage is actually more annoying than the server issues tbh i can barely hear myself think over the sound of you gagging on little orbit banana
  5. the only locked thread discussing maintenance specifically says “on both PC and our Console platforms” if you meant a different locked thread discussing maintenance please feel free to link it, otherwise i’ll just continue to assume you can’t read if you meant the thread about the 12 hour maintenance and subsequent server issues, no shit the majority of communication was between staff and pc players - news flash, 99% of the forum users are pc players maybe use your “influence” on the ps4 playerbase to get them to actually use the forums and that 99% number can change ok remind me again why all the other ps4 players would care what you think of apb tough shit, the pc player base has been waiting almost double that amount of time to see progress and yet here we all are, everyone playing an equally garbage version of apb
  6. please explain how creating the exact same situation you think is happening rn for other systems will solve any problems i think you're overestimating your e-fame my dude source? ah im glad its from totally trustworthy people who totally say so, must be a fact welcome to console development via sony taking a month to approve each individual hotfix, enjoy your stay
  7. or just dont play apb with your volume stupid high
  8. active forum users are active shocker
  9. first off, there is no official apb discord secondly, i thought we put the whole “fairfight was actually unreliable” thing to bed months ago
  10. leave it to yood to miss the entire point of my post
  11. have you tried turning it off and on again?
  12. that sounds like an overly complicated fix
  13. have you tried turning it off and on again
  14. there's an elaborate society of cheaters that permeates every layer of the video game industry, cheating with impunity everywhere and anywhere - from professional tourneys to dead games like apb or there are a lot of decent to very good players spread across a lot of games occam's razor my dude
  15. idk i think the positives outweight the negatives atm have fun living in a hole somewhere in siberia tho
  16. items put on the marketplace only last for 24 hours no one is using that to store anything lol, people are just displaying what items they have available as much as i want more theme space, increasing that won’t affect what people post on the mp
  17. your glowing presence on the forums is enough, no other compensation is necessary seriously dont give these greedy bastards anything :^)
  18. he's in the negative rn, drooling everywhere
  19. probably as soon as its back up and running i'd say
  20. cooky is poor of character, does that count?
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