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Everything posted by vsb

  1. “just put terrorists in jail and terrorism will stop” ok bud
  2. at this point deleting riot would be a bigger mistake than continuing with riot there's too much dev time and too much publicity involved with riot for orbit to just say "ok sry riot cancelled" without massive (relative to apb) bad pr
  3. good thing that’s not who i quoted if i had to choose? yes i’d prefer to have toxic players that don’t justify and validate their toxicity by blaming others
  4. that doesnt sound like a suggestion that will make fc fair for every threat try again chief
  5. so no suggestions then, you're just here to whine good talk chief glad we could touch base
  6. and yet once the mission ended the silvers stayed and some of the golds left you're free to amaze us all with your suggestions for magically making fight club "fair" for every threat, unless of course you don't have any and just want to whine
  7. here's some real time screenshots currently 25% of na fc is silver dumbass
  8. honestly, i’d rather not have players who get upset over “‘gg ez’ or ‘ROLLED AND SMOKED BOYS’ or ‘GG IZIPIZI’ or ‘GG trash OP’” because in my anecdotal experience said players are usually just as toxic, the only difference is they tend to frame themselves as the victims - afking against “hackers”, teamkilling because “no one is helping”, whining about “op” weapons that they’ve never used and don’t understand, etc actual harassment like extensive griefing/teamkilling or death threats/slurs in chat is a separate matter and while it would be nice if the ingame harassment /report function was a little closer to real-time GM contact, i don’t see any implementation of that not getting drowned in “x called me a ‘hvr camper fuzzy bunny’ pls ban” spam reports - and then we’ll be right back here with the mean-words-are-bad portion of the community mad because GMs aren’t doing anything even as they clog the system for actual harassment issues
  9. you are stupid all i’ve suggested is a way to ensure that any player - regardless of skill level - is basically guaranteed at least 400JT per week, and probably a better understanding of apb gameplay (without the “pressure” of missions) in the process fc is the closest thing apb has to free-for-all pvp and it’s very clearly described as such, i see no reason why it should have a “baby mode” option to coddle lower threat players - if they want to play against “fair” opp then they can go and do missions
  10. this is an unsolvable issue that any pvp game with skill ranking has, while it would be nice to have more active GMs i'd rather they focus on actual problems instead of mean words i'd also disagree that apb is more toxic than csgo - there's generally only a few (if any) of these people per apb district, whereas in csgo you hop from match to match and there's almost always someone spazzing over voip
  11. im pretty sure the hvr is a 2slot too, seeing as its silenced edit: 2slot guns are just fine for anyone at any gameplay stage tbh, 3rd slots are almost always personal choice non-meta mods anyway
  12. riot will save us™ Merged. its been a few years since ive played gta 5 but i dont remember new dlc's removing original features of the game
  13. regardless of what “silvers” complained about the mode died (quickly) because there was no sense of progression/achievement, and no reason to stick around after getting the mediocre event rewards
  14. i don’t think it would ban, just boot you from the game i don’t have inside knowledge tho :^)
  15. everyone with eyes said it was a failure, the districts were nearly empty on day 4 of multiple multi-week events every match centered around the central park/double b area (possibly the shittiest gameplay area in apb) because there was no reason (re: objectives) to encourage players to do more than spawn at the starting contacts and ping each other with hvrs, which is generally considered boring gameplay and to top it off there was no progression of any kind tbh its really a shame that g1 never tried to improve the mode that could imo offer the best dynamic open world apb gameplay, i kind of hoped riot would be an anarchy/chaos revamp but whatever
  16. keep in mind that new ways to earn joker tickets will be added to mission districts in the future
  17. the easiest way would just be to make both fight club’s joker ticket activity based on money earned (current asylum joker ticket activity), as that works perfectly fine for bronze and silver players - all they have to do is exist for a certain amount of matches and they’ll hit the bronze and silver challenge tiers if orbit really wanted to get crazy they could add the specific activities (current baylan activities - kill 3 players, get 5 assists, etc) on top of the money earned activity, to provide a little extra incentive to play at a higher skill level in the end i don’t really think many bronze players are going to be gunning (lol) for permanent joker ticket weapons, and silvers don’t really need that much special treatment - fc is already the easiest pvp area of apb
  18. it’s not meant to be easy, the joker store items are (and should be) something to grind for, something to keep players playing
  19. Apologies, Players But unfortunately renaming the game is being pushed back a week :^)
  20. i didnt know erotic roleplay was such a technical undertaking thank you for enlightening us
  21. i think thats almost as much as ive spent on joker boxes over the years :^) haha not a joke tho i need serious help pls
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