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Everything posted by vsb

  1. another perfect patch guys lets all pat ourselves on the back
  2. something something the abyss back at you blah blah blah
  3. i cant wait to spend money so orbit can pay devs to actually complete patches on time :^)
  4. vsb

    עדכון הריוט

    please stop clearing your throat on the forums thats very rude
  5. vsb

    עדכון הריוט

    glory to allah or something idk
  6. its nonsensical because it doesnt follow the rules of the game mechanics, ideally there would be less exclusions not more
  7. yeah thats just what apb needs, some cat eared freak hopping out of an anime tiddy covered mikro blasting pink fire from their nfas
  8. orbit doesnt seem to be big into sales or special offers, i think its safe to say no
  9. having a nonsensical downside to only one preset gun variant is just as ridiculous as half the nerfs you've ranted against we already have too many guns with unique mechanics due to shoddy balancing, i'd rather not add one more
  10. honestly dont get the nostalgia about blue muzzle flashes i understand they were meant to signify a modded weapon but with how the game worked under g1 it just meant nearly everyone had blue muzzle flash for basically no reason - turning it into a bizarre design aesthetic rather than a rare hint for the more observant player gimme that perfect light pollution tho, i hate that basically every game set in a city has a beautiful starry night sky when it just doesnt make sense
  11. at least its not a week this time smh we're doomed
  12. but the servers have only been down for 8
  13. as far as i can tell error 10022 is related to file edits as in, you can't use any at all game will only launch for me from vanilla apb launcher or directly from vanilla apb exe, everything else gets 10022 "unexpected" error
  14. vsb


    i get that you have trouble with english and all, but the answer is right in the last post
  15. by joke box so lo fix lag IDOT
  16. does win7 even have microsoft support anymore? talk about a blast from the past
  17. tbh i have no idea what you’re saying here if you mean little orbit staff aren’t able to balance correctly then i would agree with you weapon balance is immensely important to the game, it’s a pvp shooter edit: i should add that everyone is free to give their opinion on weapon balance regardless of skill level, most of the time it’s immediately obvious who has practical knowledge anyway
  18. yes there’s certainly a place for theoretical knowledge (but afaik pound has a demonstrated very little of that as well) but at a certain point practical experience is necessary - how can you expect to properly balance for example, a weapon, if you don’t even know how to use it correctly?
  19. i'd sure love to know where you got this info from
  20. which is what, oh great knower of inside information?
  21. considering we're getting a new anticheat i kind of doubt there will be many cheaters cheating, for a little while anyway
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