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Everything posted by vsb

  1. i dont think the game itself is built to handle secondaries with multiple mods, i seem to remember g1 saying something about that before edit: but the fr0g series exists so idk, maybe it was just secondaries with open slots?
  2. nah obir qs is clearly way more of a problem than the 20 guns that no one uses except for memes
  3. because it’s easier to change the preset mod to mob sling than it is to potentially refund thousands of dollars or handle an extra surge of “exchange for x” support tickets? theres nothing practical about straight up deleting a gun even when it’s not as easy to balance as the fang
  4. that’s not very tough, there are two options and preset tagger mods are “reserved” for legendaries (vladivostok excluded)
  5. there’s no other mod that would really work other than tagger
  6. sure am glad we got that update about name releasing that was promised 2 weeks ago
  7. 7/10 vid reminds me of a bonobo track
  8. i don't disagree that it would be easier to test weapons in fc, i disagree that fc is the most balanced form of apb and that weapon balance should be based on fc i'd prefer balance changes just being tested in live action districts but that would require orbit to make changes at least every week, and they seem pretty set on not doing that
  9. i don’t think i quoted anyone in that post, unless you’ve mixed it up with the car gameplay quote which i’ve already said was my misunderstanding, or at least i meant to at some point but fc takes all the problems of action districts, of which you’ve said there are many, and smashes them into an even smaller area there’s no skill present in a mode where you can shoot in practically any direction and hit enemies, there’s no tactics beyond crushing any red names with bodies, and there’s no point balancing based on a mode where literally every weapon is serviceable have you ever tried low pop fc? without the threat of being drowned in enemy players it’s incredibly obvious how little balancing the maps have, baylan is slightly better than asylum (the map that was designed as a no-combat social district area) but it’s still not anywhere near optimal, and don’t even get me started on beacon - in the end these maps were designed and implemented by some of the same people who made the action district maps and they suffer from all the same flaws
  10. but the spct posted dozens of pics like a month ago?
  11. i’m aware that the entire g1c purchasing system was down, but weapon trials are the only case where consumers actually technically lost something due to this bug i also doubt that orbit wants to go through the hassle of holding on to customers’ money for up to 30 days before refunding if all these tickets were to be put at the end of the queue, or deal with potential fraud if anyone’s refund is overlooked not sure why it’s surprising that it’s “all about the benjamins”, orbit is a business after all
  12. afaik the tickets aren’t for failed payments they’re for trials (30 minute/3 hour 35% discount) that were used while it was impossible to complete armas purchases, i’m pretty sure that’s something being handled in house
  13. as one of the top spenders i really don't mind, but then again i also don't have any tickets in queue it seems logical to me that this would be solved asap tho, otherwise orbit could technically be liable for false advertising or something?
  14. as i already mentioned cooldown timers are already present on consumables, and being shown you've been spotted merely brings spotter in line with all other tagging mechanics you've yet to provide any positive result of consumables remaining in their current state thats worth the irritation that state causes
  15. car det and spotter dont need annoying mechanics for balance judging by orbit's rebalance of supply box i'd wager its pretty likely that the trash consumables will remain trash consumables already have a cooldown to prevent spamming, absolutely nothing would change from making consumables permanent mods aside from positives - less new player imbalance, less mailbox spam, less inventory mangement, less difficulty unlocking other random rewards, etc
  16. the dmr sd doesnt have a preset silencer mod iirc, since it was originally the only silenced weapon in apb
  17. strategy lmao 2 consumables worth using, both have “optimal” loadouts its not like making them permanent mods would alter them much, just remove most of the annoying mechanics
  18. are you saying the armas dmr sd is different from the f2p? because it’s not
  19. i can’t believe the fc argument is still going tbh, fc can never be the balancing method because it’s not the primary game mode its like trying to balance character health around riot lol
  20. it’s not supposed to be a conversation, they’re acknowledging that your ticket was received they can’t even get tickets down to a reasonable timeframe and you want every ticket to get a handcrafted artisan response?
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