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Everything posted by Nitronik

  1. Its ok, not everyone can handle being carried. I want to feel like I matter bby
  2. Old thread, but still got a few opinions I'd like to see the Scoped NTEC get a straight up buff - as far as I know it has a shitty marksman movement multiplier, I'd like to see that buffed a bit (standard NTEC should still have better accuracy when moving in marksman) VAS-C2 imo is fine as-is , the gun is pretty accurate but has slow bloom recovery, which balances things out. I wouldn't touch it at all I would not completely remove the windup on the EOL - shorten it maybe, but don't remove it. It's used as a close range grenade launcher, lack of windup would make it frustrating to play against NFA-9 IMO is fine as-is Full agree with the RSA -I'd be wary of buffing the ACT though, seeing as in a pinch it's actually pretty competent in CQC, especially if your opponent is wounded Norsemen - I can't remember if it's the crouch or marksman multiplier that is 1.0 , making either of these better would help the gun a bit. Maybe a slight increase to base accuracy on top of that, too
  3. ARMAS has gun damage as a percentage (which basically means they're moving a decimal point to the left) so that could also work In the example above the STAR would be 17,5% instead of 175 It would also work nicely with Kevlar seeing as that's a 10 / 20 / 30% increase - making your health 110 / 120 / 130%
  4. Heavy Barrel has no effect on shotguns As a test it would be interesting to see Heavy Barrel get the added benefit of reducing shotgun spread, now that Improved Rifling murders TTK -10 / 20 / 30% Accuracy loss -5 / 10 / 15% Shotgun pellet spread ( a far cry from the DOW's 35% ) -5 / 10 / 15% weapon damage It'd prioritize aiming properly since you need to make up the damage loss by hitting more pellets, and their CQC effectiveness will also be reduced, as tighter spread = need better aim = less likely to hit partial shots unless your aim is on point The effectiveness at range would still be kept in line by the damage reduction, seeing as shotguns don't have great drop-off ranges
  5. That's the point. The areas and situations in which they excel are a fair bit too limited - effective weapons for sure, but really niche I'd like to see better marskman movement accuracy all around for them, maybe at cost of a reduced / slow MM speed. Could make mobsling a viable choice for anything that isn't an AMG 556 too
  6. disagree with loss of a life, for TDM. I'd rather have the name tag start displaying on time out instead
  7. Th Interesting how the STAR LCR is suddenly useless despite it getting buffed so that IR has no actual negative effect on it
  8. Th There is a thing I don't understand about this blog post CSG – 620 (from 951) NFAS – 381 (from 492) These two guns (to make an example) don't inflict anywhere near this much damage in live. Are those test values? Did you buff their damage in Test-A and are you now pulling it back? The NFAS damage for instance matches what's currently in live
  9. Have you guys considered bringing over the jump multiplier nerf that's on the N-TEC test B ?
  10. Personally I don't mind wheter they give everyone standard or premium cooldowns - I just want to see the difference go
  11. You can support the game without it being Pay2win The customization boost alone makes premium worth it, given the kind of game APB is. For those who care more about actually playing the game, the cash and XP bonuses absolutely come in handy There's no real reason for the premium cooldown to stay
  12. That's pretty awesome. Any idea on what improvements we might see/feel (hear?) as the end user?
  13. Not really nice to see the whole thread hijacked and the suggestion ignored.
  14. Opinion : Clotting Agent is in a strange spot as it stands - there's three versions of it, with the usage rate being stacked heavily in favor of Clotting Agent 3 TL;DR : Streamline clotting agent by removing 1 and renaming 3, following the trend of R195 mods (which have no levels) The longer version, with a breakdown by mod Clotting Agent 3 is the king. In a game so heavily based around CQB, you just need all the health you can get - it also helps if the nearly constant regeneration helps you pad the TTK of lower damage guns after sitting behind cover for just a moment. If this proposal were to go through, this mod would be renamed and its symbol slightly altered, for the sake of quick ID. Even flipping it upside down would work! Clotting Agent 2 sees some use, although it mostly is a matter of preference. The heavily shortened regeneration delay, coupled with the respectable regeneration speed, make it a viable option, although not the best by far - mid range combat aficionados may want to pick this instead, but the game still revolves around CQB If this proposal were to go through, this mod would simply be known as "Clotting Agent" - it's the closest to default behavior, it just shifts the timings around a bit. Clotting Agent 1 is nigh useless when compared to the other two. It's simply not a competitive choice, and may in fact just be a money sink which only tricks the inexperienced. I don't think there is a reason for it to exist as a purchasable and equipable mod, which is why I think it would be better off removed With the current average TTK, the default regeneration delay of eight seconds essentially means you're either out of the fight or straight up dead - which is why both CA2 and CA3 have so much popularity, while just about every other green mod doesn't CA1 should become the new default regeneration rate. This would help both new players (who get a shorter regeneration delay) and everyone who is not using Clotting Agent. Even in combination with Kevlar or Fragile, the small tweak provided by this mod would in no way be overpowered. Maybe consider removing the downside, and just shortening the default regeneration delay (8 seconds) by 25% Why not make Clotting Agent 2 the default? If you have some cover to use, this mod is king. Long range fights would become infuriating and grenades could be rendered trivial by using flak jacket and pushing back a bit Why not make Clotting Agent 3 the default? Due to how the mod works, even the slightest bit of waiting can break the TTK of some CQC and long range guns. It's mostly a matter of not allowing players to stack the mod with kevlar, flak jacket or fragile. Kevlar users would be able to exponentially pad the TTK of some guns, while Fragile would let you get to cover even faster, making the issue more prominent (so same result for opposite reasons)
  15. I've grown really fond of the STAR - if you run up to someone's face and start hipfire spraying, you may very well be able to minTTK them Another AR worth looking into is definitely the FAR. For "unique" playstyle I guess you'd want to use the ATAC or the Raptor .45 - I feel like the latter is the better choice
  16. Battlefield 4 allowed you to go as low as 800x600, but only via a config edit- That was the absolute lowest however
  17. The Strife has as many pellets as the CSG, hence why a change so small still lets you have such a great compounding effect
  18. It's a fact that they fly further than standard frags It's a fact that they don't arc as much as any other grenade (making the arc more predictable) It's a fact that their fuse time is shorter, allowing you to cook a grenade quickerfor panic CQC moments It's a fact that 2 of them are enough to kill you It's a fact that you can carry 3 of them
  19. Not a bad idea mine was to introduce Luke (but he has no player model) This would work nicely. Any proposed locations? I have 2 in mind. I assume you mean Waskawi? I'd argue he's far too important to be just relegated to Fight Club
  20. Having some generic contacts in the district would be pretty convenient, seeing as there's no way for players to purchase new weapons in it The Chaos District had a bunch of generic looking contacts in place of regulars - you can totally get away with recycling those! EDIT : I found one of those contacts in the *old* APB DB website http://apbdb.com/contacts/ChaosFinancial_ContactFemale_Enf/
  21. post buff PMG was arguably better than the OCA. 0.64 is way too low, but 0.68 is a fine spot for it to be
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