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Everything posted by Nitronik

  1. At that point you still have one outlier though just in the opposite direction. ARs are decently balanced amongst themselves so this situation isn't likely to pop up
  2. I'm concerned with the "buff everything" approach due to power creep, and I used to be a supporter of it Imagine what would happen if, after the OCA buff, they'd buff every other SMG to compete instead of pulling the buff back a little. Things would get out of hand real fast! That's not to say buffs should completely be off the table (NORSEMEN ANYONE???) , but if most other guns' problem is *one* of them being better, the decision becomes much easier imo
  3. Let's assume I were to agree. What does a 0.02ttk increase change?
  4. You mean instead of being straight up better for 10m and closer? It already had a pretty massive edge over PMG, especially the Whisper with 50m damage dropoff and boosted crouch accuracy. (Which the PMG has as well, to be fair) Hey now! The 0.7 TTK of the PMG is still pretty competitive for CQC, you're forgetting it hits like a truck and has a bit more outreach due to damage and accuracy as well I think it's stupid for the whisper to have insane drop-off , but a lot of people apparently don't share that opinion
  5. The OCA was iffy against shotties back when both were at 0.7, right now pump shotties are sitting at 0.73 / 0.77 which would widen the gap even more, and the 0.68ttk would give it an edge over the PMG
  6. I wanted to pick this post apart earlier but here we go Honestly you are *way* overplaying the complexity of the NTEC. Taking advantage of positioning is not inherent to the NTEC itself - all guns require good positioning to make use of them, even something as boring as the OCA - and there's *many* examples of bloom control in the game, such as the CR762, the Misery, the COBR-A, the Carbine (if you want to poke at longer ranges or just not have a bent barrel) Recoil control on the N-TEC? LMAO I personally think it's a fair trade off for a gun that is so apparently so flexible (it is more flexible than a bunch of options not meant to be flexible, I'll give you that) to take really minor nerfs - you're not destroying it with shit like a 0.8 ttk
  7. LCR, AR-97 and Cobra are fine Cobra is finally decent after many, many tweaks. You don't see it much because no one wants to drop 30 bucks on a virtual weapon LCR and AR-97 are part of the "longer range" AR niche (compare to NTEC and STAR being purebred AR and ATAC being a CQC AR) so technically they are not even meant to compete with the N-TEC itself LCR PR2 has insane range with the TTK of an OBIR while the AR-97 works pretty well for near-marksman rifle ranges, with lots of overdamage to boot They don't even sell the LCR anymore! ISSR-a is the only one that could totally use another buff, but again you won't see it used much when the ISSR-b exists and when guns cost as much as they do
  8. Because the STAR would become honestly frightening and the other AR options are pretty damn good, problem is they're either a legendary (NTEC-7) or locked behind a hefty pay gate (FAR) Assuming someone is bad is a pretty good argument too :^) Epic forum quotes ! I wanted to say, I did mention nerfing the RFP, and it clearly needs one - I made the stupid mistake of pairing it together with the idea of looking at the .45 as well
  9. OCA currently sits at 0.64 TTK PMG is at 0.7 Pushing it to 0.68 would give it an edge over the PMG (which is fine-ish honestly) if you jump shoot in the open like an idiot then yes, this applies. Otherwise it's a really effective tool for corner popping and quick CQC peeks where cover is involved, something that most ARs and SMGs are not capable of pulling off
  10. Spain 50003 or whatever? I forgot their name
  11. Those two Test-A changes were honestly pretty spot on. How come we're still waiting on them? For those not in the loop : NTEC : from 0.7 (live) to 0.72 TTK, 30 rounds in the magazine, Jump Accuracy nerfed OCA : from 0.64 to 0.68 TTK
  12. High Mag Scope may get its own niche with the new IR removing the max range limit, doesn't help that characters disappear after roughly 100m though...
  13. At least it's police battery and not teamkills / team stuns
  14. Your average could definitely go even higher if you were to gut some settings - happy to see you come back to this thread to report results!
  15. This applies for when you, a criminal, are cuffed As soon as you are despawned, instead of forcing the victim to listen to the death theme and killcam - switch immediately to the spawn selection screen and skip the spawn timer altogether - using the "Forced Respawn In:" countdown instead. That still leaves you some time to pick your spawn, and will let you respawn as soon as you've decided This should help balance the exceedingly long respawn times after being arrested
  16. I wish the RSA Hunter got a unique model - it honestly was a kinda lazy release for what it is
  17. That's a point I addressed I edited the OP to make it less verbose
  18. New piece of equipment : Electric Lockpick. Equivalent to a Slim Jim Criminals can buy upgraded Slim Jims, unlocking them as they play the game - Enforcers have to purchase them from Criminal characters This item could be unlocked and purchased normally by Enforcers Why not give them something that's a bit more professional looking for added flavor, too - just like their own spray painters " CSA sanctioned tool that helps Enforcers gain access to parked vehicles. "
  19. Honestly price should never be a reason - and most ARMAS prices could use a revamp anyways... :P
  20. Same with the corrupt duplicates. Might be missing 200 as well - what was last week's asylum gold treshold?
  21. we only were told about receiving the tickets - the corruption issue is an unexpected one
  22. I'm not sure I agree with RFP hipfire nerf - it's still meant to be a close quarters weapon after all, and it just means that you have to get a little bit closer to them to ensure a hit in CQC
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