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Everything posted by Kewlin

  1. What about that part where if someone hadn't redeemed a gift on ARMAS before you re-did ARMAS they can no longer redeem it?
  2. *EDIT July 23rd 2019* This post was made before the NFAS was extremely meta, and as such my statements on the NFAS are questionable, and probably wrong. Please take them with a grain of salt. Warning: If you have not noticed yet, this post is fucking long. If you have an issue with long posts, I suggest you just take the poll and leave it there: there is no TL;DR, and the information in this thread cannot necessarily be easily explained in fewer words; there are however pretty (read: fugly) graphs. Forward: I want to “start” by saying that I appreciate that LO wants to try and balance APB, and to be fair I think a lot of LO’s buffs to different guns were good, and their IR3 concept could have been good with some tweaking. I think overall LO was just a little too optimistic, and certainly not quite careful enough. As I’m sure everyone’s aware, APB is a complex game with a lot of guns and mods, and a lot of factors, and as such when it comes to weapon balance everyone has major disagreements. I could bring up many, many examples of disagreements among knowledgeable vets, but suffice to say I’ve gotten into and witnessed many long arguments with a lot of smart people who know APB pretty damned well, and what I’ve come to realize is that nobody can entirely understand APB’s balance because there’s so many perspectives you can come from. That being said, what’s not really up to debate is that about half of the shotguns in APB are laying in shambles right now after the last balance changes. I get that something had to be done because changes had gone live that made many shotguns overpowered, but the current versions of the JG-840, CSG-20, NFAS-12, and Ogre in particular feel like they are the result of bad knee-jerk reactions, and that needs to be fixed. This post is my proposition on how to fix the issues with shotguns created in the last few balance patches. I’m sure there are many perspectives on how shotguns could be fixed, but these changes are how I see it. Please though, if anyone from Little Orbit is reading this, if you take nothing away from this thread beside one sentence, let it be this: If you are not willing to go through a process to fix shotguns of a similar or greater scale than I describe in this thread in the near future, then please, please revert the CSG-20, JG-840, NFAS-12, and NFAS-12 ‘True Ogre’ to how they were before you changed them. I have had many people disagree with me on many things in APB, but I don’t believe I’ve seen virtually anyone disagree that those 4 shotguns should be reverted if nothing else is going to be done to them in the near future. Notes on Terminology and Functionality: When I use the term "assist" in this post I will be referring to teamwork kills in general, or in other words both assists in the traditional and as finishing kills. AV in APB refers to guns that have good hard damage, I.E. they’re effective against vehicles, or sometimes is used to refer to how good a gun is at doing hard damage. I will be using the term STK to refer to more than just min-STK, E.G. I may talk about achieving 3-STK with the CSG-20 at extended ranges or when missing some pellets, though the CSG-20’s min-STK is 2. For those who don’t know, the way the new shotguns damage curves work is every shotgun has a variable that I’ll refer to as its per ray damage scale, which is a value of 1 or lower that modifies pellet damage depending on how many pellets land in a shot. Basically, each pellet’s damage is multiplied by the per ray damage scale raised to a power equal to the number of pellets landed before that pellet. E.G., if we say the gun’s 1st pellet damage is D, and its per ray damage scale is S, then the 1st shot will deal D*S⁰, (since any number raised to the 0th power is 1 that’s just D,) the 2nd shot will deal D*S¹, the 3rd will deal D*S², etc.. Hopefully this is clear, but I don’t blame anyone if they don’t totally understand it. All anyone reading really needs to know is that LO raised the initial damage of shotguns, but also made each subsequent pellet that lands deal less damage than the previous. I will at many points be talking about the number of pellets required to land to reach a certain STK in this thread; what I am referring to when I talk about this is the number of pellets that need to land in each shot against another player at full health in order to kill that player in that number of shots, assuming each shot lands the same number of pellets. E.G. in order to achieve a 2-STK the pre-LO CSG required 17 pellets in each shot to land from 0m to 21m, 18 pellets at 22m, 19 at 23m, and so on, or to 3-shot 11 pellets from 0m to 20m, 12 at 21m, etc.. When I refer to this fact I am aware that shotguns have spread, lots of it in most cases, and likely will not be capable of landing the number of pellets required to reach a certain STK at extended ranges, but I am simply referring to the technical numbers. That said, I urge you to keep the realistic limitations of shotgun spread in mind when looking at these numbers. JG-840: CSG-20: NFAS-12 & Variants: Shredder: SG-21 (“Strife”): Showstopper & Variant: Questions, comments, flames? P.S. LO, please revert the NCR-762 to its state before the changes made around June of 2015, with the exception of the range buff. Oh, and revert the M-1922’s recoil to how it was before the October 2015 patch. These were both bad “buffs” that ruined the guns. P.P.S. My brother wanted me to include this. P.S.Sh. Thanks for annoying encouraging me to finish this thread Ketog.
  3. New England or England? Overwatch for one has no such thing. That being said, Overwatch sucks patootie and I hate Blizzard.
  4. I hear it's coming out right after Scared Pewdiepie Season 2.
  5. This mode would be great if it actually worked well, and I really hope you keep it around and use it every once in a while. I'd like to see stuff like this pop up a few times a day in action districts again, and maybe make cool rewards specifically for each game mode. A nice gunmetal grey skin would be a cool reward for pistol gungame, and maybe some Joker themed skin for Joker gungame (not the Joker Associate skin, that already has a purpose, which I'd like to see come back as well.) That being said, I'm also going to have to agree with Darkzero and say it should award the skin to more than just 1st place. It's very frustrating to be in first place, lose because you spawned 200m away behind a building, and then not get the skin. Or you can just let MICA take the skin slot half the time on Jericho, that works too.
  6. Cool cool, hope it all works out well my dude.
  7. Ehh, I'd rather APB not get butchered more and FC stay having factions.
  8. I like the idea of creaming on other players: it fits with Socks' posts.
  9. Thanks for all the posts guys, good to know I should just not log in.
  10. Sorry, I was not aware that RP had removed the title from the event, but evidence is in fact there on the old forums: https://forums-old.gamersfirst.com/topic/407698-apb-pc-valentine’s-login-and-win-event/?p=4516307 Sorry about that! Still, LO didn't intentionally give out the title, and I highly doubt they saw that as important at the time, and most likely weren't even really aware of that issue in specific. I would have greatly preferred they had fixed the issue before it happened, but I can't say I'm surprised it wasn't fixed. And yeah, even things that weren't fixes per say have had. . . bad effects under LO.
  11. You're aware that forever alone was given away to everyone was given away during valentines day, and LO wouldn't own APB until months after that, right? There's no inconsistency here. Also, that wasn't a bug. Literally how is this at all related? Unfortunately I think this is just a fundamental flaw with the event, and there's no time that works for everyone. . . in fact there's almost no time that works for anyone. Here's to hoping that the few people who actually manage their schedules well don't get fucked over by hackers. There's no indication by LO that this is intended to be an in any way exclusive item really. Heck, I'm not even sure LO intended it to be extraordinarily hard to get.
  12. I didn't say I was the whole picture? I'm just arguing that there are at least three groups, probably four. IDR the exact file size of the textures used for skins, but square weapon textures are 256kb uncompressed, so compressed they're going to take up virtually no disk space.
  13. Nothing wrong with a nice crust.
  14. First off, there aren't necessarily just two groups. Even as someone who doesn't have exclusive content I often want things to stay exclusive, the Butcher skin being an example. I just don't see the point of having it if I didn't get it correctly. Second, LO has just now made two official statements on this. They'll be replacing the skin with the one in the image I posted above:
  15. Get served bro, because now we're getting LEAVES! If I don't royally fuck-up at getting this skin I'm going to use the fuck out of it.
  16. Danke! I shall try my best to earn these leaves.
  17. But does it bring players any more than a new item? I don't think so. And just because one hole of exclusivity has been reamed wide doesn't mean every hole needs to be.
  18. People who are against re-releasing exclusive content: "I really wish you wouldn't re-release this because it has certain denotations and connotations past its visual appearance and has a lot of nostalgia and memories attached to it, and I really think it would be better for everyone if you made a new skin or made a slightly modified version of the skin to give to players. That way there's even more content in APB and we get to keep our skin's meaning." People who reply to people mentioned above: "Stop whining; I want this to happen just to spite you."
  19. I really don't get how someone could seriously argue that the N-TEC is as good as SMGs at close ranges, it's hilarious. This might be the solution to all of my problems. Jokes on you Cooky, that's my fetish.
  20. I'm assuming he meant KDR, or Kill/Death Ratio.
  21. I gotchu' fam: https://www.freeroms.com/roms/mame/apb_-_all_points_bulletin_rev_7.htm
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