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Everything posted by Kewlin

  1. Kinda' along with Zombie's second point, if you feel like you're swinging your mouse around and shooting in every direction you probably need to lower your sensitivity. I personally suggest lowering you sensitivity to as low as you can while still feeling like you can turn as much as you probably need to (E.G. a lot of people don't feel like they need to do more than a 180 in either direction without resetting their mouse, or some people are fine with only being able to turn 90 degrees in either direction.) I know it feels counter-intuitive, but lower sensitivity helps A LOT in close quarters. I have to admit this even as someone who plays with relatively high sensitivity.
  2. I don't know what to say, literally everything you said here is false or dumb. Lol. If giving the JG more than 10m range wouldn't hurt, and I want it, why disagree? There's no logical reason. Why would it make the CSG OP to give it the range it had before LO touched it? And even then, if it's OP at the range it had, the buff LO gave it should be pulled back some, not its range, which is its entire purpose over the JG, fucked entirely. What does this have to do with anything? I'm so fucking confused. Are you seriously going off on a rant about teamplay because I said something about the CSG being able to help with assists at 20m? It almost sounds like you're actually suggesting I swap to another gun because at one point in a mission there's an enemy my teammate is shooting at that's 20m away from me? You're the only one who said the CSG isn't good past 15m, what are you getting on about? The CSG is good at 20m IMO. As I've said, it doesn't take 6-7 shots to kill someone at 20m, stop pulling numbers out of your patootie, because I've tested this and it takes 5. Plus, saying it's spread, not range, that makes the CSG weak is provably incorrect because the CSG has tighter spread than ever and worse range than literally any shotgun had before LO changed shotguns. Just look at my damage charts and you can see that range is the issue with the CSG. 15m would make the gun still worse than it was before LO touched it without IR3, which is a huge issue.
  3. You already get the OSCAR and M-1922 from contacts though, just be slightly patient. I really don't get the issue here.
  4. You're more than lucky, you've been blessed by the gods.
  5. That's simply not true, and if you'd played the JG much in the current version you'd understand just how awful and short 10m is. Plus, do you really think the JG is going to become OP with 15m range? 7-8 shots to kill at 15m is simply a gross over-estimation, and I hope that's hyperbole, lol. 15m is not very far my friend. Yes, and saying you should just switch to a pistol at that range is ignoring that APB is a dynamic team based game. Not only was it not hard at all to get kills with the CSG at 15m before, the CSG was able to rather reliably 5-shot at 20m before, (25m with IR3,) the CSG was able to assist teammates decently well at 15-20m. And even if you don't think the CSG was good at those ranges. . . isn't that all the more reason not to nerf it at those ranges? I don't really understand your logic here. BTW, why are you arguing these points when you basically admit yourself that you've barely played at all with these changes? I'm confused. The CSG and JG both started losing damge at 20 and went to min damage at 30.
  6. I certainly won't disagree with you that range on the JG barely matters past a certain point due to the spread. 15m is more of a minimum requirement than anything; I was going to have a part talking about how it could be given more range I think, but I apparently left that out. But yeah, a full revert would be fine by me, it just wouldn't be the best solution in my personal opinion.
  7. Kevkof, you're really coming across as having never played this event, or at the very least having not applied critical thinking to it. Darkzero is 100% correct in that the zone is 100% unreliable and unpredictable. You can be in the dead-center of the zone and not be in the event, and you can be outside of the zone and be part of the event.
  8. The difference is we understood that this was an issue before the event even started, but LO apparently didn't (or seemingly implies they didn't, though IDK if that makes it worse or better.) Recognition does nothing to help the problem, and it was such an obvious problem I think anyone who plays APB immediately recognized it.
  9. Are you suggesting that I need to be a responsible human being? HOW DARE YOU! That's what the nanny-state is for! You hurt my feelings so bad that I'm moving to China now.
  10. Lol, I mean, I get that you have to take this kind of thing sort of seriously, but at this point people are just constantly looking for excuses to copy+paste sob stories about how they're leaving APB. People say they're leaving APB all the time whether they are or aren't, and plenty of people leave without a word. People will not be pleased, and if they're actually leaving over a sale, then they almost certainly were not really in the game anyways.
  11. 10m is simply too short and would make the gun require IR3, as I covered in the OP. The CSG was fine when it was 20-30m back before LO "buffed" it, and I'd probably continue to not use it much if it was only buffed to 15m. I'm not asking for the gun to be OP like it was way back, I just want it to be a tiny bit better than before LO changed it (like LO wants.) So. . . I'm going to just assume you haven't played the game since they reverted IR? First off, the Shredder is nearly unchanged from before LO, and second, when it was OP it was OP because they buffed several aspects a ton. The Shredder is not currently OP, and I don't think a slight change to damage would make it OP. Okay, yeah, you definitely haven't played in a bit. . . The SG-21 had its range reverted (albeit, LO didn't mention that its range was reverted.) The gun's a tiny bit better than it was before LO touched it now. Oh shit, you got me man, you just countered my whole fucking thread with a single sentence, I'm ashamed of myself. No, but really, there's nothing intrinsically wrong with the new pellet mechanic, they just need to be used right. You apparently stopped reading before that because I never said I wanted the JG to go 25m before it started dropping off, and it never had a 15m dropoff to begin with. . . unless you just can't write and you meant giving it a dropoff of 15-25m. But yeah, I'm assuming you just can't read because I'm trying to get the JG closer to back how it was, and the post was pretty damned clear about that IMO. Plus, I made it perfectly clear several times in the thread that I'd be fine with shotguns being reverted instead of my suggestions being taken.
  12. I commend you for your efforts Darkzero, you're a true hero of the people.
  13. Agreed, I really don't see how anyone could complain TBH if that was the way it worked.
  14. The way grammar works "only" is not required, "if" will mean virtually the same thing in this case. Unless you're referring to "only a bit easier," in which case, yet again, that's just what you effectively said even if it's maybe not what you meant.
  15. Agreed, the only time JMBs were an issue was when new JMBs, way too many JMBs, or power JMBs were given away TBH. Absolutely not, I'd take literally any other monetization method over this TBH, IMO it's just cancer. First off, limited time exclusive items should be avoided as much in possible in a game that's most major draw is probably customization. I already dislike the few limited time exclusive customization items in the game (albeit I think they should remain exclusive, since I know somebody is going to call me a hypocrite.) Second, the battle pass almost entirely falls apart without forcing an addiction cycle through exclusives, so why bother?
  16. Why exactly do you need 90 days of premium in specific anyways?
  17. Ayy, I'd like to see this or a dedicated storage instead of just using mail.
  18. Cool, looking forward to trying the event again now that it hopefully works better.
  19. Hey, the fact that you figured something out for having it be account bound is cool at least, I'll admit that's impressive at least for such a short turn-around. As one of the people who asked for it to be account bound. It seems like you all kinda' jumped into the deep end in a lot of ways, you'll figure it out.
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