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Everything posted by Kewlin

  1. Honestly, I'm not even sure the way to go is test districts as much as going for, say, a month rapidly tweaking one weapon. Sure, use a test district for major reworks, (which I don't like to begin with generally,) but I don't see why they couldn't just make constant tweaks to, for example, the N-TEC over a month until it seemed good. I would like the weapons in those two packs to be debundles, though to be fair, you do get a whole bunch of shit for what's essentially the price of two mid-priced guns.
  2. If it sucks then it should be avoided, period. Plus your forgetting that it could very well be roughly 100 chances in each district. How does that make it better? If anything that makes it worse because you're defacing something that's someone's way of remembering the 2012 and all of their friends who left since then. It doesn't matter if a single player gets it, it's the principle of the fact that it's destroying the meaning of the skin that matters. Exclusivity in cases like this isn't about numbers, it's about meaning. And how exactly does fucking over players who like their exclusive skin instead of adding a new skin draw in more players? I'm not clear on this point. I don't even care, as I've said before, if it's a slightly modified version of the butcher skin, it just should not be the same exact skin. P.S. for reference, for anyone who doesn't know, I don't have the butcher skin, just to make that clear.
  3. I'm pretty sure you just entirely reversed what Nitronik was saying by missing the fact that it was sarcasm. Would you actually not complain if someone took a huge dump on a plate of free food they gave you? You probably would, so it was sarcasm. Just because you don't pay real world doesn't make something "worthless" even if it's "free," just like free food isn't worthless. In the same way, saying it makes sense for G1 to give away an exclusive item again just because they didn't pay real world money for it is dumb.
  4. First off, I was complaining that they're making the skin not exclusive. Even if, as I suggested in the thread you linked, they changed the skin EVEN SLIGHTLY, I'd be pretty much fine with it, but giving the same skin is just dumb. Even Tiggs giving out the skin to random people, as dumb as that was, was at least a little more exclusive than this. Second, what's with all the people stalking me this week?
  5. No no no, it's not that simple. Exclusive items are like a monogamous relationship, and non-exclusive items are like a polyamorous relationship, but exclusive items that become non-exclusive are cheating, so those in specific are floozy-items.
  6. I'm confused, was this like a certain someone being the only one with a 1-slot CSG?
  7. Fuck, and I thought that analogy was perfect. Some day I'll be the Chad of analogies. At least my Asylum skin is pure and faithful to me still, even if it'll be whored out one day.
  8. Because LO apparently has a thing about owning as much of your time as they can, hence last event requiring you to play 10 days basically in a row. If you aren't willing to commit to playing APB 3 times a day for three weeks. . . you might just not be cool enough to earn this skin. So quit your job and disown your family, because what really matters is APB Reloaded. And you know that somebody might have to do that to get the skin, 'cause only one person gets it per district.
  9. That really has to be the dumbest meme argument, just stop please. I don't like exclusive items being added to a game, but if something's exclusive it should be exclusive. Think of it like a relationship: if you've got a partner who's supposed to stay loyal to only you, it's bad if they fuck everyone in town, but if it's an open relationship it's okay. Exclusive items are that monogamous relationship.
  10. Yeah. . . well. . . . . . yeah, I have nothing to say, it's just depressing and stupid. LO barely made a functional skin for the last event, so I guess they're not going to make one for this.
  11. No, it's a pretty shitty choice TBH, but we already said that and they obviously didn't care, so. . . nothing we can do about it I guess.
  12. If it wasn't about the reward I'd just play missions, because missions are the core of APB and they're more fun. I have two modes, APB event mode where I just farm the event and hate APB, and APB normal mode, where I play APB when I feel like it and stop playing when I'm not having fun.
  13. I'm sorry Lixil, but if you're going to spew inconvenient facts at me like that you leave me no choice but to meme at you now. Is it impossible to set up the event to save a list of winners and then after the event ends send them all codes for an account-wide skin? *EDIT* Or use the ARMAS event system. You silly person! I WAS GOING TO SAVE THE DAY AND POST THAT PICTURE!
  14. Not gonna' lie, this seems absurdly silly in an event where only 100-ish skins are being given out. Is there some technical restriction I'm missing? Because I swear rewards have been given out account-wide before. I strongly urge you all to try and change this. I'm against event rewards being character bound in general, but in this particular instance its ridiculous. *EDIT* Sorry, 100 chances, obviously more than 100 skins. I'm assuming there will be a minimum player count like in asylum or something, but who knows.
  15. Sorry about that my dude. You seem alright. I'd really only say the N-TEC is actually good at mid ranges IMO, it just so happens it can kinda' pass in close quarters. If I wanted an AR that does a little bit of everything from CQC to mid range I'd use the COBR-A personally. Also, obviously all ARs are almost useless past mid range, but that's a given. That said, I honestly feel like more than ever nobody is using anything beside the N-TEC. I have no clue why when there's so many weapons that are as good or better, (E.G. the CR762,) but it's starting to get old, and I wouldn't hate a nerf. Personally I'd like to see making its weaknesses worse instead of nerfing its strengths, something like increasing bloom in full-auto so its worse in CQC. Yeah, I just think buffing guns that are already viable because they're under-used is rather. . . dangerous. Yeah, I feel you man, sorry for the dumb comment, it was uncalled for. Just write what you feel and double check to make sure it fits with reality before you post it, and you should do fine here. Who knows if it'll help, but hopefully talking will get LO to get the issues with the game better. If you want a suggestion for a "not-N-TEC" that's really fun and actually good, I highly suggest the S1-NA Rabid, it's definitely one of my favorite guns in the game ATM. On the subject of issues though. . . I think my favorite new one is that enemy dots on the map are now a missing character symbol instead of red circles. . .
  16. Please, please, PLEASE tell me you made the skin account wide. If the skin isn't account wide this has to be one of the silliest events of all time. I'm not crazy about the event to start with, but if the skin's character bound it's totally bleh IMO.
  17. Please don't act like any of these things your saying are original or revolutionary. The N-TEC isn't really OP, it's just the 4x4 of guns: easy to use and versatile. Sure, it could use a slight nerf, but honestly every other AR except maybe the LCR and ISSR-a can compete with it fine. The OCA is not the best SMG TBH, but it does need to be reverted, yes. Totally incorrect. The ACT 44, RSA, UL-3, Flaregun, SAS-PDW, and Nano as well as their variants are all good at the very least. Also, I think it's funny that you're saying the Yukon can now barely get a kill in a single mag when the change it got was a RoF nerf, which could never have that effect. (Though it wasn't a nerf, as it was never intended to be the way it was.) I'll totally agree on this point, the Anubis needs to be fully reverted to pre RP balance patch, with the exception of its range. As other people have said I believe, silencers shouldn't be touched balance-wise until tracers are fixed, and thus they have a purpose again. Then we can look at balancing them. Honestly. . . every LMG in the game is great, just people don't use them because APB is a very fast paced game so purposefully slowing yourself down is a hard pill to swallow. If you make the sacrifice though they're extremely rewarding though. . . . . . unless you're using the S1-TIC Rabid, then there's no sacrifice, it's just the really funky silly person child of the AR and LMG class, amazing gun though. And for the love of all that's good, please don't take this suggestion in particular LO, having to crouch is a huge part of what makes LMGs fun. I love having to find a location to sit and commit to it. The N-SSW is one of the best guns in the game TBH, (albeit sometimes hard to use,) and plenty of under-used ARMAS guns are amazing, E.G. the ISSR-B, which I consider to be the single best gun in the game, or the S1-NA Manic, which I believe is objectively the best SMG in APB. Play around with the ARMAS exclusives more and you might be surprised what you find, albeit your wallet might be a bit more empty.
  18. The only thing you ever won at was nothing, I'm the winner, and second place is no place.
  19. I believe it does, but I could be wrong. Good luck.
  20. RP did that, and nobody really wanted to play it TBH.
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