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Everything posted by Kewlin

  1. I'm currently working on an in-depth thread talking about the underpowered shotguns, but my basic opinion is the CSG and JG need their RoF reverted, the CSG needs more range, and the JG needs to have a more forgiving pellet damage curve.
  2. Not having to play 10 out of 14 days. Would help TBH.
  3. Thanks for both changes. It's better to catch the symbol thing early and mess up a few symbols than to have it go on forever so it can never be fixed well.
  4. Update guys! The new patch notes say that everyone will get one of the three new Halloween skins as a login reward if they log in after tomorrow's patch! So we got one out of two things we asked for in this thread at least! Thanks for the support everyone, here's to hoping we can get the other thing!
  5. Thanks for the login reward skin! At least 141 people should be very grateful.
  6. I am very sorry to you all, this has all been a huge mistake based on a minor error in db.apbvault.net, and I have edited the OP to include my apology.
  7. Yeah. . . I would appreciate that as well. . . It's a matter of preference, so basically the same reason that there are assault rifles in the game beside the N-TEC and secondaries beside the FBW, .45, and RFP. It adds variety, and I personally would likely prefer to use a Whisper over a normal OCA, I just never bought one and I don't use the OCA much in the first place. As it is though, I'm glad I never bought a Kris since it now is just a straight up worse OCA.
  8. *IMPORTANT EDIT* I am very sorry about this, but it would seem that due to not owning any Whispers myself, I have became too comfortable and careless in my use of db.apbvault.net, which while an amazing tool and an irreplaceable gift to the community, is under constant development and is bound to have some minor errors from time to time. While I could easily try to pass some of the blame off onto the site and its creator, I take full responsibility for posting about this on the forums before trialing an OCA Whisper to test it out myself, or more closely looking at the page. To be specific with what happened, some time back there was a very helpful feature added to the site that allows people to preview the changes to guns on the test versions of the game, where you can go between the tabs for the Live, TestA, and TestB stats. On the OCA Whisper in particular instead of "Live" the tab is named "Whisper," which caused the site to instead start on the TestA tab, thus showing stats that are not on the live server. I take full responsibility for this, but I just want everyone to know that I had no intent of creating an un-just outrage against Little Orbit, and I sincerely apologize to you all, especially the Little Orbit team. This is an amazing lesson in only trusting totally what you can prove for yourself, and I hope I, and all of you, can learn from this in the future. I should be better than this, and I will try harder in the future. I will leave this post here in its entirety for future reference, but please note that everything I said in it is based on a mistaken perception of reality. *END OF IMPORTANT EDIT* It would seem that during the balance changes, Little Orbit simply replaced all of the OCA Whispers with standard OCAs without saying anything about it at all. The only thing that indicates this beside the stats themselves is that they did this is that they butchered the descriptions of most or all of the Whispers on ARMAS (unless I'm mistaken and they said they did this somewhere.) Now I understand that some people think it's bad that the OCA Whisper had unique stats, and I understand their concern of it being better than the normal OCA, but let's be realistic here. . . the silencer is shitty on the OCA and there's no reason to own an OCA Whisper except its unique stats. The OCA has barely any recoil, so that upside is worthless, and even if tracers did come back it's a CQC gun so it's not going to be any harder to find who's shooting you without tracers really (note that you can A. hear and see the person, B. see them on the radar, and C. see where any shot that hits you comes from.) So is there any good reason to use an OCA with a preset silencer over an OCA with CJ on it? 'Cause I don't see one. As it is, honestly, having a 50-55m dropoff doesn't actually allow the gun to be really effective past the 30m of the normal OCA's dropoff, and the 0.8 crouch modifier is certainly not enough to extend the gun's range far (and consider how slow you move while crouching, completely removing the point of an SMG, which is being mobile.) So overall, I can't say I think the OCA Whisper or any of its variants were OP, so I'm just left wondering. . . why did LO nerf it without saying anything? I would very much prefer all OCA Whispers be reverted to their prior stats. In addition, while you're at it, please make the OCA-EW 626-SD NFCP3 a Whisper as well, as there was already a Whisper with 2 open slots so the OCA SD 2-slot might as well be a Whisper too (I DO NOT, however, suggest making the OCA-EW 626.2-SD "Silverado" into a Whisper, as that could easily be overpowered since it has CJ2 as well.) If nothing else, it's a huge issue that LO nerfed the OCA Whisper like this A. because anyone I know who bought an OCA Whisper bought it specifically because they thought its different stats were cool, so you're just ripping people off essentially with a bait and switch who bought something for one reason and then entirely removing that reason, and B. because it was a ninja-nerf, and ninja-nerfs should never ever happen under any circumstances. I honestly see this as roughly the same as if LO suddenly, without saying anything, just made the FAR use STAR stats instead. For reference, any OCA with 'Whisper' in the name used Whisper stats, the one exception being the PDW-57 'Kris' which used the Whisper stats without having 'Whisper' in the name. If you think the Whisper is OP, give it an additional downside beside the silencer, but don't just effectively remove the gun from the game. Changing the OCA Whisper to a standard OCA is not only sketchy as fuck, it removes variety from the game, which is something APB sorely needs. Can any LO staff please make a comments on this? (Note, before someone makes a comment about how I'm just whining because my OCA Whisper got nerfed, I do not and never have owned an OCA Whisper, as I've never been big on playing OCA. I simply thought it was a cool gun and am sad to see it effectively removed from the game.)
  9. @MattScott Any news on potential reworks for the way the role works? Even if I want a second skin, I gave up on my activities today (I got 10 kill in friendly locations on the three characters I was doing the role for.) I'm pretty close to just giving up the role entirely at this point, which I believe would make it one of only two event rewards I wanted I entirely gave up on. Just for some quick tips, here's my thoughts on every activity: Capture 5 Locations: This one's actually fine. Deal 10000 to Enemy Toxin Barrel Stacks: Also okay, this one's totally do-able, and even kinda' fun. Complete 3 Matches: This one is NOT okay, completing this takes around 1.5 hours by my reckoning, which is simply not acceptable. Not to mention there's no requirements to actually do anything for this activity, you just have to make sure it doesn't kick you. Remove this entirely or maybe reduce it to 1 match. Win 1 Match: This one's fine, plus it gives the bat skin, so that's cool. I like that you put the bat skin on one of the easier ones. Kill 10 Enemies while in friendly Locations: This one's total BS: it's my least favorite activity to get because I have nearly no control over whether I succeed or not. This is totally up to the enemy team, which is unacceptable. Kill 10 Enemies while near friendly toxin barrels (not barrel stacks): This one isn't that hard, but the only reason it's not hard is because it's easy to abuse. The way you actually get this one is by stealing a barrel from your team and just driving around looking for people, then getting out of your car and killing them, with not intent to cap any zones. As it is, if you try to cap a zone you CANNOT advance this activity, as barrels being used to cap zones do not count toward progressing this activity. This activity needs to be entirely removed as it's fundamentally broken. Reach the Final Stage of the Epidemic and Kill 3 while in the Final Location: This one's a good theory but me and some other people have found it to be a little glitchy as to what it considers a kill while in the final zone. Kill 3 Enemies that are carrying enemy Toxin Barrels: I'm sure enough people have touched on this one, it simply needs to be removed. (Though I personally don't mind getting it, because it's extremely easy to cheeze if you have a second PC.) Anyhoo, that's just my take.
  10. There's simply not enough Golds, at least on Jericho, to actually fill up districts.
  11. Here's a pic of me in a Gold district impressing everyone in there:
  12. Agreed, agreed, agreed. The role should just reward playing or winning event missions TBH, or maybe something like capping or kills in general.
  13. Yeah, I've been begging for years for APB to have account bound options for everything, even if it costs a ton. . . (Legendaries being the exception, as Onadan said.) Agreed, I liked the event the first day, but I haven't actually played it really since the first day. Instead of playing the event, I've been getting angry at activities that aren't fun and are against the point of the event mission. By the time I finish my activities for the game I'm just pissed at APB and want to stop as soon as possible.
  14. This is almost entirely off-topic to this thread, I suggest you take your comments somewhere else where they're actually relevant so people take them more seriously and can discuss them.
  15. Imagine being able to be upset about multiple things at once? It's crazy, right? Anyhoo, this has been resolved, no need to worry about it or complain that people complained.
  16. Sweet mother of God, are you doing this event on ELEVEN characters?
  17. Six normal and two uncommon. https://db.apbvault.net/contacts/Financial_Halloween_B1/
  18. That specifically does not work, (note that it says "small" barrels,) in fact if you go to the contact the longer description is, "Kill 10 Enemies while near friendly toxin barrels (not barrel stacks)." But I'll tell you the reason that works, which is because a large percentage of the time the barrel stacks will have small barrels ready for pickup next to them. (The range around a small barrel that you can get a kill and contribute to the activity is rather large, though it can be unpredictable sometimes in ways I don't quite understand yet.) Also, just to make sure, don't confuse "near friendly small Toxin Barrels" with "while in friendly Locations."
  19. Oh, BTW Matt, is it on purpose that the "Kill 10 Enemies near friendly small Toxin Barrels" activity only works with barrels that say "pickup," not ones that say "defend"?
  20. Totally understandable my friend: I assumed the same thing until Speed updated the DB.
  21. Thanks, the event is admittedly running a lot more smoothly than on launch and I appreciate that. It's awesome that you're looking into making the event more player friendly as well, I appreciate it. Can you confirm the fact that you can only get two out of three of the event skins? And if so, can you share your team's reasoning behind that? If you could give us an answer to either of those questions that'd be sick. But you can't buy the skins? The gimmick of the skins is that they pulse instead of being a steady glow I believe. As I already posted in a reply, APBDB indicates that you need ten actions to max the role, I.E. ten days. https://db.apbvault.net/roles/Role0_Halloween_Epidemic_DailyActivities/ No need to call misinformation! :3
  22. Since you're so well spoken, I'm curious, what do you have against the idea of making the event more accessible for people who are busy, or allowing players to get all of the skins? I'd like to hear. What of it? You said there was only thing that people wanted from the event, so informed you of the other things people could want. (Not to mention, some people might want stuff from previous years.) I'm not sure how this is relevant to what I was saying in that particular point. Anyways, I'm curious, do you have a reason that you think it should be the way it is?
  23. That may be true for you, but that's not what some people I know have experienced. Keep in mind that there are several different activities that vary wildly in "difficulty," different people have different skill levels, (as in there's a such thing as Bronze and Green,) and not everyone has the same skill set even at the same skill level. You're misinformed, as there are other rewards that are new and unique to this event, I.E. the new primitives and decals. That's beside the point, especially considering it's basically necessary to have at least two characters if you play APB socially. So do you have a reason that you think it should be the way it is?
  24. Agreed, that activity should just be straight-up removed.
  25. First off, I'm assuming what you're referring to as "the reward that everyone cares about," (which seems kinda' silly for you to decide for everyone by yourself,) and you need to do 10 days, which is completing the role, to get the second skin, as seen here: https://db.apbvault.net/roles/Role0_Halloween_Epidemic_DailyActivities/ Second, saying it takes 20 minutes maximum is quite honestly incorrect: it could easily take an hour or more, perhaps a lot more if you're not a very good player, not to mention many people have multiple characters they'll want to get the rewards on. Not everyone is going to have that time every single day, but they might very well have enough time to do the event if they were allowed to do it. . . not over 10 days. Third, we have no guarantee that this will be a thing next year, and even if it is. . . that's. . . next year. So do you have a reason that you think it should be the way it is?
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