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Everything posted by Kewlin

  1. Kinda' hard for things to stay interesting when there's not really anything new ever.
  2. There's nothing being misinterpreted though, lol.
  3. They didn't even justify it being bad by people not using it though, lol, they just said if it's not good at landing shots that would explain people not using it. Lol.
  4. That's at least how it feels to me. Granted, I think it has roughly half the spread of the ACT, but that also means you try to use it at longer ranges.
  5. I'm pretty sure the FARs were only for Christmas. Halloween rewards include: Glow Skin Clown Mask Pumpkin Mask That Knife Headband Thingy Halloween Pumpkin Skin Halloween Bats Skin Halloween Ghost Skin Pumpkin Backpack Skull Backpack Monster Backpack Witch Hat Bat Wings + some other shitty stuff like themes that will give you cancer. And the True Hunter title, but that was specifically a reward for not cheating during the first year of purple pumpkin hunting. . . so I'd rather they not give that out personally. I might have forgot some other rewards, but that's all I remember.
  6. Okay, so to explain then. Even bad hitreg aside, and the LCR does feel like it has bad hitreg somehow, (similar to the ACT-44,) the gun in MM while standing has 93.6cm diameter spread, (with HS3 of course,) compared to the 68x91cm hitbox; it's not exactly precise at long ranges. In theory the longest range you could get a guaranteed shot with the LCR without crouching (with HS3) is 54m, which is much closer than It's only really something you'd notice after a bit of playing it in missions, but the gun's not really what I would call "reliable," and other people I know who own the gun agree with me. In comparison, with HS3, while standing, the CR762 has only 64cm of spread at 100m, 4cm thinner than a character's normal hitbox. As long as your target isn't behind cover and is standing (I know, big "if"s but you get what I'm saying) you can theoretically get guaranteed shots out to 100m with the CR762. And that's not even getting into the N-ISSR-B, which is honestly probably a better gun than the CR762. In other words, honestly, even if the LCR had a 0.9s TTK, it probably wouldn't really be the best choice at range (though you could argue that getting guaranteed 0.9s TTK within 54m would be OP, but at the 1.08s it got buffed to nobody really can complain.) Anyhoo, I really suggest refraining from making balance suggestions trying to sound like you're informed on guns that you neither own nor have tried hard to use, as it can lead to confusion and various other deleterious effects. I, for example, refrain from commenting on the Norseman and CASE SWARM, as they're out of my realm of knowledge.
  7. I'd agree with you except the unbanning part. IMO it was totally necessary, and honestly most people don't seem to have minded all that much.
  8. "Snip"ing posts is actually a good practice as it reduces forum clutter if you're quoting the post immediately preceding yours. There's no reason to have a huge quote in your post if it's right above your anyways. Also, I'm not adding anything 'cause I'm not trying to add anything, not because I'm not reading, lol. I've gotta' derail threads into oblivion every once in a while.
  9. Can we not? I'd prefer the policy not to change every five seconds.
  10. Why was most of that post replying to things you'd already replied to, and why didn't you just quote like a normal person?
  11. Anyhoo, why in the world do you think downsides should be entirely different for orange mods and consumables, and there should effectively have no downside for equipping them? It's not like guns where using your gun is virtually mandatory, so why should orange mods and consumables be upgrades unlike other mods? Also, BTW, resupply boxes quite honestly has one of the biggest downsides of any consumable.
  12. Really? Because there's not a single mod in the game that has a downside like that, lol. Weird, I thought we were talking about APB here.
  13. I still don't understand how nobody understand what I'm saying when I say something doesn't have a downside. Neither resupply box nor epinephrine have a downside to equip, just like carsurfer doesn't have a downside, and I'm legitimately curious if you'll ever understand that without me trying to explain it.
  14. Nope, it doesn't actually come at a cost more than any other consumable. Also, if you are in fact saying IR isn't meta, that's quite frankly hilarious.
  15. So whether you consider something cheating doesn't matter if it gives you an unfair advantage you couldn't get otherwise or not, it purely has to do with if it edits the game files or injects into the program. I.E. using hardware macros and monitor crosshairs is okay, but editing my game files so that my game is black and white is cheating?
  16. Your comprehension of what a downside is and how they work is sadly very low, just F.Y.I., for example the fact that you think Epinephrine has a downside like mods are supposed to.
  17. 1) Did you just say that you don't care if I was cheating or not? I'm confused. 2) I'm not talking about what's against the ToS or not, I'm talking about what is and isn't cheating. All I'm asking is if it's cheating to do something by editing files that you could do by changing your settings on your monitor or in windows.
  18. Okay, but I just stated that I only did it on OTW when BE was being tested and LO wanted people to test file edits, cheats, third party programs, etc. to see what would trigger BE. I literally did it to help LO test out their anticheat and see what would trigger it. No reason to act like I'm some villain, lol. Only me and one other person have that shader file to my knowledge, so your point is basically moot. Plus, if you wanted more saturation you could literally just fuck with your monitor settings, or are your monitor's OSD and color profiles cheats? If I removed the outline from that shader would it still be a cheat, despite being able to get better (still painful) results from changing my color profile in windows? Windows and monitor firmware aren't part of APB after all.
  19. in-game voip can be heard by enemies, and POVOHAT also doesn't alter your game files or inject anything into the game (presumably, IDK why it would.)
  20. Fuck man, can you read? I specifically said that I only did this in a small period of time on the OTW when LO allowed me to, I don't play like this, or with any custom shaders, lol. And as I said, that particular shader was very difficult to play with. It purposefully covered huge portions of the screen in black half-tone that made recognizing shapes extremely difficult and the total over-saturation wore on your eyes hard. I only made it for shits and giggles and playing with it would be a major pain in the patootie. (*EDIT* Also that particular iteration of that shader also threw away tons of color information IIRC to create a better comic stylized look.)
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