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Everything posted by Kewlin

  1. Kewlin

    misleading porn

    Life's hard man, but you just gotta' keep on keepin' on. I love you babe.
  2. You're right, APB should be pay to win because otherwise they won't make as much money. Also, ironically they'd probably lose out on way more with a pause premium option than removing cooldowns buffs.
  3. What if I told you I have a friend who only logged into APB ever to get all the pumpkins every year? I do agree with you that just adding like 5-10 extra pumpkins for each person would help a lot, which BTW, would not require them adding more pumpkin spawns because there are more than 150 pumpkin spawns per map.
  4. I'm glad you're recycling gun game as well TBH, there's so much content in APB that's not used. Is there any chance we could get a rotation of these game modes being used in districts? E.G. going between gun-game, butcher, drug mule, etc.? (Actually, Drug Mule kinda' sucked, but you get my point I think.)
  5. I was really hoping this was a change to the cooldown system, lol. I don't really agree with Snub on the other things, but damn the cooldown difference is stupid, free players should get the decreased cooldowns of premium players.
  6. Which is why there would be limited uses if the cooldowns remained the same? So either: A. It's made a mod and cooldowns are increased, or B. It's made a mod, and cooldowns remain the same (not instant, mind you,) and limits on number of uses per missions stage are applied.
  7. Lmao, that slaps me on the knee.
  8. Sorry, but the two guns aren't even remotely related. Lol.
  9. seems a bit redundant given that cool downs themselves serve as an effective use limit I meant more like, do one or the other.
  11. Nah, the Curse is good too, you just have to get used to it.
  12. The Rev pack is a great deal, just buy it next time it goes on sale. . . . . . that is if LO does sales.
  13. Yeah, as others have said, please increase their cooldown and just turn them into yellow mods. If you want to get fancy limit the number of times you can use them in a mission.
  14. And a lot of people want to use the HVR in CQC, but that's not what it should be good at. Literally every other secondary except the FWL and Flaregun is intended to kill people by itself, so just use nearly any other secondary if you want to do that, and let the SNR stay unique, lol. Unless you just want to use the gun for shits and giggles, in which case, the SNR serves that role better being bad at kills. Also, either way, making the gun more accurate will have just as much or more effect on the gun's effectiveness on getting full health kills than decreasing its TTK anyways IMO.
  15. What VSB said. This ultimately becomes almost like saying the STAR is better than the HVR because it has a better TTK: the two guns have entirely different purposes, and as such a direct comparison of TTK is pointless. The only gun I'd compare the SNR to is maybe the JD. So what this all comes down to to me is, could the SNR use a buff? Yes, probably, but is there any gun I'd use instead of the SNR for the SNR's intended purpose? Not really, because literally no other gun can do what the SNR does. If you need a 0.1s swap time, you need a 0.1s swap time and there's no other way to get it, and as such I can't say the SNR is a bad choice because there's no other choice. Honestly, if I was going to buff the SNR though I'd buff its accuracy in one way or another, as its TTK feels about fine to me for its primary purpose of finishing people off, but it's just too unreliable with its shit accuracy.
  16. I'd be fine seeing an SNR buff, but 1.0s TTK might be a little much. *EDIT* and I know it's the meme, but the showstopper doesn't even remotely fall into the SNR's niche, the only thing that even tries to go into its niche to my knowledge is the Jersey Devil.
  17. Oh, he's a dethreater! I thought for a second that might make things better. . . but. . . nope.
  18. Okay, okay, so I'm not normally one to bash Silvers, but did you actually just try to show off knowing a lot about the game by showing your log-in screen that clearly shows that you're Silver? This is next level cringe boy, you can't be showing off knowing everything about APB when you're a mid-skill APB player at best. Please tell me you're being sarcastic.
  19. You're right, they're not OP, just most of them are worse than they were before the changes. Sounds like a good buff to shotguns to me.
  20. You don't use lock picks on cars really though, just give them the slim jim.
  21. Oh, my bad, I thought you meant something different. No, they didn't do that, I don't think that's really at all necessary though and adds confusion.
  22. The event tracker is already account based, lol. You just need to make multiple accounts.
  23. Hot take for everyone saying LO will lose money if people trade for real world money. . . . . . those legendaries need to come from somewhere, it's called supply and demand. Do you seriously think that real money trading hasn't given Valve piles of cash because of people opening their shitty CS:GO RNG boxes to get fancy knives to sell? And no, I'm not talking about the community market because plenty of sales go on outside of that. I don't know anything about the legality of any of this, and I'm sure it's a pain in the patootie for support, but real money trading can certainly make loads of money for a company.
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