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Everything posted by Kewlin

  1. Do you mean completing all 34 Crim or all 31 Forcer activities? For reference, that would only take 7 days worth of grinding technically, and wouldn't be all that hard TBH. As it is there's roughly a 1 in 250 chance of getting one every day if you have all the contacts, which is not that bad really when you consider there's no reason you need a contact nano. I'd be fine if they doubled the chance, or put an actually hard way to get a guaranteed activity, but something you can do relatively easily, especially with a friend's help, in a week isn't a great idea IMO.
  2. Pretty sure getting into the back seat of a car can't be on his end, so at least some of it is server side, lol. Side note, I never even heard of that bug, that's amazing.
  3. Basically what Snub said, I'm guessing this is going to have to do with the fact that they're fully pressed up against a flat plane, and the hitscan probably just doesn't account for hitboxes going through or being in the same place as walls.
  4. Thanks for bringing the fact that you're new to the game to my attention, it makes me a lot more confident in your suggestion. For future reference, if you make a suggestion that's two sentences, it doesn't really look well thought out. Honestly, there's not much to add that other people haven't said. I'd be more prone to saying nobody but you can drive your own car TBH, keys exist for a reason.
  5. The current version is 4.20.2, not 4.2.2, lol. And just chill man, it'll happen when it happens.
  6. You posted ten suggestions in half an hour, that might be an indication that you're not thinking things through well or taking this seriously, lol.
  7. How come it doesn't surprise me that Brandon won?
  8. I guess that would be worth trying, still, it would potentially be a little weird with some customization stuff.
  9. Make bricks the one thing that can go through car windows, clearly that'll fix APB.
  10. A nerf to the pioneer wouldn't be awful, but I also don't really feel like it's necessary. Also, to be fair I guess, I have been leveling machinegunner for a while now. . .
  11. Yet again, the game would not work if cars had less health, lol. It's already SUPER easy to destroy cars TBH, if they were more fragile driving and transporting items would barely be possible. Like honestly, even Pioneers are so easy to destroy if you actually want to.
  12. That was definitely an intended feature. Just because you don't like something doesn't make it cheese. To be perfectly honest, cars would barely be usable under most circumstances if you could be shot in them.
  13. Like you just said, and I must have said it half a dozen times by now, in testing I did before the changes the CSG used to be able to 5-shot at 20m pretty reliably, (against a still target,) and now it can only do 221.5 damage per shot at 20m if you could land every pellet, which you cannot, so the gun is effectively useless at a range it used to compete in. The changes to the CSG are objectively a nerf, they need to be fixed, the gun needs its old range or its just a worse JG. When they try to buff a gun and I just want the old one back, there's a serious issue. (Or, just overall, how is it supposed to be perceived as a buff to take a gun that's two shot, make it still two shot, and then increase its TTK? Much less when you decrease its range.)
  14. Do not remove marketplace restriction please, being able to put up items restricted to a player is still extremely useful, and removing the feature doesn't help anyone, lol. If I'm just giving something to a friend I don't want to need to be online at the same time as them, and that's the closest thing we have to mailing legendaries (not to mention mailing other items they can be destroyed by time technically.)
  15. Okay okay, so you're not against responsive crosshairs, you just don't like them for yourself. I can see that, though I personally like them.
  16. IIRC it's pretty much ultimately just a weird bipod, but I could be wrong.
  17. As others have kinda' hinted at, I'm not sure there's a balance point where this would be a sidegrade to shotguns instead of an upgrade or a downgrade, especially not across the board.
  18. Bonus points if you put your hand in the wrong place and break all of your fingers.
  19. The Rabid is one of my favorite assault rifles LMGs though, please don't touch it. (No, but seriously, don't touch the Rabid, it's already fantastic.)
  20. Oh, actually found the one I use. Couldn't be arsed to reverse image search it at first: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/apb-criminal And a few others by the same dude: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/R3Qwe https://www.artstation.com/artwork/nYy94 Yes, I know they're 4:3-ish but I don't personally like wallpapers to actually fit my resolution.
  21. Why in the world would you make crosshairs less responsive, that makes the game way more difficult? Lol. BTW, LO already said that they're looking into crosshair customization, though I don't think they promised anything. That'd definitely be after the EU though.
  22. https://www.deviantart.com/fleet-feet/art/APB-In-Ruins-281721855 https://www.deviantart.com/fleet-feet/art/APB-FTS-281722122 https://www.deviantart.com/fleet-feet/art/APB-Highrise-281722350
  23. Shotguns are (were) fine and the N-TEC is balanced though. Yes, this is true, but you have to keep in mind that the person who is more about long range pew-pew automatically has a somewhat invalidated opinion on shotguns because the guns simply aren't made for them. As an opponent to shotguns, sure, their opinion is valid, but if you balance them around that player being able to use them there's an issue. In general, if there's a group of people who can use a gun perfectly well, it doesn't need to be buffed.
  24. Not sure about some of the guns on that list, especially the M14, but it's a deece start. Here are my contributions of what comes to mind off of the top of my head. Zip 22 Cobray Terminator: TL;DR, it's a single shot "open bolt" shotgun (except it has no bolt, the barrel moves back onto the shell.) https://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2017/05/15/shooting-worst-shotgun-cobray-terminator/
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