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Everything posted by Kewlin

  1. I wasn't being passive aggressive, but okay. Maybe I was rude, but I honestly don't give a fuck about being rude on here 90% of the time: I just told you why your ideas are bad in my opinion in the most precise and concise way I easily and naturally could. You're referring to "rank," not "threat." I can only go off of what you say, and as it is you accidentally used the wrong term, so there was an understandable misunderstanding. If you remove the color from a player's icon, it's no longer a "threat" icon in any way as it only shows a player's approximate "rank." They were RAF accounts, I was only making new accounts because G1 basically asked us to. (Before anyone potentially says that wasn't the intended purpose, they stated that they were fine with people cheating the system as it was a test.) I get what you're saying, and I get your intent, but the fact stands that what you're suggesting promotes smurfing, as it gives smurfs an easy way to face primarily newbies. It would be far more productive IMO to simply match them with players of similar skills, regardless of rank or playtime (as rank ultimately, as you yourself admitted, means nothing, even on new accounts.) Don't forget, similarly, that new players can be anywhere from Bronze to Gold easily. As I said earlier, you entirely misunderstood what they were saying. Threat is your color, I.E. Green, Bronze, Silver, or Gold. Keep on making suggestions, but I'm not going to stop telling people when I think they're wrong or how they could be more correct.
  2. It's weird how if someone disagrees with someone else they're automatically bad, Silver, or don't play.
  3. Yeah, reduced rate of fire was great, that's why the people who proposed it in the first place decided it was a bad idea.
  4. First off, this isn't CS:GO, second, it really doesn't, except at full auto, which should be RNG. Even CS has spread, it's a legitimate balance mechanic used by nearly every game. Because APB isn't about gear, so having a slotted gun isn't supposed to give you an advantage (at least in theory.) Also. . . why did you use an example that's not even in the game? As it is, min damage range is already irrelevant most of the time, especially in comparison to any increase in dropoff range. I can't think of a scenario where I wouldn't take 7+ meters of max damage over even instantly dropping to min damage.
  5. Yes, but that's the whole point: IR should make you better at close range and worse in CQC. Furthermore, adding recoil like you were saying would not affect full-auto in close quarters really, and it wouldn't affect longer ranges where you're already bursting either as you already have enough time to reset your aim.
  6. How do people not understand that more bloom does not equate to more RNG? Do you people full-auto the N-TEC at 50m or something? Do you not burst or tap fire? At least half of APB's gunplay revolves around controlling bloom, everyone should understand this and that more bloom is not the same as more RNG. Hell, you even state in your post that you want IR to encourage more tap-firing, and yet you somehow don't comprehend that the best way to encourage tap-firing with a gun is to increase the stat that forces people to tap fire.
  7. It's not necessary, they can just play with you in Gold, lol. There is no excuse for dethreating, purposefully dethreating means you're a selfish jerk, end of story. It's just you, this solution wouldn't work. 1) I don't know where you're getting your idea from that veterans can't stomp newbies just because they aren't geared up, but it's not correct. Every time I've started up a new account I destroyed everyone the game matched me with until it decided I was Gold, and let's be honest, even once you get to Gold the only real downside you have is not having CA3, which isn't a huge deal breaker IMO. 2) This doesn't even remotely make any sense, because being bad at APB has nothing to do with rank. People can be legitimately Bronzes all the way up to 255. 3) What do you mean threat icons stay but aren't considered as a skill factor? What does that even mean? People need to realize that under no circumstances should rank and skill be associated with each other, as there simply is no correlation.
  8. Doesn't matter if you're kidding or not, if you're saying anything is an "EZ Pentakill" you're an idiot.
  9. Honestly, you should be moving with the N-TEC a lot of the time, even at range. And yes, the SR15 uses a lower range version of the rifle curve.
  10. That's not a legitimate reason to dethreat, just F.Y.I., because the end result is 100% the same.
  11. I'm pretty sure you missed the point, the point is that it requires you to slow down your RoF, lol.
  12. Look, I'm not saying HB shouldn't get a slight buff, but a rework is obnoxious and should really just be a new mod IMO. The fact still stands that there are guns that still can use HB, so reworking HB to do something different is detrimental to the game IMO. Also, I find it's interesting that you mention the Below Zero, as the CR762 is a great example of one of the few, if not the only gun that can rock HB3 and benefit without increased STK, and I'd personally consider the Below Zero as a totally sound setup for the gun. Here's a short list of a few guns I can think of off of the top of my head that I consider HB viable on are as follows: N-SSW (HB2, in fact HB2 is by far the best red mod on this gun IMO.) NCR (HB2, Perhaps not technically as good as CJ3 or IR3, but it has its place.) CR762 (HB1-3) COBR-A (HB2, really underrated gun BTW. HB2 and CJ3 are tied for best to me, HB3 is okay but not my preference.) DMR-SD (HB3) And as an honorable mention, the Nano, 'cause even though you can't get it with HB3 it would be damned good if you could. But basically, the reason Heavy Barrel is rarely used is because people will never like the idea of reducing their damage output, so to make the mod substantially more used you'd either make it so good it was borderline OP, or replace the downside, and at the point where you're replacing the downside there's no reason to not just create a new mod, as there's no downside to adding a new mod and that will simply add more variety, something that I'm pretty sure most people agree loadouts in APB are lacking in nowadays. BUT, if you really wanted to buff HB instead of reworking it, I'd suggest changing the bloom reduction from 10/20/30 to 15/30/45, I think 30% bloom reduction on HB2 would make it a much more attractive mod, and with 45% reduced bloom you might even see HB3 being used. I would not decrease the downside as a buff to HB, because in my opinion that effectively just reduces options, as it makes the total range of damage you can sacrifice lesser, and ultimately HB is one of the few mods that people already use multiple levels of, so I wouldn't fuck with that because that's already a good part of HB. (P.S. guns are much different from mods as far as all of this goes. Not only are there TONS of guns in APB, and as such the chances of all of them seeing the spotlight are little to none, but every mod has the potential to have an affect on nearly every gun in the game, making the effects of changing mods potentially much greater. This is the reason Scott finally reverted IR's downside, because he realized that there was a portion of the guns in the game that the downside had very sub-optimal effects on balance and gameplay. By changing HB to work entirely differently, you have a high chance of estranging users who already use it, whereas by adding a new mod there's no real downside.)
  13. I will admit that I had a brain fart and fucked up as to the terminology between normal and reverse quickswitching, MB. *EDIT* I brain-farted about brain farting, original quickswitching with the HVR was definitely using the HVR then swapping the FBW, then they added the bolt timer and people just started using the FBW first. As for everything else, you never mentioned you were talking about days of old, nor did you talk in past tense, so I assumed you were talking about the live version? It doesn't seem unreasonable to assume people are talking about APB today, not a month or so ago, lol. And of course I'm not applying the same logic to the HVR, 'cause it only shoots one shot, lol. If you're not on target when you pull the trigger you're fucked whether you're using an HVR or an OBIR, but if someone's in CQC moving fast you still have to track for 0.1s while all three shots go off. Basically, if you would have missed with the HVR, you'd have probably missed all 1-3 bullets with the OBIR in the same scenario anyways, but you don't need to stay on target for 0.1s with the HVR like you do with the OBIR. Please don't attribute misunderstandings to not reading so quickly, it just makes you look like an idiot or an pleasant fellow. Just because we might have slight disagreements or differences in how we see theories playing out in reality doesn't mean one of us can't real.
  14. The fact that you're calling original quickswitching reverse quickswitching bothers me. . . a lot. Also, your values for the HVR aren't even the perfect scenario, as the HVR now needs to be scoped in all the way to do full damage, just FYI. Also note that OBIR QSing isn't as reliable as the HVR was because if you miss one bullet in a burst you're a lot worse off. Basically, if you miss a bullet with the OBIR it increases to 1.05s TTK, where you'd be better off just using the FBW, or better yet use the .45 AP and you get a 0.8 TTK.
  15. Like I said, I already reported it and it got fixed, as Beastie mentioned in those patch notes.
  16. As Weeb said, CJ affects max bloom. The only time CJ affects per-shot bloom is indirectly by reducing the amount of bloom that can be recovered between shots due to a higher RoF, which is. . . even then not really increasing bloom.
  17. First, the ranges of the N-TEC are in that graph, second, range curves haven't been changed since this post, and the Scoped N-TEC recently was changed to use the correct to use the correct range curve with a 50/75 dropoff as mentioned in this post after I and perhaps some other people pointed out that the Scoped N-TEC was using the normal assault rifle 50/70 range curve.
  18. I know this isn't directly on topic, but what are your thoughts on asymmetrical threats in missions? Basically, I'm referring to the fact that one mission you might have 2 Golds versus 1 Gold and 2 Silvers, or 4 Silvers, or maybe even 2 Silvers and 3 Bronzes. I personally like this and think it adds variety to gameplay, but I can also see people seeing it as an issue (especially in kill stages, where the team with fewer higher threat players will virtually always win.) Any comments on this? Also, kind of off of what other people said, you mentioned players out of your mission as "ambiance," but I think most APB players can attest to them being much more than that, E.G. when you drive into them, both going 23m/s, and you both fly into the air and one of you lands on a building. APB is, first and foremost, a silly fun game, and I see this as adding to the game, not hindering it, and I just want to make sure we're all on the same page and you're not suggesting some kind of ghosting feature where you can only see players out of your mission, not collide with them. Though I wouldn't mind if certain things were reduced for players out of missions, E.G. removing OSMAW wind-up sounds and grenade beeps, and potentially reducing the transparency of explosions. I can't tell you how many times I've almost crapped my pants 'cause someone in another mission started winding up and OSMAW or threw a frag near me. But that's. . . well, that's pretty fucking off-topic at this point isn't it? MB.
  19. Long story short, if you don't want to read all of my justification, the Scoped N-TEC only has about 1m more range than the standard N-TEC. Given the fact that that the Scoped N-TEC only has increased min damage range, not dropoff range, and the increase is only 5m, I think you're over exaggerating a little by saying it's "more like a rifle." The N-TEC 5 only has 110 overdamage, so it only needs to lose ~18.5 damage per shot, or about 10% of its damage to go down to 7 STK. Given the graph below of the standard assault rifle dropoff provided in this post by Beastie, we can see that the normal N-TEC goes down to 7 STK about 5m after its dropoff starts, and since we get an increase in range from 50/70 to 50/75, or an increase in the dropoff interpolation distance from 20m to 25m, that's a 25% increase in the length of the dropoff interpolation, which means the Scoped N-TEC will have a 25% increase in range after dropoff before it goes down to 7 STK, for a total post-dropoff distance of 6.25m to get to 7 STK, but I have a suspicion range is rounded, so that's 6m. So there you have it, the Scoped N-TEC is effective for about 1m more, and I don't think the difference in range for 8 STK is going to be much better. 1m isn't worth almost doubling the gun's walk modifier.
  20. There are no downsides that will work for every premodded gun, so the solution is not to worry about the downside of IR, but to either change the presets or turn them into open slots.
  21. Everything else aside, I'm pretty sure the engine currently does not support this. Also, not a good idea IMO.
  22. Definitely not more recoil, lol, that's not a good downside. More bloom per shot I'd try.
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