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Everything posted by Kewlin

  1. Just add it permanently to ARMAS please. . . I love fucking around with mine and I want everyone else to be able to feel the joy of using an SNR PR1. I like to think of it as Tiggs' last gift to me: https://forums-old.gamersfirst.com/topic/407754-tiggs-snr-pr1-please/
  2. I wasn't trolling though. . . it was a light-hearted joke thread. Not all jokes are trolling. I'm going to hope for the best and assume you're not a native English speaker, but playful fighting is a very accepted form of joking in most of the English speaking world. But rank is entirely pointless in the context of matchmaking. Fact aside that you just tried to put a postscript note in the middle of your post, what's already been discussed elsewhere, why is that relevant, and why do you think I don't know that? Yes, I do, because it is. I'm going to assume that you're implying a system be in place where it goes by your highest character rank and not go for the low-hanging fruit of saying new characters are a thing. That aside though, first off there's nothing stopping anyone from making a new account any time they want, as many times as they want, and people do exactly that. I've had several new accounts, and as I said earlier, every time I instantly turned Gold and was playing virtually just as well as on my 195+ characters on my main account. It doesn't take much to realize that new accounts are a thing that cannot be stopped, and as such rank is an invalid point on the topic of matchmaking. Second, there's a such thing as players who start off better than others, and plenty of people basically start off Gold, so maybe not a rank 9, but I see no reason a new player who's only gotten to rank 50 shouldn't be matched against mid-Gold players who are rank 255 if he is playing at the same level as them, in fact denying him the ability to play against high rank players would be forcing him into a much smaller pool of opposition, leading to him either having extremely long wait times or needing to stomp much worse players. In other words. . . Rank has no place in matchmaking. So yes, I 100% believe rank 9 players should be able to be matched against rank 255s, and I believe that's a no-brainer for more people who've been around for a while. I mean, seeming as their job is literally managing the APB playerbase, I think that seems fitting? Why though? You still haven't even stated why it needs to be entirely reworked. Even putting rank into consideration wouldn't require a complete rework. I think you need to think some of the things you say through a little longer, or maybe even more times. . . maybe twenty times? I was clearly responding to you asking me if I had any new points to make, and seeming as I've been in this thread almost its entire lifetime. . . yes, I will stand by the fact that me posting my own opinion (not including replying and critiquing other people's opinions) is not really all that productive. I'll give you one more chance to reply to me, but that's it.
  3. What? And were you for real with that quote of me that you took entirely out of context? First off, here's a link since you made the quote un-clickable: Second, the thread is the last person to reply to this thread wins. It's a light-hearted thread where the point is to be the last person who posted, so since I was at that point the last person to post, I had "won," and was making a joke off of that. Please, I encourage you to read into the context of things before you take "evidence" from the find content section of a user's page. Yes, I have trolled on the forums, but at least find a place where I was actually trolling or being sarcastic. Not to mention, I answered your question, you asked what I had done to help APB and I answered with the last two things I had done to help I could easily think of. All you did was make a statement without any evidence or even reasoning behind your opinion, that doesn't really count as making a point. That's greatly over-simplifying the issue, and not really accurate. . . but I'll bite. . . what's your point? Don't bother, I haven't really had time for the forums since they were changed over, so roughly 8,000 of my posts, and certainly most of my actually good ones are on the old forums. Plus, that's hella' creepy. This is a seven page topic that's been up for almost a month: it's kinda' a dead horse at this point. TL;DR though I actually think current matchmaking is mostly fine, and we really just need a better pool of players to select from so it can have closer tolerances when making matches. Plus it'd be nice if reporting dethreaters worked out better, but that realistically probably won's happen.
  4. To bring up two easy answers I discovered and pointed out that the Scoped N-TEC was using the incorrect range curves and got that fixed, and I created a thread with a poll that pointed out that people were upset at not being able to get all 3 Halloween skins, which almost certainly directly leaded to Little Orbit giving out a 3rd skin so people could get all 3. If you really wanted me to think harder I could probably come up with more, but I don't really feel like it. The majority of my posts actually have not been sarcastic replies, and my reply to you wasn't sarcastic either. (In fact I'm having trouble finding what part of it you read as sarcastic. Anyhoo, did you actually have anything to say against my points about rank matchmaking being bad, or did you just want to make erroneous claims that all of my 8219 posts are worthless?
  5. I don't understand why people think rank based matchmaking would help anything, it literally has no correlation to skill. Changing to rank based matchmaking just entirely fucks over high ranked silvers and bronzes and gives dethreaters an easier time because they just need to make a new account and they instantly are matched with new players. (Please don't pull out the "oh but mah gear" argument, I've fucked people up plenty of times with just a stock STAR, frags, an FBW, and Field Supplier.)
  6. Hmm. . . so maybe you should have. . . I don't know, said that you didn't mean something that was literally the thing I was responding to and arguing based off of? And you're the one that said: Please, stop, it's hurting my head. I don't know if I've seen this level of backtracking on the forums ever before.
  7. Sorry, you're just incorrect. I've played Open Conflict enough to know what you're suggesting will just be a borefest for me of stomping bronzes and silvers all day. And I post things longer than one line, but only usually when there's actually something substantial to debunk. If you actually think that just because dethreaters exist, (something that exists in literally every game with matchmaking in one form or another, mind you,) we should remove any matchmaking formula entirely so that everyone's fun is ruined by the majority of matches being entirely lop-sided, then there's really nothing to say beside basically saying you're wrong. You're literally just asking for the problem to become worse by not allowing people to not stomp newbies.
  8. Fuck man, calm down, I just posted a single sentence. All I'm saying is that I don't see how it's better to just entirely remove matchmaking, and thus remove any form of protection against new players getting reamed every mission, than to have matchmaking that has a few issues. I don't know how much you've played open conflict, but it's really, really bad, unless your sole purpose is fucking over newbies.
  9. I'm pretty sure not anything is better, lol.
  10. Sounds like a great way to entirely ruin the game.
  11. Lily, you're a jerk and a fucking idiot, just F.Y.I..
  12. Please don't say nothing's ever been added to APB: it's just wrong and makes you look silly.
  13. Kewlin


    Someone in my household is allergic to beef, as well as some similar meats, so yeah. I've never heard of anyone who's allergic to all meat that I remember, but I'm sure someone is if Bell's allergic to shotgun pellets.
  14. I'm not entirely sure 89% is sufficient for that TBH.
  15. First off, how the fuck could they be a female gigolo, second, I doubt many, if any gigolos make as much as a good QB. He's clearly a uhh. . . long distance mail thrower.
  16. I'll cut the bottle in half and send you some.
  17. Please tell me this is aimed at me: I love random attacks on my character made for no reason. I literally said I liked the thread. I probably have hundreds of posts on pointless threads that I've been accused of using to up my post count. Anyways, I win, you lose, git gud scrub.
  18. I'll be the nicest lady. Thanks extremely specific chat filter.
  19. Let's agree to disagree on our whoring practices.
  20. Holy shit, this is the ultimate post count whoring thread. I'm so proud of you ch4ncer.
  21. You're not really the only one, though I think a little bit of the pellet curves could be nice. But all in all, I'd be happy with a fully revert.
  22. They weren't OP before, they won't be OP now, lol. Just revert their RoF, as the CSG and JG have nearly the same damage as they had before LO touched them now.
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