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Everything posted by Kewlin

  1. If they had A. been able to verify that it would be account bound from the start and B. rotated the times throughout the event, then I'm sure it would have been relatively fair (as far as time goes) for everyone. 6-9PM could have been alright within the continent the server's on, but that still fucks people over who live in, say, Australia. I believe 6-9PM is 10AM-1PM in Western Aus and 1-4PM in Eastern Aus. Given that a lot of Australians play on Jericho, I can't exactly say that's acceptable.
  2. I mean. . . I won the event and I still think it's stupid. The worst part of all of it though is the timing that simply doesn't work with a huge percentage of people's schedules.
  3. Except that part where he also walled, triggerbotted, and even pulled out a speedhack.
  4. Not everyone has role-models to show them how to leave.
  5. Almost everyone who would want to play APB and has the patience to play it already came and went because they didn't feel there was any reason to continue playing the game, for whatever reason, whether that be lack of new content, perceived bad balance, disliking the owners, or even just that it's old now and they've moved on to other games.
  6. This makes me honestly wonder how you see so many people get banned on Siege.
  7. The symbols themselves actually don't look bad, the issue is that the textures they're projected on are super fucking low resolution. This is why, even if LO doesn't re-do the textures, I want an option for up to 4k textures in APB.
  8. Well yeah, but I kinda' figured that was a low-blow.
  9. Hah, you won for seven minutes, big deal bud. Let me show you how a pro does it.
  10. Y'all need to put a little more effort into your replies.
  11. I can say without a doubt in my head that the team kill event was a better event in my opinion.
  12. You understand that 50% is a lot, right? The game totally favors really good vets, yeah, and I think it's a really, really bad event, I just was saying you don't stand absolutely no chance if you aren't Gold. This has not been my experience on Jericho.
  13. The SPCT, AFAIK, is coming back more to test the EU. The EU needs a lot of testing. Sorry I haven't gotten around to replying to you, or really even reading your post, I've kinda' just been busy and tired recently. I'll try and reply soon.
  14. That said, one person in particular has won a huge percentage of the matches I've been in Jericho, so there's clearly some level of skill that helps. But yeah, I wouldn't call it a "Gold only" event, it's probably like 50% luck and 50% player.
  15. This totally depends on the range your enemy is at and what assault rifle you're using. Here's a rough estimated list of all of the assault rifles in order of how far away I'd start hip-firing from longest to shortest: COBR-A > ACES Rifle > Raptor > STAR > FAR > AR-97 > S1-NA > ISSR-A > ATAC > N-TEC 5 > N-TEC 7 Of course, this also depends on factors like if you're standing still, or are using the walk function, or maybe even crouching, and potentially if you're shooting full-auto or burst. Ultimately though, if you're almost touching someone you virtually always want to hip-fire, even with the N-TEC 7. How many degrees can you rotate if you move your mouse from one end to the other? You probably only want to rotate like 360 or so degrees max. After that, depending on your preferences, you might either want to match up your ADS sens to be the same, or you might want to match it with another number of degrees such as 180 or 90, or maybe you just want to find what's comfortable for you. Even as someone who almost always has his mouse set to 10,000 DPI, I'm going to say that it doesn't really matter either way. You really should just set your DPI to whatever is comfortable to you for normal computer use, and go from there with your sensitivity. I'd imagine this would only be an issue if you liked your mouse really slow in your OS and wanted to play games with a really twitchy setup, but I don't think anyone would really do that anyways. So what do you think people who main SMGs and shotguns do? You don't need a weapon that can do everything, lol. Learning to control your ranges and manipulate your enemy's position is one of the most important skills in APB, and for this reason I highly suggest just forcing yourself to use an SMG for a while to get a little better at this. After you play SMG for a while, maybe go back to AR and see if you can do better at avoiding close quarters encounters you don't want, and then maybe even swap to a sniper rifle to learn how to stay at long ranges. Also, as other people said, I generally suggest using your secondary slot to fill the range your primary is least comfortable in. I could go either way on this. Sure, you don't *need* a real mousepad, but there are lots of different types and sizes of pads to fit different people's preferences. To me the smooth fabric surface I have is great, my mouse doesn't get caught on it and it has enough resistance for my normal sens setups, and I highly doubt I could game on something gloss with less friction like you're suggesting. On top of that, it covers my entire desk and only cost 20 USD, which is less than you'd blow on a single gun in APB and well within most people's budgets. Personally though, if someone has a decent PC, a gaming mouse, and a good keyboard, it would seem dumb to me not to not invest $20 to make sure you have the best gaming surface you could have.
  16. Kewlin


    Bro, you can't leave me hanging like this! WHO AM I SUPPOSED TO AWKWARDLY HIT ON?!
  17. Weird, I'm not 100% sure about the JMB one but the pistol one I've definitely had require multiple kills sometimes.
  18. I'm sure somebody's already said this, but Matt has stated that eventually they plan on merging the two populations and making the run off of servers that are more spread out to improve performance, but that's way down the road, like, way down the road.
  19. Kewlin


    Aero, I know you like you some rocky mountain oysters, admit it.
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