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Everything posted by Kewlin

  1. Judging by his responses to other people's posts I'm pretty sure Matt Scott meant logging in at any point for the three weeks the event was active. Unless you went overseas to fight a war or something, I highly doubt you were incapable of logging in once for the entire three weeks, but I could be wrong.
  2. Thanks! I ran out of reactions so fucking early today, lol.
  3. Yeah, but if he's proven to be cheating he should be banned, not just not given a special reward, lol.
  4. Honestly. . . who really cares? Deciding how you treat everyone else based around hackers is pretty silly in my opinion.
  5. So explain to me how these people's motives is relevant to whether or not LO should give the skin out to everyone who logged in? It's what they did and the results that matter TBH, not why they did it.
  6. It might be nice to just give LO a break on the events for once. We don't even know the rewards for the sweater contest or the new event and you're already complaining they aren't good enough. Lol.
  7. I think you were trying to disagree with me, but that doesn't even go against what I'm saying, so I'm confused. (Though it's not really all that debatable that the N-TEC would not be as popular if it were an ARMAS gun, but I get what you're saying.) Did I ever say the N-TEC wasn't extremely versatile? My second point is exactly what you're saying, the only difference being I don't think anyone's ever been "forced" to use the N-TEC. The fact is though, just because you don't need to switch to different guns depending on the situation if you're using the N-TEC, doesn't mean other guns aren't vastly better in different situations. What does that even have to do with being selfish? I'm confused. I agree with your post pretty much overall for sure, but I very much can't agree on the point of the FAR, so that's all I'll contest. ; P (I also think the STAR is just as good as the N-TEC, but that's a tired discussion.) I can't really say 3 kills per mag is "stupidly low," and the gun reloads faster: it's a trade-off. (Though yes, I'm aware that the STAR with MP3 has better magazine stats than the FAR, but still, I've never really had issues with the FAR's magazine.) Are you referring to the FAR or STAR here? Because while the STAR is less accurate than the N-TEC in MM, with the FAR it's a toss-up between the two. The N-TEC has a base accuracy of 24cm at 10m with an MM mod of 0.35, which multiplies out to 8.4cm radius at 10m, and the FAR has a base accuracy of 18cm at 10m with an MM mod of 0.45, multiplying out to 8.1cm at 10m, so without HS3 the FAR is actually slightly more accurate both in and out of MM. If you equip HS3 the N-TEC and FAR's MM mods go down to 0.20 and 0.30 respectively, for radiuses at 10m of 4.8cm and 5.4cm. So if you convert that to a diameter, that means the FAR has 1.2cm more spread per 10m with HS3, which while less I can't say that's really the FAR "not comparing" to the N-TEC TBH. Given that characters are 68cm wide, and assuming a shot on exactly center of mass, with HS3 the N-TEC can guarantee shots landing out to ~71m, whereas the FAR can guarantee shots out to ~63m. And with the HS3 stuff aside, I personally always use the FAR with RS1 to allow it to be a much more close-range friendly gun that I personally find a lot more versatile than the N-TEC. Whichever you think is more versatile though, I think it's pretty easy to say, at least for me, the FAR isn't worse than the N-TEC, it's just intended slightly more for closer ranges, hence the accuracy differences and the FAR being better full-auto.
  8. I'm not going to presume people's motives with no evidence, nor is it really relevant to the topic at hand TBH.
  9. Fair point. I mean, some people believe it or not just continued playing for JTs, or because they like the mode. Not everyone is an evil villain. I'm sure someone would like that, but to me I'd rather not get that TBH, as it'd just leave a bad taste in my mouth.
  10. No, RS3 FFA 4 lyfe. (That's a joke, BTW, though I do find RS3 OBIR to be fun.)
  11. Okay, there's another thread about this going on though, so you might be better off bringing your boner over there. Saying a gun is straight up better because it's easier to track outside of its intended range, and arguably harder to use in its intended range is. . . questionable. I'd personally use my FFA III over an OBIR, but I wouldn't say it's better. (Side note, my opinion may be invalid because the BS is my favorite OBIR.)
  12. No he's not. As someone who doesn't have the Butcher skin I'mma say he's acting entirely appropriate for what you're saying, lol. RIP, G1 even said they were fine with people abusing it because it was a test (and tests are made to be abused.) I feel for you man.
  13. Just because you don't want to give everyone the skin doesn't mean he can't disagree with you, lol.
  14. You get to be a grumpy old man. In serious though, I don't get why people need to Butcher skin in particular, it really should be kept exclusive, and I also don't get why they're still asking for it when Matt outright said no to their request.
  15. It gives me fuzzy feels to see things happening here over on the FE forums, even if I don't play the game. Lol.
  16. Okay, yeah, I was just confused because the gun has always only been obtainable through PJMBs, and I thought you were implying otherwise. Clarification BTW that it was not in the Tiggs JMB, it was in the Tiggs PJMB. The only thing special in the Tiggs JMB was 3D Glasses. I will agree that the FFA III PJMBs should probably not be sold directly. I think giving them as limited time loyalty rewards is fine though. As for events, we certainly can't give them away just as a login reward. . . note last time Tiggs did that.
  17. Agreed, there is no one "correct" solution, only the best ways possible to salvage it, and I think your idea sounds alright. You only got many JTs if you were a repeat winner, 1st time winners just got the skin.
  18. I'm pretty sure it's virtually never happened that a game company continuously put out content in a form that they knew nobody would buy, so I'm pretty sure we can safely say that game companies would not have lootboxes if people didn't buy them. Either way, it's a moot point because we know people buy them.
  19. To start off, I want to say that if it weren't for how stressed I was, the event would have been really fun, and I hope you polish it and bring it back in different forms in the future. As for the poll. . . I don't know what I can answer TBH. It feels weird to have put a lot winners win for basically nothing, (beside potential fun.) but at the same time, who cares? The event was largely RNG, and didn't allow people in different timezones with different schedules to fairly participate. If I had my Druthers I'd not hand out the skin to everyone and just give it in an event next-year. While I personally think event skins should keep some level of meaning, I really don't like skins you can only obtain at one point in time, and I'm not generally happier with a skin purely because not everyone had a chance to get it. So how about we just don't hand it out to everyone now, and have some Autumn event next year? (Or heck, I wouldn't even care if it was a side-reward for the Christmas event.) I think I'm going to have to vote "I don't care," I really wish people would stop talking about this skin as some rare or exclusive skin, since I really don't think that's what it should be as someone who won it. That aside, I also made another suggestion below. Those red parts that you're claiming are a leftover from the Butcher skin were Black on the butcher skin, so you're making things up. We already have a white and orange skin, I like this red and orange skin, and I'd prefer we keep it as it is. The issue I think with this is that you can't put account-wide things on the Joker Store, otherwise I'd wholeheartedly agree. Disagreed, the skin is what it is and I personally like it solely because it has the red on it. This is the only red and orange skin, and I like it for that. Oh. . . lol. . . that's literally the reason I got the skin, lol. Maybe you can give out an all-orange version to everyone who logged on, and keep the red one people apparently hate for people who won? There isn't a red and orange skin in the game, and that happens to go with some of my outfits really well. XD *EDIT* I believe I misread what you said, MB.
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