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Everything posted by Kewlin

  1. I. . . I'm sorry, I couldn't resist. Still, 25 or so would be nice.
  2. First off, can we not necro this thread? Second, that's a very silly and selfish reason. Are you saying it's better for lower ranked characters to have ALL of the missions with hackers?
  3. Except that the issue with that is bandolier has more of an effect the more reserve ammo a gun has.
  4. I guess I just assumed dailies were once a day still, lol. That's a step up at least. I still don't get why they'd do it this way, but it's not terrible per se. That reward list should be moved so that it's not under just Slay Bells section though, or this should be clarified, because the way I read it was a totally legitimate way to read it (if not the only technically correct way to read it.)
  5. Okay, okay, wait a second here. Didn't you claim to have learned a lesson from the Halloween event, and yet you're doing the exact same thing of requiring people to participate 10 out of 14 days the event is available to get the skin? What gives? This is absolutely ridiculous LO: you can't constantly be requiring people to be playing APB every day for every event you roll out. What's more, you're requiring this DURING CHRISTMAS where people are on vacation and trying to spend time with their families, and you're requiring them to take time off nearly every day, leave their families, and play APB. What if someone was away for Christmas, as I'm sure many people are, and can't play APB for 5 days during the event? Have some Christmas spirit dude, let people get shit while, IDK, celebrating Christmas? Please tell me there's some mistake or I'm reading something wrong.
  6. Overall good suggestions, with two caveats. I'm, not sure they need more stored ammo, but I guess I'd try it out. I'm not sure I want the projectile speed increased on the Hammer, unless we went with VSB's suggestion of making them all explode on impact. Yes, increased projectile speed increases range, which makes it seem like a straight buff at first, but it also makes it harder to hit high-ground. One of the major purposes of a grenade is reaching difficult to reach locations, and we already see that not being able to bounce makes reaching high ground difficult, and having a higher arc will make it even more difficult. Think of the buildings north of New Cross under the highway, for example; it would be extremely hard to land a percussion grenade with a flatter arc on top of those buildings, if it was even possible at all. As I see it, the EOLs already can shoot SUPER far, especially if you increased the fuze timer to 8192s like with percussion grenades, so I don't think that increasing the projectile speed would have a major beneficial effect, except maybe making it a little easier to track vehicles (but the EOLs are barely anti-vehicle anyways.)
  7. That would make sense if there was an official APB discord, but there isn't, so if this is the new age LO isn't in it. Plus, getting people together has nothing to do with recruiting.
  8. For better or for worse though, being well known does make you get noticed. Popular isn't the right word though, I'm not sure anyone on APB is "popular," and IDK if I'd say having faith in LO's decisions is "obvious." It's especially bizarre IMO that the members were seemingly chosen primarily if not entirely from Discord.
  9. Major problems: N/A Minor problems: The round goes to the team holding the point at the end, but the rounds are around 4 minutes long. This doesn't make any sense really since ultimately only the last few seconds of any round matters. Either make it go to whoever held the point the longest or shorten the rounds. The HoHoHoPGL windup timer doesn't match up with the windup sound. Car explosions kill people, which feels off in a snowball fight. Ghosts can't see where the zones are or what the duration is, but I think that's a glitch maybe? Strong sides: Macaroni and cheese is a pretty fucking strong side, so strong in fact that it's even a main course sometimes. Overall opinion: It's a fun event, basically just a better version of the snowball fight. I like it overall.
  10. Yes there is: it's the same thing as Tiggs pinning the black and blue dress on a different scale.
  11. Just gonna' point out that Rooq doesn't have an SPCT forum tag.
  12. It's not about "deserving," this simply belongs in creations. Not that I haven't posted things in Social that didn't belong there.
  13. Glad to see the SPCT coming back, I hope it works out well. I'm glad to see at least a few people I trust on there. I'm looking forward to the RFP buff @SKay, don't let me down.
  14. I didn't say it was problematic with my schedule in particular, but still, some people were decidedly incapable of doing the event, at least well, with the schedule issues.
  15. Why do people keep saying this? At no point did LO say that this skin was never going to be given out again, lol. Not everything needs to be some kind of permanent exclusive. I'm not: the glitches in the event were not my biggest issue, my biggest issue personally was the event timing. FTFY I wouldn't mind that title, but I still think two slightly different versions of the skin like Vicky and I said would be better.
  16. Yeah, I'm just saying that was what Darkzero was asking for for the majority of the event. It's probably not worth it I guess for LO to do after the fact, but I was just trying to put things back in perspective.
  17. I feel like not getting the skin and complaining is not understanding consequences. I'm not sure how not being able to predict the future is not understanding that your choices have consequences. I'm rather neutral to this discussion overall, but there's a pretty big difference between the skin being given away to the top five players, and being given to everyone who logged on after the entire event ran and there was no hint that such a thing would happen.
  18. Kewlin

    Weapon Cosmetics

    Uubeh Nuubeh the loli necromancer. But my previous post still stand, LO, take all of my money, just make this happen.
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