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Everything posted by Kewlin

  1. Unless you're in MM you're almost certainly going to miss several with the N-TEC, and if you're good with the FBW, .45, FR0G, or RFP, you're going to land most of your shots, and if you are in MM you're a sitting duck. The only time the N-TEC isn't almost guaranteed to miss shots while running is if you're literally hugging the opponent, but in that case TTK is all that really matters so the OCA is almost certainly going to win against most guns in the game if player skill is equal and neither player is surprised (as it should.) So I'd personally say that all of those pistols are decidedly at an advantage against the N-TEC, especially the .45 and FR0G.
  2. Uhmm. . . am I wrong in thinking the FFA R&D III was originally, and has only ever been accessible through power JMBs? Granted, they were originally not directly purchasable, but still.
  3. What VSB said, buying a 3-slot version of a gun you're familiar with is a solid choice. The reason they're buying it, thus, is because it's a free gun that people already know how to use, and thus they know it's a solid investment I feel like RoF is a. . . pretty substantial difference. It's also more accurate. (Plus there's the magazine differences, but you know that.) Yes, but due to the nature of range virtually every assault rifle is serviceable in CQC, in fact, a huge percentage of guns that aren't intended for solely for close ranges are, including, but not limited to, the STAR, FAR, S1-NA, COBR-A, ATAC, N-TEC 7, Raptor, LCR, SR15, OBIR, VBR, OSCAR, Anubis, ISSR-B, SHAW, AMG, and the S1-TIC. The N-TEC 5 is not unique in being able to beat SMGs sometimes, but that doesn't mean SMGs are not better at CQC than these guns. Quite honestly, I don't see a reason to use the N-TEC in CQC over the FBW, .45 AP, or RFP that virtually everyone has equipped as a secondary, since all three of those do the job better, and that being the case I can't say it's especially strong in that range. Or are you going to disagree and say that you think the N-TEC is as effective as SMGs in CQC?
  4. Unsure if you meant the double negative or not, so I'm not even sure what to think of this.
  5. The OCA doesn't even have a 0.7s TTK, lol, it's 0.64s, and it's way more accurate when fired while moving from the hip than the N-TEC is. Those don't have to do with life experience, those are facts, so unless you're going to say you think the N-TEC can beat the OCA within 10m or so because you use the N-TEC in MM with perfect tracking, it's objective fact that the OCA is better in close ranges than the N-TEC, and I don't think almost anyone is going to argue that using MM within 10m at a running opponent is a good (or at least easy) thing to do for a lot of reasons.
  6. Fact aside that I'm not even entirely sure what of my points you're referring to, I could just as easily say everything you said reinforces my points. Aesthetics aside, which I myself admitted was a weak point that was more playing with ideas than anything, I'm not really sure what of what you're saying is supposed to be. . . countering my arguments? I think you're trying to counter what I said, but I don't really see a strong correlation. This is gross hyperbole and I wish people would stop saying this. It's statements like this that make me not take people who call for an N-TEC nerf seriously.
  7. What cruel fate is this? Why have you summoned me? Now I need to read an entire dumb thread about the N-TEC. . . As a preface to everything I'm going to say, I don't come anywhere close to maining the N-TEC, I only use it occasionally when I don't feel like thinking and I want to use an AR. That aside, first thing's first: The LCR isn't my favorite gun, there are several guns that I currently like way more, my favorite definitely being the S1-TIC. Favorites aside though, the LCR is probably a doubt the worst assault rifle in the game, (okay, I have a suspicion the actual worst is the ISSR-a, but I can't say since I don't own it,) as it relies solely on its accuracy and the enemy missing within AR range, and it doesn't seem to land shots well outside of AR range (though I can't verify this, it's more like how the ACT-44 doesn't land shots it seems like it should.) The only real "upside" the LCR has over, say, the CR762, is the "LCR Effect," I.E. when people just stand there and let you shoot them as if they don't understand that they're getting killed. I cannot explain this, but me and other people I've talked to (whose names I've conveniently forgotten) have experienced enemies losing all motivation to take cover when being shot by an LCR. (This is, of course, a joke upside, but at the same time I actually do experience this when using the LCR for some reason.) NOW THAT I HAVE THE LCR OUT OF THE WAY! The issue of the N-TEC is far more nuanced than people give it credit. There are several points I'd like to make here: 1. The N-TEC is the only free AR that isn't the starting gun, so people are naturally going to use it. People not only don't use the STAR because they assume the starter gun is bad, but the STAR's upsides are much harder to see in my opinion. People don't use other ARs as much because they're all ARMAS exclusives. People naturally use ARs because they're purposefully the most versatile class of weapons in the game. With these things in mind, the N-TEC will always be one of the most used guns in APB unless it's nerfed to a point where it's nearly unusable. Note that this also makes nerfing the N-TEC extremely dangerous as it threatens to make APB pay to win. 2. The N-TEC is basically the least niche of any AR. This isn't a bad thing, nor is it a balance issue really. The fact is that there isn't a need for any other AR to have the role of "least niche AR," since that would be redundant, and the N-TEC fills that role fine. That being said, it's much easier to play a gun that's less niche, (hence the fact that ARs are popular in the first place,) but that doesn't make it better. 3. Coming off of the above point, other ARs are fine, you just don't know how to use them. Take the ACES Rifle for example, I suck at using it, but I've had friends who swear by it and even consider the gun to be overpowered. My personal mention for this subject would be the FAR, which I consider to be the actually least niche of any AR in the game, as it can do basically as well as the N-TEC at longer ranges, but also is much better than the N-TEC when fired full auto (don't take this as me saying the FAR is better than the N-TEC; it's not.) Or take the ATAC as another example, I think probably most people won't dispute that the ATAC is competitive. 4. It's the status quo: it's simply the single gun everyone is comfortable with and recognizes as a solid choice. I know this sounds like circular reasoning, but hear me out here for a second. I don't think anyone will debate that back in the golden-age of the N-TEC is was overpowered, and quite honestly most people used the N-TEC if they weren't using some other member of the Holy Trinity, but when it got nerfed it was still a good gun. . . so why learn another gun? (Not that there's another gun most people can learn instead of it, as I mentioned above in #1.) The N-TEC has been a solid choice in APB since day 1 of CB back in 2009, so why would someone who's building their loadout based solely on performance (I.E. a "tryhard") try to use anything beside the N-TEC 5. Last, and probably least, the N-TEC is a recognizable gun that's aesthetically pleasing. Everybody knows the AK platform, even they erroneously call it an AK-47, and I don't know of anybody who thinks the N-TEC looks or sounds bad. It's a gun people are comfortable choosing and are drawn to. Ask yourself, which do you think looks better, the N-TEC 5 or the AR-97? Which are you more drawn to? So do I think the N-TEC could use a nerf? Yeah, it could use a minor nerf. Does it need one? Absolutely not.
  8. Sure, but IDK if a Rager really synergizes well with that.
  9. Fairfight is only really used to monitor social stuff in Siege.
  10. IDK, Saturnia is already a difficult raid boss for APB: Reloaded's endgame, I'm afraid of the boss here.
  11. No, I kinda' agree, though I think ideally both would be run side by side. At first I was hesitant to accept FF, but I think it definitely is a solid anti-cheat when used correctly.
  12. Well FF was clearly implemented, so I'm wondering what you mean isn't implemented in specific. LO said a lot of things, I don't think they said though that FF wasn't implemented. I don't even know what it would mean for FF to not have been implemented into APB, seeming as it ran and banned around sixteen thousand accounts. Do you mean it wasn't properly implemented? That not all of its features are implemented? Fairfight was implemented into APB, so what do you mean. *EDIT* Before anyone says anything, I know FF didn't autoban, but that's simply because it was off, they could have had it on if they wanted to. Thanks. Yeah, it wasn't maintained from what he said, kinda' like the rest of APB. Still, even at the end of RP it was implemented and still banning people.
  13. I know Ghost, he's not trolling, he's just weird and/or oblivious sometimes.
  14. Oops. meant 9:45 Anyhoo, just watch the fucking video like a normal person who doesn't have the worst ADHD on Earth.
  15. Roughly 8:45, right after using anti-recoil shit. If Battleye has trouble detecting macros, no recoil scripts, triggerbotting, and wallhacks, then quite honestly it's nearly useless in Siege. I'm not saying it's useless in APB, and I'm not saying this video proves without a doubt that BE is bad at catching these things, but I do believe that BE, like every other anticheat, claims to be a lot better than it actually is.
  16. Oh oh, sorry, I was confused by your tone. MB
  17. Clearly you didn't understand what I said, when Matt said he wanted to merge the two worlds, he said he would put servers all around the world so you could play from different locations, as has been being done in MMOs and other games for over a decade. So no, LO doesn't have a better plan than their own plan, lol. *EDIT* See below
  18. What Whiskey said, the premium code corresponded to an event to make an outfit and shit.
  19. TBH, why would you even comment on a video you just skipped through as if you know what you're talking about?
  20. I honestly can't agree with you on this stance as far as this issue goes. I'm not trying to be mean, but I legitimately don't know what you're trying to say here.
  21. I don't believe Siege has any incentive though beside testing things.
  22. But that doesn't even help anyone, in fact it's worse for everyone (except maybe GMs.) If it rotated between, for example, 6-7PM and 12-1AM, then it would give much better accessibility to people both in the U.S. and people outside the U.S..
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