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Everything posted by Kewlin

  1. You also have to keep in mind though that the BS got a rework to be more unique at one point, yet the Hazard didn't despite being entirely non unique. I think we all understand the history of the Hazard, but that doesn't change the fact that it'd be nice if it was made into an actual legendary.
  2. I cannot tell you the trouble I got into unlocking "shortcuts" that weren't even remotely viable in SR2, lol. Good times, good times.
  3. That has literally nothing to do with being active though, unless we're talking hella well made, really intense, (as in long or with extra material,) well thought out posts. We're talking less than 100 posts on average here since LO took over, that'd better be some pretty fucking amazing posts if you're going to count that as active. No I'm not, this absolutely is not how the English language works. He said how he chose the SPCT members without any reference to the OP or anything else. He clearly stated the question he was answering, and he said NOTHING about what you're saying. I'm not saying who's a good player, I'm not saying who's qualified, I'm not saying who he should have chosen, I'm saying he said something provably false. I didn't say I don't have an opinion on who is and isn't in the SPCT, I said I don't have a strong opinion on the current crew either for good or bad. Those two things are entirely different. Cool.
  4. So what's active to you? 1 Post? 4? 41? 50? 117? 482? 482 is where I might call someone active, 'cause that's multiple posts a day since LO changed the forums. 50 posts on the other hand is around one post every 4 days on average, which is certainly not active IMO. I personally don't post in almost any threads, mostly just ones my friends link me or ones made by LO, but I got over 800 with no effort (granted, I have lots of free time.) No I'm not? Nothing even hints at that being the context of what he's saying, lol. The context is him answering "Why did we choose these specifc people?" plain and simple. What he said was across the board and you're applying context that Matt did not imply, and honestly if that's what Matt meant he fucked up. I'm not sure how you came to this conclusion. At no point did I say I do or do not like the current SPCT crew? I honestly don't have much of an opinion either way. What does this have to do with me? And why are you preaching about your team to me in the first place, that's hella cringy. Merged. No? I never said that, what I said was that his claim that he found the SPCT crew from looking for active forums users is blatantly false given the forum activity of most of the members. To be clear, I don't really care either way if you are or aren't in the SPCT, but I'm sure you'll be fine given your history. My post said that Matt's statement was clearly false, and that I think somebody should have been taken from the forums to be in the SPCT. I didn't really say much else. Interesting, good to know.
  5. No idea, Matt seems to not really love sales it would seem. Hopefully we get something for Christmas though. . . which is slightly awkward I guess with the current lack of gifting.
  6. Yeah, it needs a rework. . . but alas, it remains the most pointless legendary.
  7. Kewlin

    what if

    What if that was somehow the only thing that gave APB the little success it had?
  8. It was a (dark) joke, my mom and two grandparents died of cancer and I totally get that having to take care of someone takes time and makes your schedule unpredictable. On looking back, I hope I didn't upset you, I was siding with you.
  9. Not to mention the like disparity, gees.
  10. Well fuck you for having a sick mom, aren't you dedicated?
  11. SPOILER ALERT: This post is going to sound really salty. Think what you may, I don't care if people think I'm salty or not, I'm just going to say what I see. So get your tinfoil hats on folks! Simply put, this is. . . uhh. . . well that simply isn't true, or almost even possible? Because I wouldn't call these people "active" on the forums. Let's do a count of the posts each member has made up until this point on the new forums: Shini - 87 (Total - 4065) Kempington - 117 (Total - 2255) SKay - 50 (Total - 1304) Frosi - 194 (Total - 1384) Rooq - 4 (Total - 145) Skitty - 55 (Total - 7459) CookiePuss - 4290 (Total - 6729) Shakespade - 1 (Total - 205) Kevkof - 482 (Total - 1048) Elanih - 4 (Total - 50) Speedz - 41 (Total - 374) So look, we both know now that what you said isn't true, so what's the deal? You couldn't even be mistaken, since you absolutely are not under the impression that you found and recruited someone with 1 post on the new forums and 205 posts total because they're active on the forums. I'm not throwing shade on these SPCT members, I have no idea if they do their job well and that's none of my concern at the moment, but saying you recruited them because they're active on the forums, or honestly anywhere is bullshoot, 'cause the only person here I'd call active is Cooky, seeing as rarely visit the forums and I have 841 posts on the new forums. I'm not even active on the forums and I have almost double the posts of the second most posts on your SPCT list. No, before anyone says I'm just trying to get on the SPCT, I have a general idea that being an annoying pleasant fellow to Matt every time he says literally anything is probably not the best way to make a good impression. So where'd you find these people? Skay, Kemp, and Skitty post enough on the "unofficial" APB discord, Kevkof could have been from there or the forums, Speedz is obvious, and I know you've had a lot of interaction with Cooky in lots of places. So I guess that leaves Shini, Frosi, Rooq, Shakespade, and Elanih? Where have they been active that you saw them? And I can't even give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you looked at the old forums too because very few people in the SPCT were really active there either. Does streaming and making YT montages count as being active? because if so what people are saying about this being a celebrity show is basically just true. From what I can tell Kevkof is the only one you could have possibly recruited because you found him on the forums, but even then it's just as likely you found him on Discord. Doesn't that seem a little off? Recruiting as few as 0 people through your actual official means of communication with the playerbase? And I get that the SPCT isn't an honor or anything, which is why you get a big badge under your name, but seriously, taking everybody from third party sources is a horrible PR move at best. If you're going to use Discord as an official interaction platform, make an official Discord: don't just use a controversial server run by some random dude that tons of people have ran away from due to drama with its staff. I don't even know what to say, this is just weird, it's bizarre, and I don't even want to think you're lying because I don't see a clear motive (you could have just. . . actually recruited people from the forums, after all.) I was going to let the fact that these people weren't from the forums slide but then you said this and. . . yeah. Anyways, I could go on making minor edits to this post forever, but I've already spent too much time on this conspiracy, so if there's some glaring mistake, whatever, someone just tell me about it. So what say you Mister Scott?
  12. experience 𝓽 𝓻 𝓪 𝓷 𝓼 𝓹 𝓪 𝓻 𝒆 𝓷 𝓬 𝔂 But yeah, I don't get why they'd do that, 'cause it'll just create drama TBH. Boi everything's above a $0.00 paygrade.
  13. I don't love you anymore Cooky, you've made your choice and you're dead to me.
  14. Dude, you're literally upset because LO is doing something vaguely contrary to you being allowed to keep something you obtained through a glitch. I know you're not really all in on this, but this is taking exclusivity complaints to the next level, lol. I'd like the factions to be more different, but I think arbitrary ARMAS customization differences isn't really the best difference between factions.
  15. Yeah, IDK what the SPCT is going to do without some nice man-bewbs.
  16. I agree to an extent, in that they shouldn't be blatantly breaking the ToS, but Skitty doesn't do that, lol. I mean, they are at least largely incorrect, but you're free to think what you want obviously.
  17. Did you see a sign-up? Nobody on the SPCT applied for the position, they were asked. Being in the SPCT doesn't give any "power," and their job isn't to deal with random people attacking them with incorrect allegations.
  18. You can't: I never trust people who make jokes and neither should you.
  19. When you say that it's supposed to be a way of saying other people are basically shallow so you need to make a good first impression, not a way to double-back on shittalking someone you don't know. A lot more testing goes into new content than you really can or want to do on the OTW, plus that would be a marketing nightmare.
  20. Well if that's a main priority. . . I'm not sure they're going to do well with that no matter what.
  21. At first I didn't read this because it's long, but I'm glad I did, 'cause it's a good lol. In my opinion though inactivity is part of the reason you need more than 11 people or whatever. You can't expect people to be active every test all the time, and you need at least 8 people TBH to test shit at all.
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