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Everything posted by Kewlin

  1. ^^^ The nano doesn't fire fast, and the only statement using it makes is, "I have brain problems." I would know, I used to always use the Nano. I have brain problems. (And who uses a silenced nano?)
  2. What the fuck did you just fucking say about the SNR PR1, you little fuzzy bunny? I'll have you know the SNR PR1 is in the top of Colby's sales, and has been used in numerous secret raids in Gresty, and it has over 300 confirmed kills. It's used in gorilla warfare and by the top sniper in the Praetorians. Your FBW and .45 AP are nothing to it but just another saturday night special. It will wipe you the fuck out with an equip time the likes of which has never been seen before in San Paro, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit about the SNR PR1 over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting Shadowstrike and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the SNR PR1, maggot. The SNR PR1 that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can pull out the SNR PR1 in a tenth of a second, anytime, and I can kill you with it in one point four seconds, and that's just at min time to kill. Not only is the SNR PR1 extensively tested in close quarters combat, but comes from Colby Security and Safety's over one hundred and fifty years of experience in the firearms industry, and Colby will use their experience to its full extent to wipe every other miserable secondary out of San Paro, those shitty wonder nines. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you with my SNR PR1 and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
  3. I believe you were supposed to have gotten the ARMAS Halloween symbols, and some people, I'd say most but I don't have anything to back that up technically, did get them. If you're not getting the symbols you were supposed to get I'd take that up with support, though. . . that could take you months and months to get a reply. Better late than never though, right?
  4. I think you only ever got the ARMAS Halloween symbols for some reason, not the ones from in-game stuff.
  5. Kewlin

    On-Eye VR Glasses

    Yes Next time make it a poll though.
  6. IDK how I didn't realize it's not account, lol. Blowing in which way?
  7. Has this changed since like a few weeks ago? Last I was playing APB much Jericho at least was going back and forth between Fin and WF all the time. Like, what level or changes are we talking about? Also, are you planning on starting with the PC or Console version as a base? Please tell me you're starting with the PC version. If you want to do a lot of work on these maps, I suggest you go over and think about all of the suggestions by Ellix in this thread: https://forums-old.gamersfirst.com/topic/329214-not-so-lazy-ideas-for-map-changing I don't agree with all of his suggestions, maybe even only like 50%, but he brings up a lot of issues and potential issues. (I think he wants to remove a lot of camp spots that are perfectly valid though.) (Note that he made his suggestions over a long time and they're on many pages.) (*EDIT* Also, I should emphasize that I don't in any way endorse anything said by anyone but Ellix in this thread, and only some of what Ellix says.)
  8. That's basically along the lines of what I've wanted done for the Asylum skin. Just give a Chinese ripoff "Institution" skin that looks the same except it has the wrong text.
  9. Lackadaisical lefty? More like lackadaisical leaf(y?)!
  10. AND YOU DON'T FUCK WITH PEOPLE WHO BLAST LEAVES! Seriously though, I was fine with everyone getting the skin, but Leaf Blaster?! And it's the worst most gross color green of all time. More like Leaf on the Wind, amirite? (I'm sorry to the people who understood that reference, rest assured it hurt me to make just as much as it hurt you to hear.) Discuss.
  11. But what benefit do you actually propose that would give? Especially since changing from 3rd person to 1st person would change your point of aim, and thus require you to re-acquire your target (which is especially problematic while zoomed in super far.) Also, are you not aware of the fact that HMS already sets your FoV instead of multiplying the gun's MM FoV? You get a 15 degree FoV while in marksmanship mode with HMS equipped.
  12. DDOSing isn't free. I highly doubt it's NEETs DDOSing APB with how long most APB DDOS attacks are. I.E. DDOSing a server nearly constantly for days, weeks, or months is far from free.
  13. You expect to be able to use your premium. . .? IN APB?!
  14. But APB doesn't look like that, and you can't play guns in it. Unfortunate, but true; almost as unfortunate as the fact that Girl's Frontline is a shitty mobile game.
  15. I mean, at least it supposedly has less of a chance of banning legit players, so there's that. Realistically though, no anticheat is going to totally remove the issue of cheaters.
  16. IDK man, my earliest memories of APB are of absurd levels of antisemitism, racism, and bizarre dark or lewd humor, back in the RTW beta days. Heck, the sense of humor's built into the game's writing. I'm pretty sure we've always been this way.
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