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Everything posted by Kewlin

  1. Making your game look like you're on LSD? (Note that this pic was taken when BE was put on OTW for people to test, during which shader edits were totally allowed on OTW as they were testing BE and allowing others to test BE. Also, before someone says this would give an advantage because of outline shaders, it was fucking impossible to play with this shader well.)
  2. Oh, shit, I forgot the token response. Ask support. (For real though, ask support, we can't help you really.)
  3. Vegeta, how dumb can you get? Go play on console or something.
  4. I mean, not all file edits are cheats, but if they're not USPS' launcher they're bannable.
  5. The last major N-TEC changes were all designed to make the gun better at shooting in short bursts, as described here: https://forums-old.gamersfirst.com/topic/382883-weapon-rebalance-description-ntec/ So you're kinda' wrong, the gun, as it is, was designed to be shot in bursts, which is what it's currently best at in the majority of ranges you actually should use it in. This falls in line with actual assault rifles BTW, which are generally shot semi-auto or in burst, as they're not really designed to be shot in sustained fully automatic fire. Additionally, as I've said many times before, instead of entirely reworking a weapon to function completely differently, it's better to just make a new gun and nerf or buff the old one if necessary.
  6. I think the best way to fix the ARMAS weapon deletion issue would be to make each gun come with an unlock so you could purchase it again from contacts. It's totally doable without changing the system really and would solve the issue totally.
  7. Crims already have a way to counter LTL, it's called bullets.
  8. Thanks for saying this, I'm always glad to see someone else who has a few posts who gets that the old system had major flaws and that promoting players to play to get a higher rating is a flawed system.
  9. I'm purely talking about multiplying the entire recoil pattern instead of just vertical or horizontal, so it wouldn't dramatically increase horizontal recoil on guns without much, such as the OBIR, N-TEC, or CR762. If you were using it on an AMG or something, sure, it'd be an issue, but I can't say I think it shouldn't be. High initial bloom that decreases over time would be a mechanic to encourage full-auto, which is the exact opposite of what we want for any of this TBH, especially on the N-TEC. At that point IMO you might as well just delete the N-TEC (Also, going from linear bloom, to increasing bloom, to decreasing bloom on the N-TEC is a bit ridiculous IMO.) It could be a cool feature on an LMG or SMG I guess, but nothing else IMO.
  10. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the ISSR-B, the underrated king of range ~50-84m.
  11. The entire point of the LCR is that it's full auto with no bloom, lol. I'd rather not have it get "buffed" then be reworked, plus, it's still honestly hands-down worse than the CR762. Let's not forget that with the Rifle range curve, if the dropoff starts at 50m the CR762 doesn't see an STK increase until about 72m without IR3, if it's 55 like you say it's STK increases at 77m, (I'm honestly not sure off of the top of my head which range it starts its dropoff at, and I don't want to do a ton of research ATM.) That combined with the fact that everybody who owns an LCR knows they don't land shots reliably at range makes the CR762 still the clear choice every time unless you just want to fuck around. Also, note that unless there's curves involved I don't know about, the Old Glory does actually have some bloom at this point according to my math (sadly I don't own an Old Glory, though some day I hope to.) I'm curious though, do you own any LCRs? 'Cause if you think they're in any way OP it really sounds like you don't, lol. The only reason really I get kills with the gun ever is because people for some reason don't try to take cover from it.
  12. There really shouldn't be much of a load time though, that's why they need to wait until they upgrade to UE3.5. Overall this should make matchmaking much faster in theory.
  13. I mean, there are trials and the Joker Store for a reason, if you get a gun you don't use that's kinda' on you TBH.
  14. To be fair, nobody is going to know precisely what those numbers without context, lol.
  15. I'm going to retract my previous statements about recoil being a bad downside for IR3, I believe that a multiplier to the gun's recoil (the same multiplier for both horizontal and vertical) would be a good downside for the mod, perhaps better than bloom per shot.
  16. On the subject of the LCR RoF change, let's not forget that it was made around a mod that honestly is not required on the LCR, as the LCR only increases in STK by 1 around 75m, and the Old Glory is by far the superior LCR. As for people suggesting recoil as a downside, I honestly am starting to not hate that idea.
  17. I might have to admit that you may be right, however, I'm not sure in that case there's a great solution to the IR3 downside. I really wish LO would test just a lower RoF nerf, because I honestly feel like that could work out, just the RoF nerf they had was way too high. (Of course no downside will work on every gun, for example the CR762 walking away from a RoF nerf practically un-harmed, and the SR15 getting entirely fucked, but no other non-purple mod is perfectly balanced on every gun, right?) I do think, however, that changing the range increase didn't make sense, as CQC guns are already hit the hardest by a RoF nerf, so why should they also get the least benefit? At least if they bring back the RoF nerf they should consider redoing the values to make it not quite so percent based.
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