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Everything posted by Kewlin

  1. If anything the N-TEC and CR762 have been buffed relative to everything else TBH. And sure, the game's going to be playable, but we're going to be seeing 95% of all missions decided by the HVR, N-TEC, CR-762, and CSG users.
  2. How about I did a bunch of testing and gave as much or more feedback than anyone else, but it doesn't matter because LO didn't listen to anyone's feedback as far as I can tell. Either way, there's nothing wrong with giving feedback once something goes live, lol. It's not like once something goes live LO is morally obligated to never revert anything or touch it up.
  3. Who, me? Let's see. . . my most used guns are the Rabid, ALIG, COBR-A, FAR, and Manic. . . all very common and meta guns, right? Granted, the FAR and Manic are good, but far from common and not overly affected by this patch. But let's look at some guns that are going to be majorly nerfed from this: SBSR Coroner ISSR-a Curse Strife (and honestly the Strife didn't get a buff this patch, in fact it honestly got nerfed.) ALIG Sounds like the guns that needed nerfs, right? I mean. . . I don't know why you'd know what was in character for me, seeming as I don't really know you, but this is kinda' in character for me. . . . . . like. . . laughably so. And the issue is EXACTLY THAT, that the gun has arbitrary effects on each gun individually. The N-TEC and CR762 are just as good for example, while some guns like the Curse are going to be horribly affected by this. That's exactly the issue, the N-TEC got a HUGE indirect buff it did not need. I'm not in the "N-TEC is OP" camp, but this sure as Hell was not needed. I didn't say that though? I kinda' said the opposite. The fact that IR3 is almost essential on certain guns leads me to think range needs a major rework.
  4. I'm actually not going to totally disagree with this, this has made me see that range in APB is kinda' totally fucked.
  5. Yes, it is such a huge change. I actually have a rather healthy relationship with my family and today was my weekly meeting with a lot of my immediate family. . . it went rather nice. As me and some people have said, this isn't about any specific gun, it's about the fact that they made a change to perhaps the 2nd most important mod in APB with barely any testing against the advice of a huge portion of the playerbase, despite saying that this balance pass was going to be mostly about buffs. LO is just off their rocker. The IR changes have huge implications, and they basically did it on a whim, and it's going to fuck A LOT of guns. And even IR aside, the patch was a trainwreck.
  6. Not sure what gun you're even referring to, so no? Plus, I don't use any guns that shine really. If you haven't tested any of these changes why do you even think you're part of the discussion?
  7. Change is not good, it's not bad, it just is. . . but this change is questionable at best and was made in less than a week of testing. I didn't want to come across as less cross, LO did a bad job, they deserve any scorn they get ATM. IDGAF what you think of my English usage.
  8. That's not being new, that's never having been in a beta server for a game bad. . . like. . . the fact that they made this mistake implies they've never even been seriously involved in any game's community.
  9. I mean, they could have put it on a live test district instead of OTW like I suggested and RP did in their big balance patch. . . *shrugs* If they had released the showstopper, fine, but they should have kept the balance changes on longer because nobody was happy with the changes really. It didn't get cleared correctly and you can no longer go to people's district, and that's just what I saw without trying to test it really.
  10. Oh, and I just realized, you can't see contacts on the map anymore. . . . . . not to mention the friends list is entirely broken.
  11. You just put balance changes on live that ENTIRELY changes the meta of APB for the worse. The IR changes legit stupid as fuck: you put up a patch that was made and tested only just over a week, how much of a joke is that? And the IR changes were up less than a week on OTW. IR3 was essential to many guns, and the new downside effects guns each entirely differently, essentially arbitrarily nerfing at least half of the guns in the game regardless of if they needed nerfs or not. You just flat out nerfed the range of most guns in the game on a whim. If you actually think this patch made any sense then you really need to. . . IDK. . . sit back and play APB a few more years? I had a lot of faith in you LO, but boy oh boy did you let me down this month. This legitimately is potentially the worst patch in APB history. Oh, and P.S., I like the new netcode that makes the game unplayable.
  12. Whenever I think about APB currently I basically instantly turn into a nervous wreck. Hopefully IR3 works out, but I doubt it will without changing Rifles. That's an improvement, but quite honestly still extremely close, and far too rushed. Has this balance pass even been over a week?
  13. A larger per-shot modifier only makes it more RNG if you decide to take a risk and shoot it before it recovers its bloom. . . so essentially that's like saying the N-TEC is totally RNG because it has tons of bloom if you shoot it full-auto. *EDIT* Also, CJ3 doesn't modify per-shot modifier, and since this would essentially not touch max bloom it would honestly be a lot different from CJ's downside, as opposed to the current IR downside, which is literally a less pronounced version of CJ's downside. Also, guess what? The mod is going live in its current state: Because LO is literally insane apparently? This could very well become the most controversial patch in APB's history. LO needs to slow the Hell down.
  14. Honestly, part of me would almost rather have IR removed than have its changes go live, lol. 12m is way too much of a buff for a downside that doesn't apply to every gun, and it's downside is way too huge for the longer range rifles that kinda' relied on it. I personally suggest you try making it increase the per-shot modifier instead of changing RoF or max bloom, because the range increase is good on nearly every gun, and increased per-shot modifier will affect nearly every gun as well. something like: +3, 5, 7m range, +10, 20, 30% bloom per shot.
  15. But not that its STK now only increases to 6, so it barely has a dropoff.
  16. Yeah, I know. . . imagine me wanting to be max rank so I can buy gear to properly test and help LO? What a sick silly person I am. If I wanted to have fun I'd be playing on live, OTW is just for testing shit and helping out LO.
  17. The Old Glory deliberately has CJ2 because CJ3 was found to be OP, so restricting the red mod is still relevant.
  18. I doubt there's ever going to be a 3-slot version since I think they want to control the red mod, so why not just make the PR1/2 and Old Glory have all open slots beside their red mod, and put them back up?
  19. The Anubis crosshair is much better than your first test version, but I have a few notes and questions: 1. I kinda' liked the old red center dot. . . I know you were planning on doing some stuff with crosshair customization and color-blind stuff in the future, is it possible I'll be able to customize the center-dot to red in the future? 2. I agree with a previous user that the center dot should change colors with the rest of the crosshair, is that possible? 3. I liked the old 4-directional version of the Anubis sight, and I have a few suggestions regarding that. Would you consider either of the following: A] Create a second version of the NCR 'Anubis' called the NCR 'Osiris', which either has the old sight or a 4-direction sight version of the new one. You could make it work like the OCSP 'Kommandant' where you can select which one you want when you win. B] Put either the old sight or a 4-direction version of the new sight (or both) on the Joker Store for permanent purchase for a high price. In addition, potentially add an NCR without a sight mod as a loyalty reward or something. C] In the future allow for a system to change between the reticles. This should also come with the option to choose between the normal and Strife crosshair on all shotguns. If you could give any answers on those things it'd be greatly appreciated. As for other things, I don't hate the idea of the IR3 changes, but I'm a little afraid it will indirectly make Rifles even worse and the N-TEC encroach on their niche even more. Hopefully it will work out fine in the end though. The CSG changes are a step in the right direction, but I'm a little scared that with the CSG having range and reliability it will still simply be better than the JG. Have you considered lowering the pellet count on the CSG? 21 is a lot TBH. And I have two more notes that aren't. . . quite directly related to this test, but closely enough: Are you aware that the Scoped N-TEC and its variants go messed up in 2015? Previously, the Scoped N-TEC was a variant of the N-TEC with a worse Walk Modifier but 5m added to its Min Damage Range, however when the range of all assault rifles were changed to curves the Scoped N-TEC got its curve replaced with the AssaultRifle_EffectiveRange curve instead of the AssaultRifle-Scoped_EffectiveRange curve that had the gun's old range. *EDIT 1* Forgot to put my second note, it will be up shortly. *EDIT 2* Second, have you considered opening the non-red slots on the LCR? I understand that you need to prevent CJ3 on the gun, but why not let people play with the other mod slots? This shouldn't be very hard, and it would make the gun a lot more fun IMO.
  20. If you could boost Queue and Kew that'd be sick yo.
  21. As an LCR PR2 owner, I definitely want all three LCRs to be put on ARMAS, bonus points if you open the two slots that aren't filled with IR3 or CJ2.
  22. Wouldn't #3 run the risk of having the JG crowd out SMGs within that 10m range? I mean, what I'm describing is kinda' just what's on the OTW currently, but how good it is exactly is beside the point, I'm talking about what it's intended purpose should be more than anything. Legendaries being better than contact weapons is quite possibly the last thing APB needs.
  23. That's not really what I said though, I said make the JG more reliable at 2-shotting in CQC, which means the CSG has to be less reliable, which means the CSG would basically be how it is on live. Also, note that with what they're doing ATM the CSG is still just going to be better than the JG, because it still has a tighter spread, and thus is still going to have better range than the JG, and thus will still just be generally better than the JG, except it's minorly worse in the area of hard damage. Basically, there's three options: LO buffs both of them equally, and as such the CSG still stays the preferred pick by 95% of players. LO buffs them both but then makes them both effectively the same gun. LO buffs them both, but buffs the JG more, thus allowing the JG to easily destroy within 10m and the CSG to be the more skilled weapon that can push out to further ranges, giving both guns a niche, which is something the JG currently needs. In my opinion #3 is the clear choice where everyone wins.
  24. But corner popping relies on some amount of range or else your opponent can just walk around the outside of the corner so you have no corner to pop around. Plus, the CSG and JG should be more different, and the JG has always had more of an emphasis on closer ranges, so they should just make the JG the more reliable gun within 10m and the CSG should keep its ability to push out to 20m somewhat effectively.
  25. Tested the C district CSG some more, and can confirm it feels MUCH worse at range. Make the JG good at close quarters and the CSG better at range, that's always been the way it was intended. . . . . . the C version just has BOTH of them restricted to CQC, with the CSG still feeling like just the better option 'cause it still 2-shots just as easily and still has slightly more range.
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