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Everything posted by Optimus_Crime

  1. I could've cared less about the skin and although i was lucky enough to win it twice but, i believe those who participated should receive the skin on a character of their choice since it was far from optimized.
  2. >SPICa street how come i never noticed this before
  3. permanent but with rotations, one week of asylum then beacon gun game the next just without the snowballs, everyone wins if you liked the 12DoC gun game event i doubt you would mind it as a branch of FC and wait another year for it to comeback, but ya i guess i could've added that option as well
  4. Or are you guys planning on making a new event entirely? Does the community even want it? ik i do but seeing how we got a gun game running live atm, I think it's safe to assume we might not see it this year.
  5. so it seems, sure looks far from pretty but hey it's LO's first attempt at a new weapon so i won't be harsh https://streamable.com/i09ps
  6. not sure if the animation for the showstopper is still the same on live but i could check it out tbh
  7. Looks pretty authentic seeing how the arms don't even reach the cylinder when reloading
  8. there are companies that work on just a single game with about as many employees as LO and they take quite a bit of time releasing new updates bug fixes etc, New World Interactive or Overkill for example and imo LO seems to be biting off more than they can chew here.
  9. https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/little-orbit#section-overview https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/littleorbit/unsung-story-tale-of-the-guardians/updates With an employee count of around 10-50, one might wonder if they will be able to manage all of 5 main games they own keeping them updated and such. Not that i'm an expert but honestly if i were them i'd focus on the two most important and promising titles right now such as APB and perhaps Descent before buying into more management and resource/time wasting.
  10. It's been around for a while lad, good luck on trying it next year tho
  11. I tried it and honestly it's not very effective I can fire just as quick by clicking if not actually quicker, it makes my fingers get tired very fast and the fact you have to rebind it to LMB again if you bring out an auto is a turn off. What if my LMB button suddenly becomes dysfunctional and I have no spare mouse at the moment to replace my old one? :l I'd be all for this but in my experience it's not as viable as you proclaim.
  12. It doesn't ban for it sure, but it will not allow you to play properly as it will kick you out each time it detects it, i don't see anywhere stating otherwise
  13. They already require 4-5 shots to kill depending on the range You don't need macros to make it fire faster, cooling jacket and hours of playing you eventually teach you how to fire without it jamming, battleye runs an active process that scans your PC for any potential third party softwares that maybe affecting the game in an unusual way, only way to pass it would be creating your own software and not share it with anyone else because it will fall under the radar one day too. Your account is not even a month old and you're throwing these baseless uninformed accusations sounding like a 12 y/o brat, get off that high horse of yours and play the game some more first.
  14. I tried installing win10 back when it was still available for free it resulted in fps drops in many of the titles that i play and from what i hear it hasn't changed much with compatibility issues either now take in account problems like the recent data loss across the globe for anyone with win10 along with Microsoft's plan to make you pay to use win7 in the future once it stops supporting it
  15. Probably because these come with an open customizable slot maybe to prevent rerolling cheaters from using mods but then again it's just r20 you can reach that in a day or less no prob
  16. No lifers with over 5k posts on forums see it works both ways
  17. thru more rare daily activities, i got one on one of my alts yesterday it required me to kill 3 people in the final stage
  18. Does happen to me occasionally, goes away on it's own like nothing happened. Tried restarting your router/modem?
  19. Such symbols are fine so aslong as they don't push it on others and mind their own business, don't get your panties in a bunch. There's plenty of crims with CCCP commie symbols aswell but I bet you won't complain about those tho.
  20. just skip it entirely, you'll get a new one tommorow or get a friend to help you out
  21. Don't worry i haven't received a skin or anything on epidemic role 2 either, prolly an issue they're working on
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