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Everything posted by Optimus_Crime

  1. reduce the overall population per district, make it 40-40 or 30-30 the stutters and fps drops and sudden disconnects make the event unplayable
  2. Maan did this flop, hope you guys will be making further adjustments to the pricing, right now you're still paying for weapon for about as much as an actual decent game on steam would.
  3. except that it's exploitable af and keeps players away from playing the actual game
  4. we all start to feel the same way after a certain amount of time, here's what i do 1. try other TPS FPS MMO's etc 2. binge play the shit out of them all the while trying to keep myself as far away as possible from APB 3. start to realize there's very few games like APB if even, remember all the fun and in-fighting i had here and that i should be grateful it still exists 4. come crawling back to APB, rinse and repeat
  5. I like how these hard-to-please game title reviewers always nitpick on the game's physics and such as if video games are supposed to resemble real life to the highest degree (aren't we playing them to escape it for a little while?) and expect them to be as close as possible to their favorite more mainstream popular titles such as of course the ever eternal GTA series in this case as per usual. I won't disagree that this port to the console's was a rushed tragedy by G1 but you could've atleast checked the PC version first compare the two and get up-to-date with the current events. lazy cu nt makes a lazy poorly-researched review, basically.
  6. I'm fine with our current one Farf made a while back it fits the game more imo, however i wouldn't mind seeing it make a return and be used in the user creation studios instead or something.
  7. Why would you want mouse acceleration anyway, isn't it a bit unpredictable as to where your mouse goes with it? Just master higher sensitivity, less hand strains and more flexibility.
  8. Liking the art style liking the ambition, best of luck to you, pal. I think you should touch on Templeton next, he's like the tank the father role of Praetorians.
  9. You tellin me you don't enjoy getting arrested by female cops?
  10. i hope they'll include an off/on option as well if they do add it because rain in games is known to have an effect on fps
  11. https://www.drivereasy.com/knowledge/fix-failed-to-create-d3d9-device/ https://www.auslogics.com/en/articles/resolving-failed-to-create-d3d9-device/ check these links i believe one of these solutions helped me when i had the same problem, that was quite a while back but it is fixable.
  12. I ate a clock yesterday. It was very time consuming.
  13. you need to be a sad boi to like it 7/10 aint bad
  14. Everything in it should be account bound as described, not so sure about the weapon camos but i believe that's their default skin on each wep which you can later modify with other skins.
  15. Up to you really, I'd get some premium to get that cash rolling then perhaps a few weapons/reskins i like and then the armas exclusive clothing would probably come last. Most weapons from armas are reskins obviously with the exceptions of a handful few like the CSG ISSR-B but you can get week long leases from the joker store of these weapons too yadayada. The only real advantage they'll provide are open mod slots unless it's a preset wep but the originals from Contacts offer this as well as soon as you progress to a certain weapon role. I buy them both for new looks sound and the open customizable slots. Worth the price if you're buying account bound want to support the game and looking to try something new that comes with open slots for your future characters, though i'd probably wait for a sale first with prices like these.
  16. i'd give it a solid 7.5 if it not for that recorded remixed laugh that start to sound sort of like a duck is being strangled every 5-15 seconds or so lol the main instrumental and screams sound pretty decent and maybe even slightly energizing in a way imo here's some pill popper screamo rap, dont mind the weird as s vid i just think it coincides well with the lyrics
  17. i remember waking up to this video showing up in my recommendations, it felt like christmas. Also here's a 60 fps render link.
  18. The 'roughly-the-same latency' part with our already low population could introduce new problems like barely finding any populated matches or having the same squad and opponents which some people might not enjoy playing with. By 'seperate server' you mean an instance with only say the 4 players on one side and 4 on the other in the entire district kind of thing? I mean this could possibly eliminate mission griefing, but wouldn't it feel a bit isolating and lonely? i'd miss the lollygagging in /d chat but then again what are action districts for if not fighting i suppose. Will the threat level actually be removed or will it just be simply hidden from others? I feel like the former would be a better idea and just let randoms be matched with randoms, it's a 50/50 chance of having a really great match or just a terrible one in general like in old source engine valve games.
  19. i am most definitely sure this will bring a lot of diverse choice amongst players when it comes to primaries, noooo doubt about it, no sir mmmmhhhhhmmmmm.... you could've reverted the shotgun changes back to the way they were originally instead but nah that's crazy talk.
  20. that and the addictive gameplay.. so aslong so you keep winning
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