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Everything posted by Optimus_Crime

  1. it's a 4 door calabria that's slightly quicker and is capable of spawning in 4 players at the same time including you as opposed to two if you equip it with the free mobile spawn point mod that comes with it as well and sure it might look like something only your mother would drive but besides the speed difference this is already a genuine step up in tactical advantage if the car's parked in a good spot lol https://apbdb.com/items/Vehicle_Car_A_UtilityHatchback/compare?item=Vehicle_Car_A_Utility2DCoupe here's another idea, why not give them a week or so long vehicle trial of their choice(akin to the starter weapon trials) and then a 50% off discount for the first contact vehicle they buy with in-game cash to incentivize playing and achieving something if you buff the mommy minivan too hard they might cling to it for longer than they're supposed to
  2. you can click on any point in this video and still hear a russian curseword every 2 words, hilarious and yet sickening like listening to some street hobos rant about
  3. free my nouga beacon in all sincerity though i hope one day you realize (barely) working on more than one game title is out of your capability and chasing notorious trends like NFTs will only make you vilified i'm happy that you at least haven't given up but sometimes i worry apb will die with you with some of the decisions you keep making
  4. I know what you meant and I still see no reason why it should be a straight upgrade over the regular nfas in this regard
  5. LO for the love of god, at least acknowledge this several year old bug
  6. I don't like nerfs but the ogre was the one gun that deserved to be brought down, besides being a cheap cash grab for cheap people it was and likely still is capable of initiating fps drops and screen freezes with the amount of pellets it can shit out Don't you think this was done deliberately since the ogre has 18 shots in the mag before it needs to reload as opposed to 7 in the nfas even if it has a windup timer?
  7. Absolutely not for ffbans or public announcements of cheaters being banned. Some, maybe even most do it for the attention and you're playing right into their desire to be noticed, they feed off your outrage and reactions What else is there to gain from the precious time you waste here as a shameless bast ard utilizing third party software akin to handicap aid when you know for a fact each new account you make is temporary The only time public shaming like this would work is if you exposed their real life identity and address but false positives are always a possibility and so are unjust GM bans
  8. this bug has been around for longer than some games launched and ended
  9. Anyone else miss the epidemic event? Strangely It left such a positive impression on me that I still have fond memories of it even half a decade later. Basically the way it worked was you had 3 teams and at the start of each match all players get assigned to said teams randomly every time, you and your team worked together to deliver barrels and then defend them under a shared common goal of spreading your own brand of toxin and taking over territory, while competing against the other 2 teams. It wasn't perfect of course and some of its problems were worse than usual lag and the prevalence of explosive weapons but overall I remember it being a nice and honestly a rare breath of fresh air for once. I'd like to see it return or maybe even become some new addition to fight club perhaps.
  10. here's your stupid easter event update from like 2015 *yeets some eggs and joker tickets in your general direction*
  11. I think that large, over 4 and up player matches are in general way more fun and even give more chances for new players to steal score at least some kills as opposed to none with the help of their teammates (provided they don't rush in alone everytime) and get for the most part steam rolled. I'd like to see 2 versus 2 missions become rarer, they're too predictable especially when playing against vets and are always a slog to go through on average timewise. But maybe that's just my fight club addiction talking idk. As for literal trainees getting matched with golds, I feel barring them out of such missions with opposition way out of their league until they hit at least above rank 100 and the hidden threat value of like silver 5 from 0-10 I saw someone mention here somewhere should've been done long ago, it goes without saying. What difference would less actual play time make if you force them in with vets only for them to ragequit on probably their 1st or 2nd match.
  12. this reads like it was written by glaciers lol except even more pretentiously due to some false sense of security of anonymity game balancing is a rabbit hole LO will never dig themselves out of and instead keep back pedaling on their decisions ten times over wasting yet again precious resources and time, ending up pleasing nobody due to not being all that familiar with the game or game balancing themselves. I think what they should be focusing on is something that's new and is tied to your character progression to shake up this never ending meta cycle of what is basically a rat race of whoever gets to the mission objective first and then camps it like their fucking life depends on it which has been the core gameplay since the game came out. I do have some ideas that aren't all that farfetched and some maybe not that original but not out of LO's budget although i'd rather make a separate post.
  13. Why? I liked day time asylum now i'll probably have to turn up my brightness settings everytime i enter it and then lower it when im out
  14. Thanks for sharing this, quite fucking appaling on LO's part but now I'm worried for APB too
  15. The matchmaking and hosting part that's frighteningly your highest priority, sounds disastrous. Everything else sounds amazing on paper if you'll manage some of it. I'd really have to see what this phasing and player hosting will look at all in a beta because trying to wrap my head around it is giving me a migraine but to me it feels like it'll make the san paro feel less alive and just add unnecessary loading times which break away from the game's nature of seamless and near instant mission matches when a district is full, but it's clearly vital for your idea of connecting all servers. What this man said. Kindly answer these questions, LO. - We will migrate the existing worlds to ‘regions’. Each region will host their own game servers and characters. These are grouped by location and latency to keep things as fast as possible. The idea is to have more, smaller regions vs. less larger worlds." - We hope to start adding previously supported regions back to the game like Eastern Europe, Asia Pacific, and South America – even if its just a couple district servers to start. What good will this bring? it's not 2013 anymore, the game's player base is not big enough to be divided like this, it hardly ever was. The servers were merged before for a reason and that reason was waning player count and even if you go this route most players will stick to the most populated region either way even if at the cost of slightly higher ping. - As a result of this system, we will be doing away with platform-specific worlds and districts. PC and console players will be able to interact together in Social districts, and PC matches can be happening right alongside console matches in the same district. You need to clarify what this will look like for missions. Otherwise what's the point there, assuming they get put in the same district but never fight amongst eachother? I feel like this should be limited to social district for performance. - This means our servers can be put where they are most needed. Why does this sound like we're going to have to deal with laggy social districts because of you cutting corners and having say mission districts get the priority now - Premium will also be able to queue in ‘Premium Only’ matches that we hope will free of reroll cheaters. I can't say I see that many rerolling cheaters these days to merit using this special queue which in itself is a futile effort that would undoubtedly put you against the same handful group of tryhards at best and no one wants that and result in next to no matches at all at worst. Good grief just leave the matchmaking as it is for now and focus on new and old player retention alike. New content and a makeover for the tutorial and the first minutes of the game was it right there.
  16. This one is long overdue, hope LO takes notice and adds some way of increasing all inventory limits.
  17. Save me your typical snarky dipshit replies, deep down you know and hope for this game to succeed. You would've dropped it and anything to do with it including these forums a long time ago otherwise. There are games older than APB that are still actively played, in fact some of them such as tf2 hit their peak player count not too long ago. It would be naive to think it'll reach such popularity sure, but I believe they can turn this sinking ship around if they focus on it and not several at a time.
  18. This game's glory days are yet to begin if they just focus on adding anything but the quick broken cash grab gun they'll have to upset everyone about and rebalance later. Literally anything but that - a new permanent gamemode or purchasable but non preset'ed clothing, even existing weapon or vehicle reskins and kits would more than do. Brush up on the UI design and eliminate these fps stutters that plague this game even after the 64 bit update. More importantly look into the new player experience and see how it could be improved.
  19. yes put cringe discord number tags on players so i can bully and stalk them easier, kthxby
  20. As laughable as those rewards were in this recycled valentine's event that appeared in the same fashion for like the 10th time and bringing absolutely nothing new to the table besides titles and maybe decals. I feel ranking these time-limited event roles shouldn't be such an unachievable chore everytime and should instead be tracked across all your alts in addition of having them all rewarded the same for the work you put in. Good luck plowing through 750 kills with randomized valentine weapons (unless you stick with the one STAR556 and snub nose they gave you throughout the entire thing or just buy the guns from armas like they want you to) on a single character and then do that 4 maybe 5 times again to be done with this mess on all your alts and if you're feeling extra hyperactive and motivated for these crumbs of recycled dopamine from all the ritalin you've snorted directly through your nasal cavity there's another 375 kills they want you to slog through with kills made only with this absolute meme of a gun - the snub nose revolver. I hate how you're forced to choose which of your characters get time limited rewards this time and the rest won't and then wait an another entire year for the event to come back (if it ever will) and pray they remembered or considered putting in the same rewards along with possible new ones. Of course, this isn't an issue for you if you haven't been playing for long and don't have any alts besides your main and have more than enough time to actually finish this in 2 weeks but considering how many alts this game lets you have, I don't think its healthy to have this amount of grind on a time-limited event just for one fucking character.
  21. I vaguely remember making a post a long time ago, doubting LO's ability to take on multiple games being such a small company and all and then being fucking reeee'd at by one of the forum elitists on here with them stating how spreading their already limited resources thin like this won't affect the development process for this game or anything. Look at were we're at now.
  22. not before you buff my carbine to be fully automatic with a fire rate of the fucking shaw
  23. nyet, theme is fine i like the current login theme with its dark gloomy & bass-y login soundtrack leave it alone dammit
  24. most of the community can go suck on a fat one for all i care but i will always love and cherish this unique gem of a game that has kept me company by replacing depression with anger and at times laughter which i kind of prefer does not matter how long it'll take for you to finish this meme of an engine upgrade so as long as you keep the game running, updated with new content afterwards i will continue to support it financially or vocally. Just stay out of politics like you did with BLM, it doesnt take a genius to figure that taking sides like this only f u c ks up your business like they have looted and pillaged local stores and houses across america, that's all i ask
  25. some UI icons disappear when having switched through one character to another, these include contact, objective, teammate/enemy icons and etc. forcing you to either restart the game or use the entire 2D map to navigate and quite ineffectively at that. This bug has been here for months I can't believe it still has been overlooked.
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