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Everything posted by neophobia

  1. yeah, or atleast limit the 3day lease pool to weapons you don't own yet (while keeping the same overall probability though - checking which weapons you own etc might be quite complicated though). flooding social mp with trial guns doesn't seem reasonable though. add an option for selling/exchanging those leases for a few jt would be fair as well. however... that seems like a lot of effort i guess. also, your poll is an alternative question but expects polar answers while it is not clear or implied in any way which of the polar answer represents either alternative... umm... ye. and didnt we have this very topic just some days if not hours ago
  2. idk but i feel like $50 is too low, and $100 could be too high but you got to keep the cashflow going somehow. But i rather have a guarantee 1 if i spend around $100 than spending $400 and never get 1 50 is literally a fullprice fullfledged game. they are worse than other weapons. "blackmarket" value used to be lower (and probably still is) all this guaranteed stuff is nonsense though anyway.
  3. i disagree...played for 2hours and in 70% of all the games i played atleast 1 of the 4 had a shotgun... so not everyone more like 4 out of 4 (or atleast 3)
  4. 0.99^100 = 36.6% 0.90^10 = 34.9% 0.9^50 = 0.5% Those are the chances to not get any legendaries in your three scenarios. You could've said that way shorter.
  5. that's like the only thing i'd ever criticize here, it appears quite bland and plain to me the rest is quite good to me though... hm.
  6. just cause other weapons are overpriced (we're talking the price of a full game here) it doesn't mean that everything should be overpriced. and even then, there is no justification why legendaries should be twice as expensive as others. (you could also see the "actual" market value from (forbidden) real money trades, they were lower than normal weapons) (excluding sales cause there's not only 50% on armas but also JMB BOGO etc,) (i own around 80 weapons accountwide perm and like 15 legendaries on top (can't check at office pc lmao), i still think the prices are too high for most players.) also, actually unlocking the "normal" weapons as 3 slot leases takes much more grind than to earn one legendary...
  7. they had issues with redeeming etc so it was removed for now. use the searchbar next time please, the thread was the first result, no need to open duplicate threads. https://forums.gamersfirst.com/search/?q=urban survival
  8. Yes, coywolf needs some love, it's a nice running car. ftfy jk but i actually heard quite often that it's "runner meta" never encountered that myself. i like it myself too, but since you can't get it accwide never bought it... always nicking it from friends though.
  9. except that it's quite easier to hit min/smaller ttks with a shotgun these days it shouldn't be as viable as it is in the current state. anyway.
  10. 2000 x 1000g1c xd if they ever were to do this, it should come with a fee - either a fixed one or corresponding to the amount of characters on the source account (maybe minus still available character slots on the target account plus some fixed part)
  11. till this day i havnt played against a single person who owned 1 of these... i own these, but never play them x-d they are quite dreadful in comparison to basically everything else.
  12. become left-handed (or right-handed vice versa if you are) there is a solution for everything. nah, i like low sensitivity, it feels better to use subjectively (and also has health benefits - objectively!) but if you were fine before, there is no need to force change on yourself. also, you should be able to change dpi a bit more fine than that, right? do you have the logitech software? everyone is different. just try. it might take some time to find the right setting but it's worth it in long term. and even then, you can still adapt over time.
  13. nvm misread, sry. thought this was about upgrades from char to accbound that ppl mistook for sales before. never heard abt sales for just a few items in armas before...
  14. This is actually being worked on. But remember, these aren't virtualized servers. They are traditional hardware that we have to provision and pay for 24/7. OTW US is a copy of what we run in production, so committing to OTW EU means additional cost year around. nah fam just get one of them €3.5 2gb ram 1core 20gb ssd root servers from ovh in frankfurt, trust me i'm a professional, im into it alot, hosted 3+ gmod servers and an upcoming game designer v is actually the symbol for speed in physics and this is why vservers are better than educated servers no wonder they were running that bad :'^) sorry. gave in to temptation.
  15. u do know if u reply to a ticket...it throws your ticket at the back of the line right? :s (it wouldnt make sense but thats how it is) that's how g1 handled it, LO never made a statement like this (correct me if i'm wrong) and it makes sense as far as there has been a recent interaction with the ticket, so tickets where nothing has been changed yet can get prioritized (while this is/should be rather just about interactions from their side.)
  16. no, it's been almost exactly 2 months but ye, hm.
  17. i have gsync and whenever i oc my monitor from 100hz to 120hz (aw3418dw) the framerate from apb adapts, is this what you mean or uh... works fine to me
  18. no, it actually feels better to use the jg now. :^) i feel like csg was always supposed to be the slightly slower, slightly higher range one either way, previous stats/changes goofed things up though.
  19. the old one was two weeks for any request and LO got all the new requests regarding unbans when they started out once they are through with all the pile of workload that comes with that, they'll be faster. things just need to level off they can't just go there, hire loads for just that (+ train them to some degree) and let them go afterwards.
  20. most of them arenot very expensive and it's most likely not lazy, other variants of the raptor, m1922, scout etc are skinnable, so creating a new and exclusive skin is definitely more work
  21. my fav legendary btt they said that legendaries are supposed to be special - i guess they should be - but forcing the players to use 1-2 skins seems not legendary-esque, i gotta agree. those skins also make them unique though. i guess there maybe maybe might also be issues with trading and skins? who knows. resetting the skin to default when refurbishing seems feasible if not done already... tbf the hazardous even had some "exclusive" additional skins added by using a redeem code...
  22. you have to be very very close to a jg to get 2-shotted by it, almost pig distance, which by then when youre far enough, an smg can arguably be more effective once youre not as close, this is why i hardly feel there is changes, it still takes as many shots as it took before to kill someone at the same distances as before. before the last patch i would've agreed wholeheartedly. it definitely requires less aim overall and less shots on certain ranges now though. lowering the skillceiling shouldn't be the way to go. like, i don't even judge from anyone killing me (although there are way more shotguns around now) but from me being able to pull off kills way easier than before.
  23. ? the jg is way stronger than any smg now. this isn't balanced. yes, shotguns are more consistent - but mostly *easier* now. they were good in the hands of good players (watch shini) before too. i do own like 5 different armas shotguns and they just feel like easymode now. i've never complained about the old state. it makes smgs way less viable. do we buff smgs now? lmao. my point is, jg is super strong right now and performs too well outside of its intended range. it should be strong in cqc, yes. right now you can 3 shot people up until 15m by just shooting in their general direction. (exaggerated.) the hvr on the other side is way much more balanced now. this just shows that people are never happy. they will never be happy. "Driving up to someone is a part of the game why are you even playing if you complain about everything?" i don't. i responded to "It's almost if one couldn't shoot another without being at melee distance.". this just shows that people are never reading. they will never be reading. and just saying, perc+pig is also part of the game. does it make it any better? lootboxes are part of many games. does it make them any better? lmao. great argument. way to go. i do think driving up to people is completely fine. he just acts like you could always avoid being too close to an enemy by just shooting before. i do like the current patch. just don't act like it's perfect. funnily enough, the csg felt weaker to me in comparison to the jg now - but it feels a bit more balanced in cqc against smgs, while the jg seems waaaay easier. if they change the shotguns to be as viable as smgs (obv outperforming them in closer cqc tho)
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