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Everything posted by xHenryman90x

  1. I personally never completely, as long as the game is alive. Your thoughts?
  2. I tested it if it could work better than OPGL CD with TG-8 or Nano.
  3. I remember it having mobility sling instead? You mean that the red mods work with OPGL? I tried HB3 once and it was 1 shot kill anyway.
  4. It certainly needs something now, having 1 useless modification slot without any meaningful mod doesn't offer you anything compared to 2 slotted one, let's not forget that there's OPGL too. Flaregun ammo mod?
  5. It was nearly dead, LO didn't do anything meaningful changes to make more people play, then pulled the plug and decided to monetize those skins by bundling them together, it's like if they said to everyone who managed to grind 2 out of 3 skins: Phuck you and buy the whole pack of skins that include those you have already unlocked for free.
  6. It took me few years to complete all weapon roles, including LTL role, great feeling once you've done it all.
  7. I watched some old RTW gameplay footage, based on that i can say that the game was worse back then and unbalanced.
  8. New JMB secondary designed for mid to long ranges.
  9. How small fraction of players even use fragile? I rarely see anybody using it, the same goes to PIG and perc combo, which gets unnecessary heat as well.
  10. Revert the weapon back to its previous state, right now it's just stupid. Nerf the damage to 750 and maybe compensate this in somewhere else, maybe slightly faster fire rate etc.
  11. I guess it's for this reason then, even though i don't remember that this happened immediately or soon after the JT store weapon permanence change. Colby M-1922 'Uncle Sam' and Joker SR15 'Viper' Carbine comes to mind.
  12. For example last week, we had to do at least 18-19 activities to get those 200JT, what's going on? I'm aware that you can win some rewards like weapons with preset skins when you're on top of the leaderboard, but i'm also aware that those rewards are no longer permanent, as they used to be years ago.
  13. Revert the recoil change at least, maybe some other minor tweaks/changes after that.
  14. This and also the general idea that almost all legendaries need to have 1 mod slot locked, what's the justification?
  15. 1) You should still have an option to call backup, it doesn't even give you that most of the time. 2) You don't even have to leave silver districts, 2-4 premade gold group is enough to get unfair easy wins.
  16. I don't even have that huge wall poster, i don't have any use for these phone cases, my next phone will most likely never be compatible with these, it's not a well known brand.
  17. Fix the HUD bug so we don't have to reatart the game in order to fix it, it's still not fixed after all these months.
  18. No it wasn't Matt, these skins are years old.
  19. For example, Sweden was included but Finland was ignored, even though there's literally no other differences between the flags except colors.
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