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Everything posted by xHenryman90x

  1. I don't think that there's as many as there used to be before BE, you have to realize that there will be some level of cheating going on regardless of solution used. I'm playing on Citadel silver districts and having average 50% victories or less.
  2. Better DDos protection yes, but don't we already have one of the best client sided anti-cheat solution there is?
  3. Those toxic people keep coming back and have come back after several account bans. Now i love how finally people had to admit that there has been wrongly banned players, including myself. This wrong ban costed me +30k worth of JT savings, without having any way to defend myself, at least i'm grateful that i got my account back, maybe there was no way to tell if it was false detection or not.
  4. The tutorial is fine, maybe there should be tutorial with video clips showing exactly how to do certain thing, some people seem to have difficulties to understand what they read. Sure some players want easy matches, i don't see how it makes any sense to waste about an hour to drop back to silver, the matchmaking is also broken and it gives matches like 1 silver and 1 gold vs 2 golds without backup, this has happened numerous times while i was playing with silver relative of mine.
  5. So all those gold premade groups playing on bronze all day are just bad at playing or throwing "I'm only playing here with my bronze friend" card all day every day? When you force players to remain where they belong or higher threat districts or OC, including those who dethreat on purpose, once their threat increases, they should be moved automatically, it's as simple as that.
  6. I've played OC ocassionally, most players that i've seen there are new players who are playing missions there or are raiding shops, currently bronze districts are almost worse for new players than OC. I think that if you add feature that transfers gold away from bronze districts, it would make a better experience for new players, without need of these overly complex ideas.
  7. OC districts would be your best choice when you play with somebody new with lower threat level. Unfortunately APB is full of tryharder kids and misfits who have too much time to exploit this current threat system.
  8. So i assume that you are playing on Nekrova or Han?
  9. Shortly put, this is how it should be: Higher threat players can't join lower threat district, but only lower threat players could join higher threat district. Auto transfer players who turn from silver to gold back to gold district, this is how you make dethreating pointless and this makes OC viable again when necessary. Current matchmaking seems to be broken, fix that first.
  10. Implement 4 slotted weapons, modifiable secondaries, also make legendaries fully modifiable but keep already fixed mods intact. P.S. Please make Colby "Hazardous" better by changing mods on it, maybe add some legendary exclusive mod/mods, at least open the 3rd mod slot.
  11. In that case it would be just easier if YOU could transfer these leases and rare items at least exclusively between your characters. Where exactly?
  12. I'm quite sure that this kind of item transfers were permitted before LO came and started changing policies, that most likely also explains why some players have multiple extra Nanos and Stacs on a single character. Maybe someone else can confirm whether this is true or not.
  13. Except if you have more than one of each variant, then you shouldn't even get that specific rare activity ever again with that logic.
  14. Then why other players have collected more than one of each variant?
  15. Dunno, i remember reading that this was possible before. I'm talking about rare activity Nanos.
  16. So relative of mine was willing to send one of his rare Nanos to another character on his account, he contacted support and received reply that you don't perform any types of item transfers, what's the reason behind this policy?
  17. Not everyone are pro high tier gold and have a good computer. Why should these things to be limited only for good players with high end computers?
  18. I bet most players don't do these activities without help of friends or clanmates, also for instance you could end up playing against cheaters and lose your streak. There should be activities that someone else couldn't ruin like this, probably more time consuming activities rather than too challenging.
  19. There needs to reasonable challenges that most players are capable of doing. Currently we have some nearly impossible challenges like: 15 kills in a row, win 5 missions in a row, be MVP 3 times in a row.
  20. Current graphics look like crap, also daylight nearly melts your eyes in-game.
  21. What needs to be changed is to add whole Armas arsenal as possible rewards.
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