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Everything posted by xHenryman90x

  1. F2P game with 100-150 players ain't worth to keep. Also if i remember right there's only server for US players.
  2. 1. Yes, good idea. 2. What points do you mean? 3. There shouldn't be minus points for demerits, neither it should have any effect to threat level. 4. Stunning and arresting is already harder compared to lethal weaponry, maybe the rewards for stunning and arresting should be more equally rewarded. 5. Doesn't it already take less time to free someone compared to arresting? 6. Sure. 7. LTL already does soft damage. What i'd like to see is demerit for players who kill a criminal while someone is attempting to arrest them.
  3. GTA is an ok game, however there's some annoying flaws and other illogical things such as sluggish character controls, you can carry like 20 weapons at the same time, terrible weapon balance and you can flip cars around just by pressing and holding a or d. It's like mix of realism and unrealism, it doesn't make sense. There's some good pvp minigames and co-op missions. Isn't customization one of the main things in APB? I'm not saying that i'm a designer, not my thing really, in my opinion APB is just an awesome fast paced open world shooter with decent controls. Besides leveling up your characters rank, you can level up character roles, that's my thing personally, besides main rank. 100 hours, are you even R100 atm?
  4. Definitely no nerfs, possibly changes. Open slotted ones yes, red placeholder mods no. Yes we should have more normal weapons that can stun.
  5. More waiting, sigh! All these delays and postponing reminds me of the old Gamersfirst.
  6. You mean that they were forced back to gold districts before at some point but they reverted it?
  7. My opinion about phasing is that it should be an optional feature. Realistically threat segregation would still work if higher threat players would be forced out of lower threat districts once their threat changes, it should solve dethreating issue easily without complicated time consuming phasing system.
  8. That's not a matchmaking issue but threat segregation issue, which isn't properly implemented, low tier golds and intentional dethreaters shouldn't be allowed to stay on bronze districts once they turn to gold. It's also true that the matchmaking isn't working properly very often, leaving you without backup option, when you should be able to call it.
  9. I don't have much interest to play APB atm, but i keep that in mind. Maybe you could do some kind of gameplay montage regarding this?
  10. Open slotted LTL is something what we should have, some of the preset modded LTL weapons are terrible, also why there isn't preset modded and/or open slotted OPGL-CD?
  11. Sounds like an altered idea taken straight from the GTA V?
  12. Not a good idea unless keyboard and mouse are supported on console version.
  13. You're just too good then, almost nobody uses them. LTL has been completely ignored when balancing for weapons were done, as far as i know. Did RP made some changes for LTL before APB relaunch or at some point during early days?
  14. Graphics card too good for APB? Have you watched some ThioJoe's tech tip videos?
  15. You mean easy in general or just PIG + perc? Wouldn't make much sense with that reload time, reserve ammo and range.
  16. There still should be a separate district for this, casino as social district extension would probably make most sense, there's a social aspect when it comes to gambling.
  17. I don't see any real benefit of having multiple accounts, unless you have never paid anything on any account, so you use them for design purposes etc, or abuse new or other low threat players.
  18. You used free or bought hacks? Not everyone learn and become pro despite how much they play.
  19. If you don't have to win all the time, then you don't have to cheat, winning doesn't really matter past R255.
  20. Molotov, throwing knives with bleeding effect, smoke/tear gas grenades and sticky grenades do sound interesting, but i don't see how flashbang would work properly with these game mechanics.
  21. Less recoil and decreased movement speed while firing full auto?
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