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Everything posted by xHenryman90x

  1. Less recoil and decreased movement speed while firing full auto?
  2. Those games are way more popular, they can afford to freeze premium.
  3. I was lazy when i started this topic, i admit that. I was waiting for interest and replies, i have participated in discussion, i didn't have any detailed idea in my mind, so all those who are interested can bring their own ideas and we can see what's the best overall idea. Take it easy and peace be with you!
  4. I assume that the most readers did understand what i meant and know for sure since i didn't have any need to correct anyone's misinterpretations, that could only start at the beginning of the topic. Casino as social district extension sounds great. Everyone already figured out what we're talking about here, it's either you or someone else who can feel free to ask questions before voting, or it's me who can provide more detailed OP, so you don't have to ask anything. You can post your individual idea, if it's good you can get many/most likes. It's ok i'm not offended.
  5. Well that's matter of open discussion, don't we already know what type of games are in casinos? Well i made this short and simple, so i can actually see whether this idea brings any interest from other members, i don't have any specific ideas in mind, but now you guys are talking and giving your ideas, thank you for your feedback. P.S The devil's advocate line was hilarious.
  6. Are you an 100% absolutist and do you have criminal character?
  7. When was the last time when we had joker boxes as rewards from game events, was it due to past abuse that we don't have them anymore? So my suggestion is that LO should create separate boxes with account bound legendary prizes, also they should change these legendary weapon icons white.
  8. Yeah sure, it just takes alot of time sometimes when you have to move your mouse and click repeatedly due to lack of automated queue system.
  9. It's only bronze districts that are mostly populated during less populated hours, silver districts are often full during more populated hours. I don't play actively atm, only with my nephew or during events.
  10. Only if it's someone who is a complete dickbag to me and they're are on a same mission. I'm not sure whether there is any temporal consequences for those who exploit threat and ruin games for others. The biggest problem however is that often there's no districts available when you're gold and you're either forced to dethreat or quit playing, i choose the latter option.
  11. FFA threat district aka OC? Also system that forces players back to districts where they belong, unless they're willing or forced to join OC.
  12. It's true that OC district is pointless at the moment with this current threat segregation that allows you to dethreat from gold to silver so you can join bronze and stay there.
  13. Exactly i agree, but you seem to get wrong impression about what i'm trying to say.
  14. Why would anybody do something like this now? I mean it was understandable back when G1/RP was involved and they certainly made people mad.
  15. Group of golds vs random noobs on bronze is almost like group of golds vs potentionally random noobs on OC. Most players here dethreat that they can play against easy opponents, while they're making justifications about cheaters being the reason why they do so, or they have bronze/green friend. So if there was stricter threat segregation in place that prevents golds staying on bronze districts for example, we could probably see more players on OC.
  16. No one used them because they could just dethreat and stomp noobs on bronze districts all day without being forced back to silver or gold districts by some kind of automated system.
  17. 10k JT for each Nano, i'm not sure what STAC 10 could be worth. Another idea is simply that you can eventually get these items by random chance as you keep playing missions, this gives additional goal in-game besides rank progression.
  18. Give us an option to turn themes off in-game, that's what we need.
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