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Everything posted by xHenryman90x

  1. APB has never been a competitive game, considering that it's an open world game where you can have unbalanced missions with an unfair advantage/disadvantage.
  2. I don't understand you. Maybe they just switched soft damage and stamina damage around.
  3. Assuming that the ttk is 1.560s with ability to stun, how is it op?
  4. Use translator, i don't understand your language much either.
  5. Damage nerf: 850>750 and revert it back to it's previous state. Maybe slighly buff the fire rate.
  6. What do you mean exactly? One of the worst from performance perspective?
  7. I'm doing comparison between 2 different types of AMG's, hard damage is irrelevant in this case.
  8. You have better accuracy against cars in longer ranges with medusa, right?
  9. It offers you benefit against cars compared to normal AMG, at least.
  10. Grinding JT's for permanent weapons is what is keeping me somewhat active weekly, mostly Baylan is where i play.
  11. These kind of issues are becoming too common, something is constantly broken, they should start testing that everything is working before they put it out.
  12. You mean specifically that they can interfere other players missions?
  13. Maybe decreasing the firerate could be enough?
  14. More likely it isn't much better than GTA V, most likely still the same shitty game mechanics and unbalanced weapons.
  15. 4 legendaries in a row from the gold boxes.
  16. They should make them available on the JT store aswell.
  17. Your RTX card and APB do not work well together.
  18. I've reported dethreater once, this player even admitted on a chat doing so during a mission, this player was in our team, i'm not sure if there was a temp ban given to this player.
  19. Considering how small the current population is, it doesn't matter if we can temporarily join any district without restrictions, those who want to abuse new players can do it regardless of segregation, as they have done for years.
  20. At least now we don't have a mass dethreating with this low population, as usually bronze districts are most populated forcing players to dethreat so they can play.
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