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Everything posted by illgot

  1. I wouldn't mind the piercing mod on my Volcano.
  2. No game mode/content will help APB if it still runs horribly. 9 years later and it is impossible to run APB with default settings smoothly.
  3. Weapon drops probably have a negative impact on sales, especially JMB, which is why I believe they are so against it. Part of the reason people buy weapons and JMB is they believe those weapons are OP, having easy access to try and use these weapons without restrictions lowers the desire to spend money on Armas. The whole "loadouts" argument is PR talk. It's too easy already to swap loadouts with ammo boxes, trunk ammo, ammo tools, mail boxes, car spawners, contacts, and ammo vending machines.
  4. So do I, it adds a whole new layer of tactics but I wish you could drop or swap weapons back to your original. Once you pick up a weapon the only way to swap it is to pick up another or die.
  5. I like weapon drops and I do not benefit from them. I have a lot of legendaries and Armas weapons so if anyone benefits it's my opponents. If you feel your legendary is the only reason you can compete against your opponents using the STAR... that says more about your skill level than anything else.
  6. Enough cool down to drop a person to half health, limit stack of 1.
  7. Mission districts allow you to change loadouts and adapt to new objectives. Riot doesn't and I've watched team mates pick up weapons just to despawn them so enemy players have no upgrade options.
  8. NA servers don't seem to be loading characters.
  9. you'll have to wait for about 10 minutes for the servers to auto-log you out so you can log back in. I haven't really bought JMB in years so can't remember which ones I was unlocking like that.
  10. don't you unlock these in the Armas market under Redeem Code?
  11. the whole cash truck is a joke. My team was second only to another team which controlled the cash truck. Even though I had one epic player on my team killing their team constantly, she eventually died. We kept spawning back with zero primaries and ended up with just me and an FBW against 4 players using primary weapons...
  12. I like the weapon drop bug in the mission districts. Lets us test the weapons for real
  13. SNR is a starter weapon, but honestly no player is going to be able to stand against a team holed up with primary weapons while using secondaries of any type.
  14. unless they changed it, crims can't arrest stunned players.
  15. I like the idea of dropping weapons. Allow enemies to use the weapons of their kills. What real harm can it do (other than to the crim side who now has someone using LTL).
  16. I don't care how divergent the gameplay is, on Jericho I worry about it splitting the already tiny district population to the point mission districts are not available. It's already an issue for gold threat players only having one choice to play missions.
  17. those districts never had anyone playing in them. If I remember it also had a few issues like the OSMAW still had instant triggers (or wasn't available) and not all normal weapons were available for use. Reloaded basically handicapped the district then when no one wanted to play an empty district with limited weapons and buggy explosives they patted themselves on the back for their change in TTK.
  18. didn't bullets have greater range than 100 meters? I think LTL even had longer than 35 meter range. I would love to have the old TTK/TTS back along with the range we used to have during RTWs time.
  19. change the equip time to .8 seconds It's honestly a bit too good for quick swapping after your primary runs out of ammo considering it's damage and range.
  20. nice, I really want the Assassin only for the black skin. I have a chrome and connisseur
  21. also if you are looking for the Nano weapon it will show up as a nano icon instead of the JT icon. You'll see the difference with out having to be in that specific district.
  22. I actually have DTL active right now. I use a tiny green dot in the middle of my screen. Helps with any shooter (currently playing Void Bastards).
  23. Those are scripts which can easily be written with autohotkey. Reducing recoil didn't work the way you may think, ahk could be made to return a mouse point to a designated location which was only useful with weapons which had predictable recoil like the hvr.
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