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Everything posted by illgot

  1. So you basically made fun about someone not being able to understand that you meant SBSR-IRS when your original post kept mentioning the ISSR-B in both the tittle and text of your post... I mean who watches a video featuring the wrong weapon when it's obvious by the title/text alone (in the original post) showed you had no clue what you were talking about. Your acting like a child then trying to cover it up after editing your mistakes. But I fully agree with you the SBSR-IRS needs a complete rework.
  2. so socks edited his original post to change ISSR-B to SBSR then makes fun of you for being on topic after his editing?
  3. If they really want to play a legitimate game they can start over on new accounts. That has always been an option so those that do truly want to be legit can do so, I don't know why any other discussion on the topic is needed.
  4. Right now there are 2 competative choices in vehicles. The Pioneer and the Vegas 4x4. Every other vehicle is inferior even the Espacio. The Pioneer has near max carry capacity, large pool of health and can push it's way through anything and NEVER gets flipped upside down. The Espacio has the same health, carry capacity, but completely lacks the push power of the Pioneer. The Pioneer is basically an APC in this game compared to other vehicles. The Vegas 4x4 has high health and tremendous speed taking off. I can often ram and blow up vehicles using the Vegas 4x4 just from a stand still while other vehicles often need inertia. Vegas lacks carry capacity and room for 4, but makes up for it by speed and health and push capability. I love both these vehicles but they dominate in utility compared to any other vehicles in game. Any talk on how to buff the other vehicles to make them more useful?
  5. I wished we were allowed to equip secondaries in the primary weapon slot. I love the secondary weapons but to be honest the low ammo count literally kills me.
  6. I remember when unique weapons were given out and ran into the owner of the clown OSMAW once. Anyone remember who that person was and if they are still active?
  7. doesn't work. There aren't enough players to split the population into 4 districts (trainee, bronze, silver, gold).
  8. That's why I always make car spawners my primary focus. I die, I mark them on the map, I spawn, I go and take them out.
  9. isn't a battle pass just a subscription which we already have? I don't play games with battle passes so not sure exactly what they entail.
  10. I have had people spawn in the cars then drive to the next point immediately. Sucked seeing a car where 3 people spawned in driving away and I didn't have my rocket launcher equipped.
  11. just had a mission where there was a capture point in the middle of the car ferry in Waterfront. Enforcers had the place locked down and were nearly at 50% for the win against the Crims who had zero. The crims rushed in and had about 3 car spawners. One outside and two inside. They eventually wiped out the Enforcers, but because the Enforcers completely ignored the Crims car spawners, and only had one themselves, Enforcers eventually had to all spawn outside the ferry and try and run back up the ramps inside. This meant the Enforcers were sniper bait. While the Enforcers were easily winning, the Crims won the game because every time they died they were able to spawn inside the car ferry. Mean while the Enforcers kept trying to run up the ramps in the open against snipers or rush to spawn cars which they could never reach. In a game with horrible spawn locations, especially in Waterfront, a team should focus on eliminating car spawners when not under fire. I have seen too many games won or lost because the opposition doesn't bother taking out car spawners which only takes 1 conc grenade.
  12. I see you illustrated how the OSMAW rocket curve when you are next to a vehicle.
  13. Pioneer/Nomad. The Vegas 4x4 is right behind it but lacks carrying capacity for both players and items. The speed of the Vegas is nice but not much help when you can easily be rammed to a stop or get the car flipped over. I usually beat Vegas 4x4s to the location simply by ramming my way through traffic in a Pioneer/Nomad. The Pioneer/Nomad is nearly impossible to ram to a stop, can push any vehicle forward from a dead stop, allows for more cover and height advantage and has more carrying capacity. I also can not remember the last time my Pioneer/Nomad got stuck flipped over, it seems to always flip back over on the wheels.
  14. maybe the engine upgrade will make APB run at 120 FPS with no server latency and stop all DDOS attacks making APB a god in the battle royal genre...
  15. That's not true. Jump shooting actually maxes out your bloom, V spamming doesn't effect bloom. Would it really hurt to put in a 1 second delay to stop people from spamming this?
  16. limited space in clothing/vehicles/weapons inventory. Plus scrolling through 20+ weapons you never use it chaos.
  17. this game runs so horribly that PUBG looks like silk compared to APB. What if Fortnite and Apex Legends ran horribly and 1 in 20 people were flat out aimbotting? Neither game would have been nearly as popular.
  18. guessing it's a third faction that can be opposed to anyone (even Redhill). Maybe a flag you toggle on.
  19. But items from Armas are mailed to you in game. If you delete the items you have to get customer service to resend the items to you and I'm not sure if there is a limit to how often they will do this. I prefer Account Lifetime on all the items I buy since I have 5 characters I like to pop around on due to all the character designs I have plus I can swap between Enforcers/Criminals depending on server population.
  20. I would never want to split our already tiny population more with "Premium servers"
  21. and? Every basic primary weapon can use IR3. That is why I stated base range. I don't know if it is just the animation, but when I was sprinting and shooting a van with my CSG/JG it seemed to show the hit markers a few meters off to the side from where my mouse was pointing. I have no idea why it's so bad.
  22. I feel like this is some political game where one side has a bill and the other side tacks on something like "eliminate planned parenthood" just to stop the bill from passing. The NFAS is fine. The CSG (most shotguns) are broken because the hit reg seems to be broken. If shotguns worked like they were suppose to, the CSG and JG series would dominate the NFAS at range (more than 10-15 meters) while the NFAS would dominate in CQC corner popping with more cover. As it is, I take out NFAS users with my FBW pistol from 20 meters. it has an effective base range of 10 meters with minimum at 20 meters. You can't reduce the range anymore than that or it will have absolutely no use.
  23. my favorite character design but I had to use the nude modification to get it looking right.
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