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Everything posted by illgot

  1. "She breasted boobily to the stairs, and titted downwards.”
  2. You don't need to interact with players to show you are involved. Look at StarCitizen. I have not seen any gameplay where the devs hold special events or play along side the player base. What they do have are weekly videos showing their development, constant blog updates, tweets about the changes to the game etc. Being involved could just mean sharing information or explaining issues and challenges in the games development.
  3. OSMAW rockets suffer from this effect. It's like it goes around invisible geometry
  4. I used to use them before the last devs banned them. It was extremely useful. I used to use a large circular crosshair that would change colours when over an enemy. It wasn't red par say, but it changed colours when over an enemy and was large enough to be obvious without focusing solely on the crosshair.
  5. yes it does. Imagine a nice permanent crosshair that turns red anytime you cross over an enemy. Instead of having no crosshair when running, you now have a permanent one which is a massive advantage while on the move. Plus it is easier to pay attention to a crosshair than trying to pay attention to the crosshair + enemy position. I land a lot of shots mainly because I try and only fire when my cursor is red even if it is a tiny crosshair that only shows up while not moving or aiming.
  6. what are really nice is the permanent large custom crosshairs that are impossible to miss when you swipe over a player. The crosshair is there when you walk, run, or aim.
  7. Why should we change how the game works because of streamers? And any streamer that plays a competitive game live and expect no one to stream snipe them isn't playing smart.
  8. Making vehicles outside of the missions transparent would make it too easy. 1) you would immediately know which player vehicles belong to the enemy team. It takes some forethought to aim at the vehicles around your mission point to see if the enemy has already gotten there or if those are non mission player owned vehicles then toss a grenade at the most threatening of those (vehicle spawner, ammo, radar). 2) hiding behind non mission player owned vehicles is useful even if it doesn't stop bullets. Enemies can't see through the vehicles so you can set up an ambush or use those vehicles as cover if an opponent tries to run you over. It is extremely useful if you know how to use it right. I've come across very little actual griefing outside of the random few seconds of someone bumping into me or running me off the road for fun as they go to their own mission point.
  9. joker tickets aren't something a low rank can easily farm to cover 5+ mods every week. I have 2 max ranks and I am constantly changing mods on my car and characters to fit the situation. You can't do that at rank 50 farming 10 tickets per contact/day or out shoot people in Fightclub who have all the mods and toys you don't. Plus you shouldn't have to spend time playing fightclub to farm tickets just to play missions in mission districts. Lower the rank requirements to 80 like all other mods pre rank 255.
  10. part of the fun in APB is the randomness of just driving around or having a shoot out. There are many times on both sides where a random car hits a bunch of runners holding the objective off the road. Or when you are lining up a shot and a vehicle nudges you and the person gets away. Random crap that happens keeps the game enjoyable. If everything was predictable and you didn't have to stay attentive from outside influences it would be rather boring.
  11. There are already systems like that, weapon roles which unlock mods, vehicle roles which unlock vehicles, ranks which unlock mods. To be honest I think the rank requirements on mods should be abolished. It makes games even more unfair for lower ranked players. It's nearly impossible for new players to win in certain missions because max ranks have car surfer, flak, remote detonation, radar, etc. New players have zero chance at winning a mission where the objective is to hold the item while rank 255s drive around in a Pioneer with car surfer and OMSAWs/Aligs destroying anyone that gets near them. And a lot of us vets have been playing this game for years after unlocking everything, so grinding is not what this game is about. This games strong points are customization and playing a back and forth battle of cops and robbers.
  12. The car spawner location has a set of stairs leading up to that area as well. If the person were wall hacking they would see the players running up the stairs on that side. It also makes sense if the opposition was smart and spawned their vehicles with car spawners on that side.
  13. That is just predicting where an enemy will come from (one door) and firing about .5 seconds after they show up. The first one was aiming at 2 different angles the people could have been coming from and firing at them milliseconds before they even show. The first one is not 100% cheat, but you can see how the player may have been following enemy players as they ran up the staircase, then swapped to another target, then swapped back to the enemies breaching cover right before they did so. It seemed more like a wall hack in the first video versus aimbot or triggerbot.
  14. They would probably make more money just making the Piercing mod a new "legendary" drop from the JMB XXX.
  15. it actually irritated me when I was trying to look at my vehicles carrying capacity to fit a large item for a mission and just saw a bar. WTF is this bar, is it 5 items, 6 items?
  16. we shouldn't have to rely on an outside database (which maybe out of date and doesn't list all weapons) to see what the range is on the weapon I am currently using in game. It also doesn't help new players who have no idea what they are doing when the weapon shows 50% full bar for range and 30-40% full bar for TTK
  17. The "stats" listed as bars are a horrible. I can't really tell anything by the bars because the bars seem to mean different things depending on the weapon and vehicle type. Can we please just convert all these stat bars to factual numbers?
  18. Oddly I have run into an obvious cheater yet. I have made a lot of snap shots with the ACT pistol that I'm shocked I haven't been accused.
  19. There's also different noises for different footwear. Some are quieter than others, while others make a different type of sound entirely. It's one of my lesser spoken of frustrations with this game, your customizations shouldn't have any gameplay effect whatsoever (aside from things like making yourself bright pink with glowing clothing making it easy as hell to see you, of course). yeah I have high heal boots that I rarely use that load because of this. It is just flat out noisy. The combat boots are a bit quieter.
  20. shoes actually make noise your enemy can easily hear.
  21. There is nothing wrong with a PvP stream. The most popular streamers only play PvP games, Fortnite, LoL, etc. If you are going to stream, try streaming with basic gear, nothing more than a basic weapon. Have the character look nice, but I would be careful showing off anything like JMB weapons or Armas weapons. I never saw the stream, but as a developer, jumping into a PvP game with anything but basic weapons immediately red flags you.
  22. are we sure it is DDOS attacks, just seems to be a constant issue with Jericho, not sure if Citadel has this issue ALL the time.
  23. But it takes considerably less time for a crim to earn 2.499 k and turn it in without the ability of being witnessed than an enforcer playing a 15 minute mission to earn 1500. You have to play smart as a crim when doing ram raiding.
  24. lets hope you don't get pucked over
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