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Everything posted by illgot

  1. only 2 options unless you are a gold threat, then you only have one half the time.
  2. it's not listed so don't waste the money. I think they changed it
  3. the sports packs does not say anything about being account bound. am I missing something?
  4. The prices are much lower now but I wish account bound was an option for everything in Armas.
  5. I play solo all the time myself and enjoy it more. Groups are just too intense and want to win no matter what. I'm happy losing games if I blew a few people up.
  6. remember when a lot of closets were caught by FF and suddenly it was "must have been the rapid fire macro"... yeah, sure.
  7. I don't play APB to win, I play to blow things up. Really that's my main goal, just to run around with my Volcano and send players bodies 50 meters from where I killed him.
  8. <--- the biggest trolls have been around for nearly a decade.
  9. why the desire to know who has been banned? To somehow confirm that your suspicions were right? who cares? The issue that naming causes is more severe than your temporary happiness that you thought was cheating was actually cheating. When naming and shaming was active, the same people would blatantly cheat over and over again just to get on the list. I think it made the game multitudes worse because some cheaters were having more fun being notorious.
  10. on Jericho you can't find missions and groups have been abusing it working together and it is worse when you queue solo and end up with only one team mate. The monetary difference and firepower in multiple teams working together versus solo queues sucks any fun out of the game.
  11. they are gold against low threat players but silver against anyone else (bronze against actual gold threat players). It's all relative. It is sad when a rank 255 with access all the toys and mods bumps up against bronze sub 50s who haven't even moved out of their starter car. In this at least, I think all mods should be lowered to rank 80. No more of this rank 195 requirement to use mods.
  12. Dog Ear is great for hard damage. Love destroying cars with it and it's a bit better than the DMR-AV because you are much more mobile, don't have a very limited window for max efficiency, and you can hang out of a car with the Dog Ear.
  13. Anyone capable of being in the bronze district is not a real gold threat. Real gold threats don't drop to silver threat rating. At best the highest threat in the bronze district is a high silver.
  14. I watched 2 teams cooperating once, they basically guarded the truck while they killed everyone else. This was one of the games were we only had 2 people on our team. That's when I just quit.
  15. APB is a team game, but APB was never designed for Riot. Teams in Riot breaks the system. There were more than a few games where I had only one team mate, mean while the premades had 4, they were able to coordinate their weapons before the match, they were on voice, and in some cases multiple premades were working together actively not engaging each other until the end of the match were they would take turns "winning".
  16. the biggest difference is in a mission you have unlimited lives and start with a full loadout and can change weapons to suit your situation. You can win by attrition simply by respawning. They need to fully disable premade teams for Riot. It's already dead and I refuse to keep trying when the same team keeps dominating over and over. Unless the premade has zero team work, there is no chance for a pug to beat them in Riot.
  17. that is probably a much more simple solution. My last game it was me and another player against 5 other teams of 4, one of which was a premade that had one the last umpteenth games in a row, no one could wipe these guys out or out bribe them. My partner and I did not last long with half the team size.
  18. or teams can solo queue (like the majority) if there aren't enough premade teams queuing up. There is an easy fix if you can not find a game with a premade team.
  19. Just to give Riot some sense of balance. No solo queue players will ever beat a half decent premade team on voice chat. This is not a large BR game with a massive population. This is a small pop game that will just end up being dominated by the same 4 people over and over unless the queues are separated. You can not treat this like normal APB where we keep spawning and may end up killing better organized player by sheer attrition or lucky spawns.
  20. the Ntec is so easy to use even up close, almost feels like cheating at times.
  21. I can't even get more than 6 people in the riot waiting rooms for NA. so... yeah, fun mode!
  22. open 3 slots for some of those weapons aren't available.
  23. like a stop sign or pedestrian that spawns back right as you shoot your Volcano.
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