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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. who knew so many people used the snub anyways... next pass and all that
  2. 200 damage... its right there in front of you Removed quote ~@mayii
  3. I more or less agree with this. I don't even know what any of those are, can you explain? That's not a thing. Period. Please use the in game report function. There are now several different categories for your reports. Everything you need is there. This is a bold faced lie. That never happened and has never been the case. The only time G1 gave data was at the launch of Fairfight and even then, even when the only anti-cheat we had was PunkBuster, cheaters only made up a single digit percentage of overall players. Please don't spread these lies and misinformation. It is because of players like you that other players think cheating is a much bigger problem than it actually is.
  4. I have to say, this proved endlessly entertaining to me. Thanks @ezmegaz68!
  5. it is, it reduces the time between rounds in a burst, not between bursts
  6. The funny thing about this is I know exactly who you are talking about.
  7. Back when I was even more of a noob, @GhosT used to answer all my questions, and there were a LOT. Very nurturing fella.
  8. first off, mean second, feel free to use a macro
  9. I'm tired most days. Inflammation in my hands is so bad I can't really feel what I'm holding, so in game I'm mostly getting owned. Thanks for asking though, Mort.
  10. I remember when Jericho used to laugh at Han. Karma is a fuzzy bunny.
  11. I dont even know how to feel about this topic anymore... shit is pretty bleak on NA.
  12. Are you saying LO removed a suggestion? Cuz there leliterally a section for suggestions, you sure it didnt get moved there? I'm sorry you thought a good idea was ignored. Again, the best thing you can do is give hard stat suggestions for LO to look at. Simply saying "nerf/buff x" isnt helpful.
  13. dethreat and get banned as far as Im concerned I think LO had a partially finished game mode and a community crying out for more content.
  14. Remember balance is not finished. Please give all the feedback you can (actual stats for any changes you would make), I can assure you LO reads the forums. Also try to remember that just like LO, you could be wrong. Aside from that thank you for expounding. P.S. SPCT are not LO, we are just player volunteers
  15. You realize macros are both detectable and bannable, right? My point is you as player have no idea if your opp is cheating or clicking.
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