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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. You cant be serious. This is next level ridiculousness, even from you.
  2. I love when out of mission players ruin my missions. Cuz living city or something Idno.
  3. It's fine for me and everyone I play with. I honestly dont know what you are talking about.
  4. That's all well and good, but theres no one left so I see no reason half the pop should be unable to play
  5. I cant speak for how good or bad you are, or how good or bad your opp was regardless, people are struggling to be able to play at all my only point was that, on Jericho, it doesn't matter anymore, there's no old players, there's no new players... only the void
  6. At this point who cares... NA is lucky to have one district a day and sometimes its a bronze district.
  7. Why is your hitreg so much worse than the rest of us?
  8. TiPs oN bReAkiNg tHe nTeC weird patootie thread
  9. How dare they not listen to your thread. Dont they know who you are???
  10. All opinions are welcome. Whether from average players like you, or top tier golds, every opinion matters.
  11. Americans and their silly holidays. smh
  12. ikr? you should show them and quit the game and the forums
  13. was* this was done years ago no If you own the masks, you keep them. They are just being removed from armas.
  14. If you missed the live broadcasts, I highly recommend watching the recordings. By the end of the tournament, I was hooked.
  15. What god loving patriot didnt own the mask already? smh Dont talk to me or my MAGA hat ever again.
  16. Why would that be better than perma banning? We struggle to populate one bronze and one silver district on Jericho, and sometimes only one of them. You want to split that population into 3 groups instead of 2?
  17. Fingers crossed we have enough players on Jericho.
  18. Wasn't there already a mobile game?
  19. Bro, do you even hear yourself? This is some Karen level stuff.
  20. They do. Learn to read, or at least TRY to know what you are talking about before posting. Especially if you are going to talk poop.
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