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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. Coincidentally, I have the Mamba TE and use Synapse 3... APB works fine with it.
  2. It kills slightly slower than the cr762 (.84 v .90), kills faster than the Obir (1.2 vs .90), and has nearly 30m more range than both. Its also a sniper with a .90 ttk compared to the HVRs 1.75. You can disagree on the hard damage nerf and that's fine, but your description of where the gun sits in the meta is demonstrably false. Im saying both of those are top tier meta weapons. was I not clear?
  3. Some greedy little buggers in this thread.
  4. If it is for you, you will never be very good.
  5. No, that's his point... blatant cheaters get caught and banned. Closets get away with it.
  6. I don't find that the hard damage nerf makes the gun all that much less viable tbh. Not enough for it to change my weapon hierarchy. Just my opinion though.
  7. but the Obir and Obeya have always been among the very best guns in the game
  8. since that isn't dethreating, I'm gonna say no
  9. Sounds like dethreating tbh.
  10. How could you possibly know the amount of GM activity?
  11. All that does is keep your threat from being as high as it should be, and bumps their threat higher than it should be. tl;dr that makes lopsided matches MORE likely
  12. Gotta do something to combat all the misinformation.
  13. If you've ever watched a high skill player stream, or even played with some yourself, you should know that they arent sweating at all... they hit that flow state and just chill their way through opp... winning with ease.
  14. Zero AFK hours, 11 characters and I'm like 233 on what will be my 5th max rank character. No, he didnt. Also, he was just a cheater who always got caught and banned. Even with Fairfight he couldn't get away with cheating. Only had a beef with Tiggs and co. He hasn't touched APB since LO took over.
  15. There's no need to get salty. Im not calling you an idiot am I? I clock in at nearly 6,000 hours by the way, and Im not even top 5 for hours played when it comes to SPCT, so I can assure you we play the game.
  16. EAC banned for cheats so I dunno what you are on about. You think EAC detects cheats and just kicks you til you disable them? That some pretty wild logic. The facts still remains, BE is catching and banning more cheaters than EAC leading to fewer cheaters, not more.
  17. Cheaters almost always test on alt accounts. These accounts get banned , keeping most of them from cheating on their mains. A lot of these bans are the same players getting banned over and over again as they try to get past BE. Nobody stopped cheating because of EAC (or any other other anti cheat), they just got caught less when compared to BE. (According to the data) On top of all that just listen to what you are saying "EAC must be better because it banned less cheaters".
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