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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. If you need to remain playable on ancient machines in order to survive, you've got bigger problems.
  2. Took me too long to figure this out. Definitely an S tier or A tier weapon.
  3. Hahahaha that's the forums for you!
  4. Lol... I dont see it ever coming back. Still fun to think about tho.
  5. You guys are so mean to us. Frickin bullies. Jokes aside, everything I said was true and it has nothing to do me being a tester. It's not that there arent very real issues preventing enjoyable gameplay, we all know there are. I just get tired of people pretending to have knowledge and/or expertise when they have neither.
  6. Look man, you dont know what can be afforded, you dont know anything about the servers. You dont know what resources LO has or are willing to expend. You dont actually KNOW anything. You try to sound smart, but it's obvious you do not know what you are talking about. Just stop already.
  7. So no inside info then. Must be all your experience keeping a game afloat.
  8. Go ahead I guess. Maybe what APB needs isnt bronzies fighting dethreaters, it needs bronzies fighting the gold 10 crowd. That should fix things. I should add that was sarcasm, because there are people in the thread who wouldn't realize it.
  9. You certainly have a lot of inside information, or just assume things. I can never remember which.
  10. Well yeah...one went bankrupt, the other is still going.
  11. If you don't want to take part in the beta you don't have to. For those that do, Its going to be fun.
  12. They work fine for me. We've had access to them since before the screenshots Matt allowed us to share.
  13. What made you think they weren't finished? You've seen screenshots.
  14. What did you do? Before this thread the only person I knew that had a permanent trade lock is a remarkably toxic friend of mine. (so it came as no surprise).
  15. I would add a party supply storefront named "SKay's Party Palace". ... happy birthday buddy @SKay
  16. Welcome to being an adult and enjoying the consequences of your actions. You will get used to it.
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