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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. Hmmm... it seems like maybe Im just lazy.
  2. Yeah I wouldn't worry too much about that.
  3. I was going to go through your post bit by bit, and link you the engine update thread since it was clear you have little understanding of that topic, but when I got to this part: I decided to simply recommend you find a different game to play. P.S. please stop with the polls
  4. I dont think I've ever spent more than about 30 or maybe 45 minutes one symbol. What are you doing my guy?
  5. Let's just call it the point at which weapon damage per shot begins to decrease.
  6. Watchman has HS3, IR3, Mob sling Bodyguard has Mag pull 3, and Mob sling
  7. I like the idea of a range nerf, that's a good suggestion.
  8. Portable cover for an entire match? I'm gonna pass on that one.
  9. Ok, that's fair. Btw if anyone wants some free symbols just DM me.
  10. Speaking of true golds, you should ask one of our more skilled streamers to play ATAC and then just watch. It's pretty gross tbh.
  11. You can already print money with symbols. I dont see a reason to add to that. Also, once a player buys a thing, they own it. If someone wants to put in the time to "invest" in symbols, that seems more like a thing to encourage than inhibit. (imo)
  12. Short of cheating, I don't know what offenses are first-offense bannable. This is significant because you may have reported someone for non-cheating violations, and action may have been taken against that player, but since it wasn't a ban it looks like nothing was done. As far as reporting cheaters go, you may just be wrong.
  13. Agree to disagree. Also, NA pop dropped. Mostly low threat players saw no reason to log in just to face high gold threat players. This is also part of why open conflict districts failed. People want fair matches.
  14. Made more than 400 symbols. Never sold them for more than 50k. I see them daily being sold for hundreds of thousands. I dont care because I'm still sitting on nearly 100mil. Stop crying and get hustling
  15. All it really means is you cant camp a car spawn and send endless waves of car bombs at people (brick).
  16. >doesn't want to get stomped in silver districts >says bronze players have to just deal with getting stomped Ok bud
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