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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. Honestly if you cannot afford $25 for APB, you might wanna get off the PC and get a job.
  2. O-PGL 79 CD Seriously, fudge getting booped by that thing.
  3. I've a pretty good idea what is and isnt allowed. It's the enforcement and such I dont know about.
  4. Certainly player population is a major reason, but I also think the greater transparency brought by LO has given people less to speculate and complain about. Add to that having forum mods not allowing the drama that went on with the old forums and well... you get to where we are now.
  5. If you arent sure, I would recommend the advanced launcher. If you want to do your own edits, you can only edit what is edited by the advanced launcher. Anything beyond that and you risk punishment. (I dont know how strongly this is enforced, or what the penalties are)
  6. Best choice would be the Manic over the C2, and the PMG over the Whisper. And if you say those are too easy, I'm going to ask how long you've been Gold 10.
  7. NA itself isnt "fine" so splitting its pop in half wouldn't be good for anyone.
  8. I'll be honest I'm not sure when but I wanna say LO brought it up early on. I also dont know what the punishments might be.
  9. Basically this^ but since the overdamage is minimal, you can very quickly go from 2stk to 3stk by waiting too long in between shots or buy missing your second shot. Very very fun gun to use, especially paired with a .45 AP. fun tip: the Duck is quite accurate when you simply crouch, this can be exploited (quick crouch and fire) in order to accurately land shots when you cant ADS. Good luck!
  10. mods are supposed to be trade-offs just like Hunting Sight ruins hipfire accuracy, CA3 takes longer to reach full health
  11. Removing things like smoke or muzzle flash are already against the rules. That's also not what people mean by closets. Closets are using actual cheats.
  12. Because the alternatives are shit. It's not that CA is broken, it's that the other options are garbage.
  13. Just do everything at once 4head It's like you think LOs staff is just sitting around with nothing to do.
  14. It is frustrating when a match is effectively over before time runs out. I'm sure we've all been there.
  15. You could also try adjusting your loadout and playstyle, chase and or cut off the runners, and get that win.
  16. It wasn't too expensive, EAC wanted full price for partial service.
  17. Very interesting. Im near Chicago but I hate playing West. I always assumed it was the extra ping but maybe its more than that.
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