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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. Getting pretty excited about those ugly patootie elf ears. I'd give you mine if I could.
  2. Real gamers buy em separately on every character.
  3. Try again when people are home from school or off of work. Wont be much better but you should be able to play.
  4. It's not. That guy never DDoS'd anyways.
  5. ^this is really the best advice, apb is a grind so you may as well get to it!
  6. The last time Summit streamed APB the servers were shitting themselves and the game was unplayable. Not surprisingly it did not increase pop.
  7. It's a file edit that allows your character to sprint without holding down shift.
  8. You might want to take it down a notch, champ.
  9. No. I don't have many strikes left and I changed my mind about you being worth it.
  10. Fun fact: not everything you learn from a Google search is true.
  11. Oh cool another one of these threads. Better late than never I guess. It's just an extra option. Tick the box or dont, its up to you.
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